This repository is for SACD reconstruction, and it will be in continued development. It is distributed as accompanying software for publication: Weisong Zhao et al. Enhanced detection of fluorescence fluctuation for high-throughput super-resolution imaging, Nature Photonics (2023). Please cite SACD in your publications, if it helps your research.
The related FIJI/ImageJ plug-in version can be found at HERE
You can also find some fancy results and comparisons on my website.
If you are interested in our work, I wrote a #behind_the_paper post for further reading.
- The SACD reconstruction requires resolution-related parameter to execute deconvolution, you can give it with
;wavelength (nm)
; andpixel-size (nm)
, or just provideresolution
, or feed it with yourown-PSF
. Here are 3 examples:
SRimg = SACDm(imgstack, 'pixel', 65, 'NA', 1.3, 'wavelength', 561);
SRimg = SACDm(imgstack, 'pixel', 65, 'resolution', 250);
SRimg = SACDm(imgstack, 'psf', ownpsf);
- Please try help to get the API.
help SACDm
- Regarding the SACD SR frame visualization, it can be scaled with a gamma correction according to the bSOFI setting.
background = 0.02; order = 2;
SRimg2vis = real(SRimg.^0.5);
SRimg2vis(SRimg2vis < order * background * max(SRimg2vis(:))) = 0;
figure(2);imshow(SRimg2vis, [], 'colormap', hot)
Two demos can also be found at the SACDj release v1.1.3.
This repository contains the MATLAB source code for SACD .
If you are not a MATLAB user, you can have a try on the imagej version of SACD: SACDj.
- v0.2.0 Sparse-SACD reconstruction core
- v0.1.0 SACD reconstruction core
- ImageJ plug-in version of SACD: SACDj
- Some fancy results and comparisons: my website
- Preprint: Weisong Zhao et al. Enhancing detectable fluorescence fluctuation for high-throughput and four-dimensional live-cell super-resolution imaging, bioRxiv (2022).
- Reference: Weisong Zhao et al. Enhanced detection of fluorescence fluctuation for high-throughput super-resolution imaging, Nature Photonics (2023)
- Full FRC-assisted SACD;
- Full 3D-SACD;
- GPU acceleration.
Open source SACDm
This software and corresponding methods can only be used for non-commercial use, and they are under Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0.