Following ANN, THE ENDED the competition run worker in here Dashboard has ENDED. Earn Points Participants can earn Allora Points through a variety of on-chain and off-chain activities
Let’s forge the future together here Connect Wallet -> Apply -> Eligible Dahsboard
The Allora Model Forge is the hub for monetization of machine learning models. Compete alongside top talent in AI, create models with real impact, and earn rewards & recognition within the Allora ecosystem and beyond.
⚒️ 12h ETH/USD Volatility Prediction
⚒️ 12h ETH/USDC Volume Prediction
⚒️ 5 min ETH/USD Price Prediction
git clone
cd allora-cpu
chmod +x
- Run the worker - directory
- Setting wallet & phrase or direct to manual
- Setting docker-compose.yaml
- Setting docker-compose-reputer.yaml
- Setting coingecko API=
cd allora-cpu/allora-node
chmod +x ./
./ "wallet_name" "mnemonic_phrase" "coingecko_api_key"
+ example:
- chmod +x ./
- ./ "bangsat_kau" "kalo_pake_model_sendiri_pasti_dapat_point" "CG-4z765aZSHGD1"
docker compose pull
docker compose up --build -d
- Check logs after run
docker compose logs -f
- Trying editing
- Buidl python in the
file - To edit for the best your 'own model' and run cmd
- Save the model
CTRL + X and then Y
save ENTER
- Run command below!!
chmod +x ./
- Run command below!!
- Copied of CONTAINER-ID
- docker logs -f
- Enter and check the logs
sudo docker ps -a
docker logs -f
Training the model in ranges 30-60 Minutes!! plz keep until success
- Check your IMAGES run as 'allora-train-model:1.0.0'
- Check the file folder like ETH/BTC etc
- Check logs for training horizon symbol
- 5-10 Minutues & 20 Minutes & 1440 Minutes (5m-10m-20m-1D)
- The Container-ID with train will be auto exited after the completed