SNPmanifold is a Python package that learns a representative manifold for single cells based on their SNPs (Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms) using VAE (Variational AutoEncoder) and UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection). It takes AD matrix, DP matrix, and VCF (or variant_name.tsv) as inputs. You can compile them from bam file(s) either conveniently by cellSNP-lite or by your custom scripts.
SNPmanifold first performs simple filtering on AD matrix and DP matrix for high-quality cells and SNPs. It then trains VAE and UMAP to learn a representative manifold for single cells according to their allele frequency of different SNPs (AF = AD/DP). Finally, it classifies cells into clones and infer their phylogeny based on the manifold.
Quick install can be achieved via pip (python 3.8 needed)
# for published version
pip install -U SNPmanifold
# or developing version
pip install -U git+
Or set a conda environment before installing (credits to Xinyi Lin).
Replace $myenv
with the environment name you prefer.
conda create -n $myenv python=3.8
conda activate $myenv
pip install -U git+
Full documentation is at
Here is a quick start:
- Import SNPmanifold and create an object of the class SNP_VAE.
from SNPmanifold import SNP_VAE
- Run 4 methods (filtering, training, clustering, phylogeny) in order.
Each method can rerun sperately without reruning prior methods.
The demo page and notebook SNPmanifold_demo.ipynb show a demo for quick usage of SNPmanifold on MKN45 cancer cell line using mitochondrial SNPs.
See how to use it via the API page.