Skycons for Mendix implements 10 animated weather icons from the Skycons library for use in your Mendix Application The original Skycons repository can be found here
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For weather information on, for example dashboards
The Mendix implementation of the Skycons library allows the user to show of one ten available, animated, weather icons in your application.
The widget does not need an entity as it's context, but will work nonetheless Place the widget at the desired location on your page. The widget properties are pretty straightforward:
- Icon - What type of icon to display.
- Width - The width of the canvas element.
- Height - The height of the canvas element.
- Colors - Whether to use one color or 'real-life' coloring (ie. the sun is yellow, and raindrops are blue) or a single color for the entire icon.
- Color - If at the 'Colors' property 'One Color' is selected, what color should the icon be?
- Animate - Whether to animate the icon or not.
Forecast tab (New in version 2.0)
- Forecast - Should we get the icons from the forecast API?
- API key - If you want to enable a forecast, register for an API key on .The first 1000 calls PER DAY are free!
- Lat - A microflow which should return your (or the users) latitude as a String.
- Long - A microflow which should return your (or the users) longitude as a String.
- Extra days - useful if you want to get a specific date. If set to zero it will use the current date, if set to 1 tomorrow (currentDate +1), etc.
- Show Temperature - Should we show the temperature below the icon? Note that this is purely for plain displaying it. Styling is not included :-).
- Temperature scale - Show the temperature in Celcius or Fahrenheit (obviously only has impact if Show Temperature and forecasting is set to Yes).
We ran into a 'Constructor not found' issue when navigating to / from the page the widget was on. However, recently the widget has been working fine, both in a sandbox environment as locally. If you do run in to this issue, and know how to solve is, let us know. Or better yet, issue a Pull Request on Github!