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The fastest little YouTube web component on this side of the internet. The shadow dom web component version of Paul's lite-youtube-embed.


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A web component that displays YouTube embeds faster. Based on Justin Ribeiro's excellent <lite-youtube>, which, in turn, is a shadow DOM version of Paul's lite-youtube-embed.


  • No dependencies; it's just a vanilla web component.
  • It's fast yo.
  • It's shadow DOM encapsulated! (supports CSS ::part)
  • It's responsive 16:9
  • It's accessible via keyboard and will set ARIA via the videotitle attribute
  • It's locale ready; you can set the videoplay to have a properly locale based label
  • Set the start attribute to start at a particular place in a video
  • You can set autoload to use Intersection Observer to load the iframe when scrolled into view.
  • Loads placeholder image as WebP with a Jpeg fallback
  • new in v1.1: Adds nocookie attr for use with use as iframe embed uri
  • new in v1.2: Adds playlistid for playlist loading interface support
  • new in v1.3: Adds loading=lazy to image placeholder for more perf with posterloading attr if you'd like to use eager
  • new in v1.4: Adds short attr for enabling experimental YouTube Shorts mobile interaction support. See (example video)[] for details.
  • new in v1.5: Adds support for nonce attribute via window.liteYouTubeNonce for CSP 2/3 support.

Install via package manager

This web component is built with ES modules in mind and is available on NPM:

To install, use your package manager of choice:

pnpm i @cshawaus/lite-youtube
# or
npm i @cshawaus/lite-youtube
# or
yarn add @cshawaus/lite-youtube

After installing import into your project using the following:

import '@cshawaus/lite-youtube'

Usage with CommonJS

CommonJS is supported for those who aren't ready to adopt ESM yet.


Install with CDN

If you want the paste-and-go version, you can simply load it via CDN:

<!-- always the latest version -->
<script src=""></script>
<script type="module" src=""></script>

<!-- pinned to a specific version -->
<script src="[email protected]/lib/index.js"></script>
<script type="module" src="[email protected]/lib/index.esm.js"></script>

Basic Usage

<lite-youtube videoid="guJLfqTFfIw"></lite-youtube>

Basic Usage with Fallback Link

A fallback appears in any of the following circumstances:

  1. Before the compontent is initialized
  2. When JS is disabled (like <noscript>)
  3. When JS fails or the lite-youtube script is not loaded/executed
  4. When the browser doesn't support web components
<lite-youtube videoid="guJLfqTFfIw">
  <a class="lite-youtube-fallback" href="">
    Watch on YouTube: "Sample output of devtools-to-video cli tool"

Example CSS:

.lite-youtube-fallback {
  aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; /* matches YouTube player */
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  flex-direction: column;
  gap: 1em;
  padding: 1em;
  background-color: #000;
  color: #fff;
  text-decoration: none;

/* right-facing triangle "Play" icon */
.lite-youtube-fallback::before {
  display: block;
  content: '';
  border: solid transparent;
  border-width: 2em 0 2em 3em;
  border-left-color: red;

.lite-youtube-fallback:hover::before {
  border-left-color: #fff;

.lite-youtube-fallback:focus {
  outline: 2px solid red;

Playlist Usage

Setting the YouTube playlistid allows the playlist interface to load on interaction. Note, this still requires a videoid for to load a placeholder thumbnail as YouTube does not return a thumbnail for playlists in the API.

<lite-youtube videoid="VLrYOji75Vc" playlistid="PL-G5r6j4GptH5JTveoLTVqpp7w2oc27Q9"></lite-youtube>

Add Video Title

<lite-youtube videotitle="This is a video title" videoid="guJLfqTFfIw"></lite-youtube>

Update interface for Locale

<lite-youtube videoplay="Mirar" videotitle="Mis hijos se burlan de mi español" videoid="guJLfqTFfIw"> </lite-youtube>

Style It

Height and Width are responsive in the component.

  .styleIt {
    width: 400px;
    margin: auto;
<div class="styleIt">
  <lite-youtube videoid="guJLfqTFfIw"></lite-youtube>

Using shadow DOM ::part

Because the shadow DOM exists outside of the normal page context it prevent global CSS from being applied. To overcome this you can make use of the ::part CSS pseudo-element that can traverse the shadow tree and apply styles from the global context.

.lite-youtube ::part(frame) {
  border: 2px solid red;

Available parts

CSS pseudo-element Description
::part(frame) Targets the main player frame
::part(picture-frame) Targets the <picture> element
::part(picture) Targets the <img> element in <picture>
::part(play-button) Targets the play button

Enable YouTube Shorts interaction on mobile

See the example video of how this feature works for additional details.

<lite-youtube videoid="vMImN9gghao" short></lite-youtube>

AutoLoad with IntersectionObserver

Uses Intersection Observer if available to automatically load the YouTube iframe when scrolled into view.

<lite-youtube videoid="guJLfqTFfIw" autoload> </lite-youtube>

Set a video start time

<!-- Start at 5 seconds -->
<lite-youtube videoid="guJLfqTFfIw" videoStartAt="5"></lite-youtube>

Fine tune the poster quality for a video

<lite-youtube videoid="guJLfqTFfIw" posterquality="maxresdefault"></lite-youtube>

YouTube QueryParams

Use any YouTube Embedded Players and Player Parameters you like.

Note: the exception to this rule is the autoplay param; because of the nature of the performance loading and the inconsistency of usage, that parameter generally does not work. See this comment for details.

<lite-youtube videoid="guJLfqTFfIw" params="controls=0&enablejsapi=1"> </lite-youtube>


The web component allows certain attributes to be give a little additional flexibility.

Name Description Default
videoid The YouTube videoid ``
playlistid The YouTube playlistid; requires a videoid for thumbnail ``
videotitle The title of the video Video
videoplay The title of the play button (for translation) Play
videoStartAt Set the point at which the video should start, in seconds 0
posterquality Set thumbnail poster quality (maxresdefault, sddefault, mqdefault, hqdefault) hqdefault
posterloading Set img lazy load attr loading for poster image lazy
nocookie Use as iframe embed uri false
autoload Use Intersection Observer to load iframe when scrolled into view false
short Show 9:16 YouTube Shorts-style interaction on mobile devices false
params Set YouTube query parameters ``


The web component fires events to give the ability understand important lifecycle.

Event Name Description Returns
liteYoutubeIframeLoaded When the iframe is loaded, allowing us of JS API detail: { videoId: this.videoId }


The fastest little YouTube web component on this side of the internet. The shadow dom web component version of Paul's lite-youtube-embed.







  • TypeScript 96.0%
  • JavaScript 4.0%