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Python Code Style Guide

Roberto Preste edited this page Dec 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

Naming conventions

Type Convention Example
Function lowercase words separated by underscores my_function
Variable lowercase words separated by underscores my_variable
Class CamelCase words (no underscores) MyClass
Method lowercase words separated by underscores my_method
Constant UPPERCASE words separated by underscores MY_CONSTANT
Module lowercase words separated by underscores
Package lowercase words with no underscores mypackage


With assignment operators, comparisons and booleans use whitespace on either side:

my_variable = 5
if my_variable > 10 and my_variable < 20: 

Do not use whitespace when assigning a default value in a function signature or when calling a function with keyword arguments:

def my_function(my_var=10):

Do not use whitespace on the internal side of brackets, parentheses, etc.

Do not use whitespace before commas, colons and semicolons; but use whitespaces after commas, colons and semicolons.


4 spaces, avoid <tab> characters.
Python3 programs won't run if tabs and spaces are mixed together. Tabs can lead to issues, so please avoid them.

Blank lines

  • Surround top-level functions and classes with two blank lines
    class MyFirstClass:
    class MySecondClass:
    def top_level_function():
  • Surround methods inside classes with a single blank line
    class MyClass: 
       def first_method(self): 
       def second_method(self): 

Line length and line breaks

The most commonly suggested maximum line length is 79 characters.
If not possible to comply with this rule, please use line breaks responsibly:

  • strings can use parentheses:
    my_long_string = ("string string string string "
                      "string string string string "
                      "string string string string ")
  • imports can use parentheses:
    from module import (
       function1, function2, function3
  • math operations on multiple lines want the operator on the next line:
    total = (first 
             + second 
             * third)
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