Hi, I'm James 👋. Currently, I am a Senior Research Engineer at Qognitive. I design and implement efficient numerical methods for machine learning and quantum computing algorithms and workflows. Previously, I was a Member of the Technical Staff at Lucata where I worked on porting GraphBLAS to Lucata's custom hardware. My work focused on implementing highly parallel linear algebra methods in C/C++. Before that I was a Flatiron Research Fellow in the Center for Computational Quantum Physics at the Flatiron Institute developing more efficient and robust algorithms for quantum chemistry.
- 🖥️ Currently working on: machine learning + linear algebra libraries
- 💬 Ask me about: High performance computing (HPC), Scientific Computing, Quantum Chemistry
- 🤔 Projects I'm tinkering with/thinking about:
- std::mdspan
- std::linalg
- CUDA C++ Core Libs
- 🦀 Rust
- Build systems
- Test frameworks for combinatorially large test suites.
Note Contributions to private repos are not included in the figures above.