Kensa is an acceptance test tool which supports Java, Kotlin and JUnit5.
Kotlin and Java are both fully supported as of version 105.
On request, forking will be made available.
Either add the following static initialiser to an existing application configuration class or create a standalone Kensa configuration class
For Java
class YourAppNameExtension implements org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.Extension {
static {
Acronym.of("SA", "some Acronym")
For Kotlin
class YourAppNameExtension : org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.Extension {
companion object {
init {
Kensa.konfigure {
Acronym.of("SA", "some Acronym")
issueTrackerUrl = URL("")
outputStyle = MultiFile
This is a basic example of the configuration required for a simple application.
- Configuring acronyms is completely optional. They underline preconfigured words, which show the full definition on hover over.
- This adds a query parameter to the issueTrackerUrl, using the parameter object of the @Issue({"myQueryParameter"})
- This sets the format for how Kensa generates the test files.
are fully supported.
Annotate the test class with the @ExtendWith
For Java:
class MyTest implements JavaKensaTest, WithHamcrest {}
For Kotlin:
class MyTest : KotlinKensaTest, WithAssertJ {}
and KotlinKensaTest
provide givens builders and actions under test
and WithAssertJ
provide state extractors
replaces @Notes from Yatspec to link to issue tracker.
print comments, this works at method and class level.
can be used on field declarations and highlight the field / field value in the test output.
can be used on field declarations or parameter declarations and shows the field or variable value in the test output.
enables you to replace the words of a method call with the return value of the method.
collapses multiple assertions within a method and replaces them with a summary taken from the method name. On click the assertions made are visible.
emphasises text passages of interest. The annotation can be used for methods / functions or fields. Available text styles are textStyles
, textColor
and backgroundColor
For Java:
@Emphasise(textStyles = {dev.kensa.TextStyle.TextWeightBold, dev.kensa.TextStyle.TextDecorationUnderline}, backgroundColor = dev.kensa.Colour.TextPrimaryDark)
For Kotlin:
@Emphasise(textStyles = [dev.kensa.TextStyle.TextWeightBold, dev.kensa.TextStyle.TextDecorationUnderline], backgroundColor = [dev.kensa.Colour.BackgroundWarningLight])
is also available to give a double divider line in diagrams