ReactAdvantage is a starter kit to make starting your next React project easier so you can focus on the business logic instead of having to worry about the tooling and infrastructure. This project includes nice looking UI components (PrimeReact) and common pages, like login, that most web applications need.
In addition to making it easy to get started on a project with a well thought out architecture, one main goal was performance. For this reason, Apollo and GraphQL sit between React and ASP.NET Core 2. We are working toward building in Identity Server for authentication and authorization and on making the framework multi-tenant capable.
Clone the repo to a local directory.
This application has 2 parts. The backend components will all be under the server folder and the front end is all under the client folder.
The backend has two web services: API and IdentityServer.
Before the web services can be run, you need to configure the database. Since the application is using Entity Framework code first against a SQL Server database, you will need to run the data migrations against the database.
Configure the server name for the database connection string in either user secrets or the appsettings.json file for both projects.
(e.g. server/ReactAdvantage.Api/appsettings.Development.json
and server/ReactAdvantage.IdentityServer/appsettings.Development.json
After the connection string is configured, run the update-database command in the package manager if you are using Visual Studio. Be sure you have specified the EntityFramework project to run the command against.
Next, run IdentityServer application and API application. You can use RunServer.bat in the root folder of the repository to run both projects at once. If you are using Visual Studio, you can run both projects by selecting them and running without debug with Ctrl+F5. If all works properly, a browser should open and it will display identity server login form.
You can use the following default values to log in (tenant/username/password):
- (leave empty)/
for host admin default
for default tenant admin
After authorization you should be redirected back to Graphql Playground:
The client application and tooling depend on Node and Yarn, so be sure you have a current version of Node and Yarn installed on your development system.
The client is configured to use the locally running API and IdentityServer services. Alternatively, you can configure the client to use GraphQL API running on our dev server. You will need to request a login in order to be able to access it.
To use our dev server, modify client/.env.development
to lool like below:
Change to the root directory of the client application, install the JavaScript dependencies, and start the application.
cd ClientFolderPath
yarn install
yarn start
When it finishes compiling you should have a new browser open and should see the sample screens that are available in the application.
Change the logo by replacing the logo.png file under client\src\assets with your file of that same name.
While much of the scss will be associated with the pages and components, the overall colors are defined in the variables.scss file in the client\src\global-styles folder. By defining the colors in one place, you can make major changes to your application style in one place.
- PrimeReact - The UI Components used
- Apollo - Connect data to your UI as well as providing tooling and infrastructure for GraphQL queries.
- GraphQL - a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
- Asp.NET Core 2 - the framework the backend application logic is written in.
- IdentityServer 4 - OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core 2.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning.
- Joe Walling - Initial work - Walling Info Systems
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc