Prototype for WasteDetection using high quality Satellite Imagery
Install Python
- Download Python (
- Launch python-3.9.13-amd64.exe
- Install Python 3.9.13
- Choose Customize Installation
- Optional Features
- Check
- pip
- py launcher
- for all users (requires elevation)
- Next
- Check
- Advanced Options
- Check
- Install for all users
- Associate files with Python (requires the py launcher)
- Add Python to enviroment variables
- Precompile standard library
- Customize install location
- C:\Program Files\Python39
- Install
- Check
- Install Python 3.9.13
Install numpy
- Launch cmd
- Enter the following command:
- pip install numpy
- Enter the following command:
- Launch cmd
Extract the downloaded file directly to the C: drive
You must have “Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019” installed for using this package.
- It can be downloaded freely from microsoft
Download at (
- Download gdal-3.6.3-1930-x64-core.msi
- Download
- Launch gdal-3.6.3-1930-x64-core.msi
- Choose the Complete Setup Type
- Install for all users
- Select Python Installations
- Python 3.9 from registry
- Install location should be C:\Program Files\GDAL
- Launch
System Enviroment Variables
- Edit variable PATH
- New C:\Program Files\GDAL\
- Add variable GDAL_DATA
- C:\Program Files\GDAL\gdal-data
- Add variable GDAL_DRIVER_PATH
- C:\Program Files\GDAL\gdalplugins
- Add variable PROJ_LIB
- C:\Program Files\GDAL\projlib
- Edit variable PATH
- Check
- ASP.NET and web development
- Installation details (on the right)
- .Net Framework 4.8 development tools
- Entity Framework 6 tools
- IntelliCode
- Check
Launch Visual Studio 2022
Clone directly to C:/
- C:\WasteDetection
Restore Nuget Packages
Build Solution
Update appsettings.json
- OrfeoToolboxPath
- C:\OTB-8.1.1-Win64
- GDALToolsExesPath
- GDALToolsBatsPath
- CmdPath
- C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
Launch using IISExpress
Thrust SSl Certificate from VS22
Download input data to use in prototype Download Input Data
Extract the data in the wwwroot\detection\prepared_inputs directory of the Solution
- create the detection if it is not already there
- Example full path of the input image used in the Detection process:
- C:\Visual Studio Projects\WasteDetection\WasteDetection\wwwroot\detection\prepared_inputs\1to10.tif
All inputs are full paths
Input Image (full process, calculate image statistics, train image classifier, image classification):
- ...\detection\prepared_inputs\1to10.tif
Input Statistics:
- ...\prepared_inputs\statistics\1to10.xml
Input Model:
- ...\prepared_inputs\models\model_1to10.mdl
Input Training Layer:
- ...\detection\prepared_inputs\training_layers\training_classes.shp
Input Control Layer:
- ...\detection\prepared_inputs\control_layers\control_classes.shp
Input for Raster Calculation:
- Input is Output from Image Classification
Input for Sieve:
- Input is Output from Raster Calculation
Input for Polygonize:
- Input is Output from Sieve
- An Open Layers Map
- zoom in
- zoom out
- drag to move
- switch layers
- Layers
- Base Maps
- osm
- Open Street Map
- default visibility: false
- input_image
- The starting input image.
- The image on which the model was trained on and on which the image classification was done
- default visibility: true
- osm
- Vector Layers
- input_training_vector
- The input training classes as polygons (Vector layer .geojson)
- color: orange
- default visibility: false
- input_validation_vector
- The input validation classes as polygons (Vector layer .geojson)
- color: yellow
- default visibility: false
- output_vectorized_result
- The detected waste as polygons (Vector layer .geojson)
- color: red
- default visibility: true
- input_training_vector
- Base Maps
The data shown comes from the dowloaded input
- Run the full waste detection process on the downloaded input image
- C:\WasteDetection\WasteDetection\wwwroot\detection\prepared_inputs\1to10.gif
- The other needed parameter are drawn from prepared inputs folder (downloaded input data)
- Allows the option to run each step of the waste detection process individually
- The output of each step can be used in the following step, only the path is needed
- The Images generated by the steps: ImageClassification, Raster Calculator and Sieve can be viewed correctly in the QGIS software
- Since this is a prototype some output paths might not be shown, but there is a high likelyhood that their output will be generated in the appropriate folder inside wwwroot\detection\step_name\calculated in this case these path can be constructed manually and still be used as input to the next step
- Dependency Names
- Dependency GitHub Repositories
- Dependency Licence Files