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tidyterra 0.6.0

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@dieghernan dieghernan released this 23 Apr 03:51
  • Requires ggplot2 (>= 3.5.0).
  • New methods for SpatVector objects:
    • pivot_longer.SpatVector() and pivot_wider.SpatVector().
    • fill.SpatVector().
  • New geom geom_spatraster_contour_text() implemented on top of
  • glimpse.SpatRaster() and glimpse.SpatVector() now displays information
    using ?tibble::print.tbl_df approach for the header and the footer. The
    body is still displayed transposed as of dplyr::glimpse(). See
    pillar::tbl_format_header() and pillar::tbl_format_footer() for
  • as_sf() converts a SpatVector to a sf object with an additional
    tbl_df class for pretty printing.
  • fortify.SpatRaster() gains a new argument pivot that allows better
    integration with other ggplot2 geoms when pivoting. This is a wrapper of
  • Tidy documentation.
  • metR added to Suggests.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.5.2...v0.6.0