The System Monitor is a very simple C# and WPF application designed to provide real-time monitoring of performance data on my computer. It offers visual representations of key metrics such as CPU performance, RAM (Memory) usage, Disk usage, and network activity. The application must be adapted to work on different machines, allowing users to monitor their system's performance and achieve more precision in the end results.
The System Monitor includes the following features:
CPU Section: Displays real-time CPU performance on a line chart, showcasing processor time for a single process and CPU usage for both the operating system and user applications.
RAM Section: Provides information about RAM usage in percentage using a progress bar. It also displays the amount of used and available memory.
Disk Usage: Visualizes disk usage as a percentage and provides details on the amount of used and free memory.
Network Usage: Shows real-time network usage in terms of sent and received data in megabits per second (Mb/s).
The System Monitor application allows users to customize certain values to achieve more precision in the end results. Some of the customizable options include:
- C# programming language
- Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) framework
- LiveCharts library (
- MahApps icon packs (
This project is licensed under the MIT License.