Partial implementation of LSP inlay hint.
Add lvimuser/lsp-inlayhints.nvim
using your favorite plugin manager and call
. See Configuration.
You can lazy load it on module
or LspAttach
event if you're calling it
after nvim has attached the server.
require("lsp-inlayhints").on_attach(client, bufnr)
For >0.8, you can use the LspAttach
vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("LspAttach_inlayhints", {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("LspAttach", {
group = "LspAttach_inlayhints",
callback = function(args)
if not ( and then
local bufnr = args.buf
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(
require("lsp-inlayhints").on_attach(client, bufnr)
If and which InlayHints
are provided depends on the language server's configuration. Read their docs.
Highlight group is LspInlayHint
; defaults to Comment
foreground with CursorLine
background, creating a 'block'-like effect.
A common suggestion is to use Comment
, either by linking it (hi link LspInlayHint Comment
) or setting it in the options.
VSCode's dark theme is similar to hi LspInlayHint guifg=#d8d8d8 guibg=#3a3a3a
You only need to pass the options you want to override.
local default_config = {
inlay_hints = {
parameter_hints = {
show = true,
prefix = "<- ",
separator = ", ",
remove_colon_start = false,
remove_colon_end = true,
type_hints = {
-- type and other hints
show = true,
prefix = "",
separator = ", ",
remove_colon_start = false,
remove_colon_end = false,
only_current_line = false,
-- separator between types and parameter hints. Note that type hints are
-- shown before parameter
labels_separator = " ",
-- whether to align to the length of the longest line in the file
max_len_align = false,
-- padding from the left if max_len_align is true
max_len_align_padding = 1,
-- highlight group
highlight = "LspInlayHint",
-- virt_text priority
priority = 0,
enabled_at_startup = true,
debug_mode = false,
Should work for all languages that implement the spec. Tested on rust-analyzer (via rust-tools.nvim)
, fsautocomplete (via ionide.vim)
, sumneko_lua
, gopls
, tsserver
If you're using rust-tools.nvim
, set
to false.
tools = {
inlay_hints = {
auto = false
is spec compliant from v1.1.0 onwards. If you're using an older version, add
See typescript-language-server#workspacedidchangeconfiguration.
Example configuration to enable inlay hints in TypeScript and JavaScript, using lspconfig:
settings = {
typescript = {
inlayHints = {
includeInlayParameterNameHints = 'all',
includeInlayParameterNameHintsWhenArgumentMatchesName = false,
includeInlayFunctionParameterTypeHints = true,
includeInlayVariableTypeHints = true,
includeInlayVariableTypeHintsWhenTypeMatchesName = false,
includeInlayPropertyDeclarationTypeHints = true,
includeInlayFunctionLikeReturnTypeHints = true,
includeInlayEnumMemberValueHints = true,
javascript = {
inlayHints = {
includeInlayParameterNameHints = 'all',
includeInlayParameterNameHintsWhenArgumentMatchesName = false,
includeInlayFunctionParameterTypeHints = true,
includeInlayVariableTypeHints = true,
includeInlayVariableTypeHintsWhenTypeMatchesName = false,
includeInlayPropertyDeclarationTypeHints = true,
includeInlayFunctionLikeReturnTypeHints = true,
includeInlayEnumMemberValueHints = true,
You might want to set VariableTypeHints
to false
if it's too noisy.
If you're on a version earlier than 15.0.0, you must use an older commit.
See and
If using p00f/clangd_extensions.nvim
, set autoSetHints = false
See If you're using ray-x/go.nvim
, set lsp_inlay_hints = { enable = false }
"gopls": {
"hints": {
"assignVariableTypes": true,
"compositeLiteralFields": true,
"constantValues": true,
"functionTypeParameters": true,
"parameterNames": true,
"rangeVariableTypes": true
Available settings:
- Server doesn't set
capability. - Server doesn't specify InlayHintKind and its options refer only to parameters.
Builtin workaround: attach regardless and treat unspecified hints as Parameter
If a server implements inlay hints on a different endpoint/method (not
), raise an issue with the request/response details to
check the possibility of a workaround.
Enable/disable the plugin globally.
Clears all inlay hints in the current buffer.
InlayHints (extmarks) get pushed to the line below when commenting lines. See: #2 (comment).
- Resolve request
- Command|Execute|TextEdits. Ref: inlayHintLabelPart
Originally based on simrat39's rust-tools.nvim implementation.
- nvim's builtin codelens
- VSCode