This tool converts block networks represented in the NuSMV format to Promela (SPIN). Block network models need to be represented in a specific format which can be understood by examining the example described below.
To build the tool, you need JDK 1.8 (or greater) and ant. Alternatively, you can use the precompiled version (jars/translator.jar). The tool is intended to work on Linux and Windows.
To build the tool, move to the root of the project and run:
The JAR executable will be generated under the name jars/translator.jar. As a single argument, it accepts the path to the directory which contains the model to be translated.
Let's examine how the tool works on the "PlusMinus" block network example:
java -jar jars/translator.jar ./example/
In the subdirectory example/basic/, Promela versions of basic block models must be provided in .pml files. In other words: the tool can't help with converting NuSMV basic blocks to Promela. The format of aforementioned .pml files must be Promela except specific headers and footers, see e.g. example/basic/BINARY_SWITCH.pml. Nondeterminism in the code as well as the use of processed is not allowed. In the example, corresponding NuSMV files are also provided for reference.
In the subdirectory example/composite/, composite NuSMV models (the ones to be translated to Promela) must be provided. Examine the file example/composite/plus_minus.smv to understand the required format. After the tool is executed, it will put corresponding Promela files into this directory.
You may contact Igor Buzhinsky ([email protected]).