Install kubeflow pipelines in GCP with knative and kfserving integration
You can use Google Cloud Shell or a local workstation to complete these steps
You'll need the following tools in your development environment. If you are using Cloud Shell, these tools are installed in your environment by default.
- gcloud
- kubectl
- git
Clone repository
git clone
In the repository describe with 3 files :
- : in this file will configure parameter to deploy new GKE cluster and install kubeflow pipelines
- : in this file will start installing istio as container network, knative, cert manager as prerequisite for kfserving installation
- to uninstall kubeflow pipelines from GKE cluster and will delete the cluster
cd kubeflow-pipelines-kfserving/
chmod +x *.sh
In order to use an existing cluster the kubectl
CLI should be properly authenticated. This can be done with the gcloud
CLI tool as follows:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <your cluster's name>