This project has been moved from:
The goal of this project is to generate a Java Library from [ MAVLink] xml files for embedded Java (Android or not) and Java ground stations. It works with MAVLink 0.9 or 1.0 xml files.
It is architectured with 4 Eclipse Java projects:
- org.mavlink.generator : contains the generator and MAVLink xml files. Generated code is put in org.mavlink.library/generated folder.
- org.mavlink.library : Helpers for MAVLink and message. Contains generated code from generator.
- org.mavlink.util : CRC classes uses by generator and library.
- org.mavlink.maven : parent pom for the project
Put desired mavlink xml files in a directory. Don't forget include files. By example for ardupilotmega generation put ardupilotmega.xml and common.xml in a directory.
Then generate code in directory "generated" in org.mavlink.library Eclipse project.
So build org.mavlink.library and org.mavlink.util Eclipse project and generate jar with each jardesc in projects.
Now you can use the 2 generated jar in your projects!
Command line arguments of MAVLink Java generator are :
- source : xml file or directory path containing xml files to parse for generation
- target : directory path for output Java source files
- isLittleEndian : true if type are exchanged or stored in LittleEndian in buffer, false for BigEndian
- forEmbeddedJava : true if generated code must use apis for embedded code (CLDC), false else for ground station
- useExtraByte : if true use extra crc byte to compute CRC : true for MAVLink 1.0, false for 0.9
- debug : true to generate toString methods in each message class
java org.mavlink.generator.MAVLinkGenerator resources/v1.0 target/ true true true true
java org.mavlink.generator.MAVLinkGenerator resources/v1.0/ardupilotmega.xml target/ true true true true
Generate MAVLink message Java classes for mavlink xml files contains in resources/v1.0 in target diretory for Little Endian data, embedded code with debug code.
- Copy the 4 projects in a directory
- Go in org.mavlink.generator and run (Linux) or makedistrib.bat (Windows)
- A distrib directory is generated at the same level as the 3 projects
- Copy the directory distrib/Java in the mavlink distribution : .../mavlink/pymavlink/generator
- Go in .../mavlink/pymavlink/generator/Java
So users must run gen_java.bat (Windows) or (Linux) to generate jar files. All lib are generated in lib directory. Users must choose lib/org.mavlink.util-1.00.jar and one of the org.mavlink.library-xxx.jar generated to work.
Use MAVLinkReader to read messages with method MAVLinkMessage getNextMessage(). It's return a message if available else null.
MAVLinkReader reader = new MAVLinkReader(dis, IMAVLinkMessage.MAVPROT_PACKET_START_V10);
MAVLinkMessage msg;
while (true) {
msg = reader.getNextMessage();
if (msg != null) {
// Do your stuff
You can use also getNextMessageWithoutBlocking() : If bytes available, try to read it. Don't wait message is completed, it will be retruned nex time.
Use encode() method on MAVLink message to generate a byte buffer so you can send it in a Data Output Stream.
msg_heartbeat hb = new msg_heartbeat(sysId, componentId);
hb.sequence = sequence++;
hb.custom_mode = custom_mode;
hb.mavlink_version = 3;
hb.system_status = MAV_STATE.MAV_STATE_POWEROFF;
byte[] result = hb.encode();
Don't hesitate to send me your issues or requests! :-)
Have fun with that!
Actually 2 projects are using this code for Android :
[ AndroPilot] Thank's to Kevin Hester to his remarks and issues!
[ Autoquad] Thank's to Peter Hafner for his choice! :-)