C++11 header-only wrapper for MinHook and funchook libraries
Support Windows(MinHook/FuncHook) and Linux(FuncHook) arch x86 and x86_64
Support exception mode
Simple usage:
#include <iostream>
#include "GuardDetour.h"
int orig_func()
std::cout << "ORIG FUNCTON" << std::endl;
return 0;
GuardDetour::GuardDetour<decltype(&orig_func)>* detour;
int hook_func()
std::cout << "HOOKED FUNCTION" << std::endl;
return 1;
int main()
detour = new GuardDetour::GuardDetour<decltype(&orig_func)>(&orig_func, &hook_func);
delete detour;
Use return value and change parameters:
#include <iostream>
#include "GuardDetour.h"
#include "jni.h"
int orig_func(std::string str)
std::cout << "str: " << str << std::endl;
return 0;
GuardDetour::GuardDetour<decltype(&orig_func)>* detour;
int orig_hook(std::string str)
int ret = detour->call_original(str + "_hooked");
std::cout << "Orig funcion return " << ret << std::endl;
return 1;
int main()
detour = new GuardDetour::GuardDetour<decltype(&orig_func)>(&orig_func, &orig_hook);
// Direct function call, non-hooked
int ret = orig_func("directcall");
std::cout << "Function return " << ret << std::endl;
// Direct function call, hooked
ret = orig_func("directcall");
std::cout << "Function return " << ret << std::endl;
// Original function call, hooked
ret = detour->call_original("originalcall");
std::cout << "Function return " << ret << std::endl;
delete detour;
str: directcall
Function return 0
str: directcall_hooked
Orig funcion return 0
Function return 1
str: originalcall
Function return 0
Constructor GuardDetour(typeOriginal original, typeHook hook)
original - original function
hook - four hook
Method void hook()
Enable hook
Method void disable()
Disable hook
Method void* _original()
Return raw ptr to original function
Define USE_MINHOOK to switch to MinHook library(default FuncHook)
Define GUARD_EXCEPTION_MODE to throw exception in error