Prototypes a sbt mulit-project (microservices-way)
Author: Maximilian Bundscherer (
- Docker local publish included
- Generate test coverage report(s)
- Different example projects included
- Example external dependencies (logging and more) included
- Example internal dependencies (helperExample) included
- Docker: Container
- Scala: programming language
- ScalaTest: testing project
- sbt-scoverage: generate test coverage report(s)
Example projects are:
- TestOne (project-name =
) - TestTwo (project-name =
A global helper is located in helperExample
. This helper is needed by appTestTwo.
Global Setting and dependencies are located in ./project/DefaultCommons.scala
Please see global build.sbt file located in ./build.sbt
and global plugins file located in ./project/plugins.sbt
Project is written in scala. Used log-library: Apache Log4j 2.
SBT is required.
- Run a project with
sbt "project <project-name>" run
- Test a project with
sbt "project <project-name>" clean coverage test
- Generate coverage report(s) with
sbt "project <project-name>" coverageReport
- Docker local publish with
sbt "project <project-name>" docker:publishLocal
Example: sbt "project appTestOne" run