is a simple full size modal image for iOS and Android.
You can pinch zoom-in/out, double-tap zoom-in/out, move and swipe-to-dismiss.
There are blog posts about how to use react-native-image-modal
- English: how to use react-native-image-modal
- 한국어: react-native-image-modal 사용법
- 日本語: react-native-image-modal 使い方
Execute the command to install react-native-image-modal
# npm
npm install --save react-native-image-modal
# yarn
yarn add --dev react-native-image-modal
# pnpm
pnpm add --save react-native-image-modal
Import react-native-image-modal.
import ImageModal from 'react-native-image-modal'
Add the source code below to where you want to use it.
return (
width: 250,
height: 250,
uri: '',
If you want to use a custom image component like react-native-fast-image
or expo-image
, you can use renderImageComponent
import FastImage, {ImageStyle, ResizeMode} from 'react-native-fast-image';
width: imageWidth,
height: 250,
uri: '',
renderImageComponent={({source, resizeMode, style}) => (
style={style as StyleProp<ImageStyle>}
source={source as ImageRequireSource}
resizeMode={resizeMode as ResizeMode}
You can use All props of React Native Image for the original image(not full size modal image).
Below are react-native-image-modal
specific properties.
Prop | required | Type | Description |
renderToHardwareTextureAndroid | X | boolean | It is for Android animation. Default is true . If you don't want to use Hardware Texture on Android, set false . |
isTranslucent | X | boolean | if you use translucent status bar in android, set true to prevent wrong position animation. (In Expo, translucent default is true ) |
swipeToDismiss | X | boolean | set true to swipe to dismiss (default: true ) |
imageBackgroundColor | X | string | background color for the original image |
overlayBackgroundColor | X | string | background color for the full size modal (default: #000000 ) |
(Deprecated) modalRef | X | ImageDetail | You can use this Ref for closing the Modal programmatically. (This pros is deprecated. Please use the ref props.) |
ref | X | ReactNativeImageModal | You can use this Ref for opening or closing the Modal programmatically. |
disabled | X | boolean | disable opening the modal |
modalImageStyle | X | ImageStyle | Image Style in Modal |
resizeMode | X | ResizeMode('contain', 'cover', 'stretch','center') | Image resizeMode |
modalImageResizeMode | X | ResizeMode('contain', 'cover', 'stretch','center') | Image resizeMode for modal image. If it is not passed, it will follow the resizeMode . |
parentLayout | X | { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; } | Parent layout of image modal to hide overflow of image. |
animationDuration | X | number | Duration of animation. Default is 100ms. |
hideCloseButton | X | boolean | hide hide the default close button |
onLongPressOriginImage | X | () => void | long press event callback for the original image |
renderHeader | X | (close: () => void) => ReactNode | You can customize the header of the full size modal with react native components |
renderFooter | X | (close: () => void) => ReactNode | You can customize the footer of the full size modal with react native components |
renderImageComponent | X | ({ source: ImageSourcePropType, style?: StyleProp, resizeMode?: ImageResizeMode, isModalOpen: boolean}) => ReactNode | You can customize the footer of the full size modal with react native components |
isRTL | X | boolean | You can use this library with right-to-left-devices. (#35) |
onTap | X | (eventParams: {locationX: number; locationY: number; pageX: number; pageY: number;}) => void | one tap event callback for the full size modal |
onDoubleTap | X | () => void | double tap event callback for the full size modal |
onLongPress | X | () => void | long press event callback for the full size modal |
onOpen | X | () => void | open event callback for the full size modal |
didOpen | X | () => void | event callback after open for the full size modal |
onMove | X | (position: {type: string; positionX: number; positionY: number; scale: number; zoomCurrentDistance: number;}) => void | move event callback for the full size modal |
responderRelease | X | (vx?: number, scale?: number) => void | responder release event callback for the full size modal |
willClose | X | () => void | event callback before close for the full size modal |
onClose | X | () => void | close event callback for the full size modal |
- Open and close the image modal.
- Pinch zoom in/out and move.
- Double tap zoom in/out.
- Swipe to dismiss.
- Customize the component with the close button.
You can see the example code and demo.
Clone the repository
git clone
Install libraries
cd Example
npm install
# iOS
cd ios
pod install
Execute the example project.
# Example folder
# iOS
npm run ios
# Android
npm run android
You can follow below to contribute react-native-image-modal.
Clone the repository.
git clone
Install libraries.
npm install
npx lefthook install
Execute the following command to start the project.
npm start
Execute the Develop project via the commands below.
cd Develop
npm install
# android
npm run android
# ios
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
npm run ios