Easily create stimuli pools for cognitive, learning, and psycholinguistics research
- GitHub repo: https://github.com/mario-bermonti/stimpool.git
- Documentation: https://stimpool.readthedocs.io/
- Free software: BSD-3 Clause
- Easily create Spanish word pools for research
- Specify the characteristics that meet your needs
- Provide your own word pool or use the default one
- Get the cleaned pool or save it to a file
pip install stimpool
from stimpool import WordPool
words = ["gato", "canción", "oso", "otorrinolaringólogo"]
word_pool = WordPool(words)
Check the documentation for more details.
All contributions are welcome!
Will find a detailed description of all the ways you can contribute to stimpool in the contributing guide.
This is a beginner-friendly project so don't hesitate to ask any questions or get in touch with the project's maintainers.
Please review the project's code of conduct before making any contributions.
This project was developed by Mario E. Bermonti-Pérez as part of his academic research. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or [email protected]
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the fedejaure/cookiecutter-modern-pypackage project template.