Spring Boot Redis sample projects:
- Redis as DB - Spring Data Redis
- Redis for caching - Spring Caching
- Messaging with Redis - Spring Data Redis
- docker
- curl / httpie / postman
Start Redis
docker run -d --rm --name redis -p 6379:6379 redis:alpine redis-server --appendonly yes
Start application
mvnw clean package spring-boot:run
Now you can call the exposed endpoints.
PLEASE NOTE: A bench of sample data are loading automatically in the DB.
Redis as DB
- GET /posts --> Get all posts
- GET /posts/{id} --> Get post by id
- POST /posts --> Insert new post
- PUT /posts --> Update existing post
- DELETE /posts --> Delete all posts
- DELETE /posts/{id} --> Delete post by id
Redis for caching
- GET /posts --> Get all posts
- GET /posts/{id} --> Get post by id
- POST /posts --> Insert new post
- PUT /posts --> Update existing post
- DELETE /posts --> Delete all posts
- DELETE /posts/{id} --> Delete post by id
- GET /cache --> Get all cache keys
- GET /cache/{key} --> Get cache by key
- DELETE /cache --> Evict whole cache
- DELETE /cache/{key} --> Evict cache by key
PLEASE NOTE: URL root http://localhost:8080
PLEASE NOTE: Messaging with Redis does not expose any endpoint, it's a simple batch application
- https://medium.com/@MatthewFTech/spring-boot-cache-with-redis-56026f7da83a
- https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-evict-cache
- https://www.baeldung.com/spring-cache-tutorial
- https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-redis/
- https://dzone.com/articles/intro-to-redis-with-spring-boot
- https://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-redis-pub-sub