This is NOT intended for production purposes.
This is intended strictly for learning and/or development purposes only.
Docker Desktop must installed and running on your computer (Desktop Community edition is perfectly fine) prior to following the steps below.
Follow the steps outlined below to get the container up and running.
- Clone this repo to your desktop
- Launch your shell program and
into the cloned directory - Modify the
file with your custom TSQL - Select one of the following options below
- Launch your shell program and
into the cloned directory - Run the following command:
docker-compose up
Docker will then begin to do its thing.
- Launch your shell program and
into the cloned directory - Modify the
as you desire - Run the following command:
docker build -t yourname/yourapp .
- Start a new container using
docker run
docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=5trongP@55w0rd' -p 5533:1433 --name your-container-name -d yourname/yourapp
Note: MSSQL passwords must be at least eight (8) characters long, contain upper case, lower case, and digits.
To stop the container, follow these steps:
- Open the shell window where the program is running
- On maxOS, use
- On Windows, use
- Launch your shell program and
into the cloned directory - Run the following command:
docker-compose down
- Microsoft Docker Hub
- Microsoft SQL Server in Docker Github Repo
- Quickstart: Run SQL Server container images with Docker
- Best Practices (Deploy and connect to SQL Server Docker containers)
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