Bash script to update a dynamic dns to CloudFlare.
Script will email on errors and successful updates of DNS.
Also performs a monthly force update of your DNS Records even if your ip address hasn't changed.
An email is sent after a force update in order to let you know that everything is still operational.
Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa and 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish.
Script assumes you have a working mail server (postfix, etc) so that it can send you updates.
You will also need to install curl and jq.
example: sudo apt install curl jq
- Save the script someplace like /home/username/scripts/
- Change permissions to make it executable:
sudo chmod 700 /home/username/scripts/
- Open the script file and configure the Settings at the top of the file.
- You will need to know your email address, zone id from CloudFlare, api token from CloudFlare, and domain names.
- Either place the script directly into one of the cron dirs, symlink it there, or put a line to execute it directly into crontab.
- If you place the script directly into cron.hourly make sure to leave off the extension
- Symlink to cron.hourly:
ln -s /home/username/scripts/ /etc/cron.hourly/dns-update
- Add to crontab:
crontab -e
and add line0 * * * * /home/username/scripts/
to have it run hourly on the hour.