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Bash Command Cheatsheet

Table Of Contents πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

Click on any topic to go there

  1. Navigation
  2. File Operations
  3. File Permissions
  4. Process Management
  5. Text Manipulation
  6. System Information
  7. Network
  8. Miscellaneous


  • cd [directory]: Change directory
    • Example: cd Documents (change to the "Documents" directory)
  • ls: List files and directories
    • Example: ls -l (list files in long format)
  • pwd: Print working directory
    • Example: pwd (print current working directory)

File Operations

  • touch [filename]: Create an empty file
    • Example: touch file.txt (create a new file named "file.txt")
  • cp [source] [destination]: Copy a file or directory
    • Example: cp file.txt /path/to/directory/ (copy file.txt to a directory at specified path)
  • mv [source] [destination]: Move or rename a file or directory
    • Example: mv file.txt newname.txt (rename file.txt to newname.txt)
  • rm [filename]: Remove a file
    • Example: rm file.txt (remove file.txt)
  • mkdir [directory]: Create a directory
    • Example: mkdir newdirectory (create a directory named "newdirectory")
  • rmdir [directory]: Remove an empty directory
    • Example: rmdir emptydirectory (remove an empty directory named "emptydirectory")
  • rm -r [directory]: Remove a directory and its contents recursively
    • Example: rm -r directory (remove the "directory" and all its contents recursively)
  • cat [filename]: Display the contents of a file
    • Example: cat file.txt (display the contents of file.txt)
  • head [filename]: Display the first lines of a file
    • Example: head -n 5 file.txt (display the first 5 lines of file.txt)
  • tail [filename]: Display the last lines of a file
    • Example: tail -n 10 file.txt (display the last 10 lines of file.txt)

File Permissions

  • chmod [permissions] [filename]: Change file permissions
    • Example: chmod 644 file.txt (change the permissions of file.txt to read-write for owner and read-only for others)
  • chown [owner:group] [filename]: Change file owner and group
    • Example: chown username:group file.txt (change the owner of file.txt to "username" and the group to "group")

Process Management

  • ps: List currently running processes
    • Example: ps aux (list all running processes and their details)
  • kill [process_ID]: Terminate a process
    • Example: kill 1234 (terminate the process with ID 1234)
  • bg: Send a process to the background
    • Example: bg %1 (send the job with ID 1 to the background)
  • fg: Bring a background process to the foreground
    • Example: fg %1 (bring the job with ID 1 to the foreground)
  • jobs: List background jobs
    • Example: jobs (list all background jobs)

Text Manipulation

  • grep [pattern] [filename]: Search for a pattern in a file
    • Example: grep "apple" fruits.txt (search for the word "apple" in fruits.txt)
  • sed [command] [filename]: Stream editor for filtering and transforming text
    • Example: sed 's/cat/dog/g' file.txt (replace all occurrences of "cat" with "dog" in file.txt)
  • awk [pattern] [filename]: Text processing tool for pattern matching and data manipulation
    • Example: awk '{print $1}' file.txt (print the first column of data in file.txt)

System Information

  • uname: Print system information
    • Example: uname -a (print all system information)
  • df: Display disk space usage
    • Example: df -h (display disk space usage in human-readable format)
  • free: Display memory usage
    • Example: free -h (display memory usage in human-readable format)
  • top: Display real-time system statistics
    • Example: top (display real-time system statistics)
  • history: View command history
    • Example: history (display the command history)


  • ping [hostname/IP]: Test network connectivity to a host
    • Example: ping (test network connectivity to
  • nslookup [hostname]: Look up the IP address of a domain name
    • Example: nslookup (look up the IP address of
  • ifconfig: Display network interface configuration
    • Example: ifconfig (display network interface configuration)
  • netstat: Display network connections and listening ports
    • Example: netstat -a (display all network connections and listening ports)


  • echo [text]: Print text to the terminal
    • Example: echo "Hello, world!" (print "Hello, world!" to the terminal)
  • date: Display current date and time
    • Example: date (display the current date and time)
  • whoami: Print current user name
    • Example: whoami (print the current user name)
  • sudo [command]: Execute a command with superuser (root) privileges
    • Example: sudo apt-get update (execute "apt-get update" command with superuser privileges)
  • man [command]: Display manual page for a command
    • Example: man ls (display the manual page for the "ls" command)
  • ! [command_number]: Execute a command from command history by its number
    • Example: !25 (execute the command with number 25 from the command history)

Bash Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet

Table Of Contents πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

Click on any topic to go there

  1. Command Line Navigation
  2. Command Line Editing
  3. Command Line Control

Command Line Navigation

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + A Move cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl + E Move cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl + B Move cursor one character back
Ctrl + F Move cursor one character forward
Alt + B Move cursor one word back
Alt + F Move cursor one word forward
Ctrl + U Delete from cursor position to the beginning of the line
Ctrl + K Delete from cursor position to the end of the line
Ctrl + W Delete the word before the cursor
Ctrl + Y Paste the last deleted text

Command Line Editing

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + L Clear the screen
Ctrl + C Interrupt current process
Ctrl + D Exit current shell or end input (EOF)
Ctrl + R Search command history
Ctrl + G Cancel current editing command
Tab Auto-complete file or directory names
Up Arrow Move to previous command in history
Down Arrow Move to next command in history
Ctrl + P Move to previous command in history (alternative)
Ctrl + N Move to next command in history (alternative)
Ctrl + Z Suspend current process
fg Resume suspended process in foreground
bg Resume suspended process in background
jobs List background processes

Command Line Control

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + D Log out of current session (equivalent to exit)
Ctrl + Alt + Del Restart the system
Ctrl + Alt + F1/F2/F3... Switch to virtual terminal 1/2/3...
Ctrl + Alt + F7 Switch back to X window (if using virtual terminals)
Ctrl + Alt + L Lock the screen

Note: These cheatsheets are not exhaustive; they cover some of the most commonly used commands and shortcuts. For more information, please refer to the Bash documentation and command manuals.


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