Releases: ezyang/htmlpurifier
Releases Β· ezyang/htmlpurifier
4.18.0 (2024-11-01)
Bug Fixes
- Adjust Core.AllowHostnameUnderscore to consider that "_" is defined as Unreserved Characters in RFC 3986 (#406) (d9fbef8)
- Avoid a deprecated error when the attribute name is numeric and DirectLex is used (#412) (f0fbf51)
- checking that node has property name (#399) (9ca5a36)
- Ignore conditional comments (#401) (4828fdf)
- Support PHP 8.4 (#396) (92da247)
- undefined array key warning (#419) (01be377)
4.17.0 (2023-11-17)
Bug Fixes
- CSSTidy ImportantComments not handled properly (#359) (78a9b4d)
- fix CI (#361) (9ec687c)
- Invalid scheme check in Attr.TargetBlank (#363) (0176ef4)
- semantic release (#339) (d82f3d9)
- semantic release (#341) (e55fead), closes #339
- Support for locales using decimal separators other than . (dot) (#372) (43f49ac)
- Add support for all text-decoration properties (#360) (2d775c0)
- Allows commas to be included in tel URI (#389) (ec92490), closes #388