User support with RF traces pictures and infos are very welcome. Also development support.
Note: work in progress
- Modulation: FSK PCM
- Frequency: 868.95 MHz
- FSK Frequency Deviation: 80 kHz
- 25 µs bit time
- 40000 baud
- based on Semtech SX1211
- manual CRC
- CCITT Data Whitening
Payload format:
- Preamble {32} 0xaaaaaaaa
- Syncword {32} 0x8169967e
- Length {8}
- Payload {n}
- CRC16(Poly=0x1021,Init=0x0000)
The RFM69HW module is based on Semtech SX1231H. The nearest target frequency is 868.950012 MHz, the internal AFC is able to take care on this gap.
X3D Protocol analysis:
X3D Messages:
- RFM69HW 868 MHz
ESP32 | RFM69 |
3V3 | 3.3V |
D4 | DIO0 |
D5 | NSS |
D18 | SCK |
D19 | MISO |
D23 | MOSI |
The ESP sub projects based on ESP-IDF 5.x. Each project folder contains a vscode configuration.
- x3d-lib - Makefile gcc project to implement and test X3D generate and parsing lib.
- x3d-raw-monitor - Init the SX1231 chip with correct config for the X3D protocol and dumps packet hex over serial.
- x3d-raw-mqtt-publish - Publishes Raw packet binary over mqtt.
- x3d-controller - ESP32 Based X3D Controller Module Project. depricated
- ng-x3d-ctrl - Next Gen ESP32 Based X3D Controller Module Project.