Flask-PAM is a plugin for Flask microframework which enables authentication using Linux's PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module). You can check if user:
- is authenticated
- is in specified group
using views' decorators.
To install Flask-PAM you should use setup.py
python setup.py install
If you use Python's virtual environments don't forget to activate it using this command:
source bin/activate
in virtualenv's directory.
Firstly, you have initialize flask_pam.Auth
object and choose storage type for
tokens and type of token:
from flask import Flask
from flask_pam import Auth
from flask_pam.token import Simple
from flask_pam.token_storage import DictStorage
app = Flask(__name__)
auth = Auth(DictStorage, Simple, app)
When you write a view which requires authentication, you have to use
def protected_view():
When you want to require user to be a member of some group, you use
def group_protected_view():
Important! User who runs Flask application need to have access to
file. In some cases it's only needed to add that user to shadow
group. Sometimes you have to create that group and change group of /etc/shadow
file and then add user to that group.
You can check example which is located in example