In many parts of the world, part-time jobs and freelancing are increasingly common across various sectors, including logistics and parcel delivery.
Let's consider an example to illustrate the problem:
- Person A wants to transfer a parcel from Location A to Location B.
- Currently, Person A has to rely on established logistics companies with fixed service fees, offering no flexibility for negotiation or alternate fee options.
- Delivery partners working for these logistics companies are bound by strict commitments, restricting their ability to take breaks or leave at will.
- Delivery partners cannot set their own fees or choose orders based on convenience, such as picking orders closer to their home at the end of a shift.
- Additionally, logistics companies may store and sell customer data to third parties, increasing the risk of data breaches and personal information misuse.
- Lack of Flexibility in Service Fees: Shippers like Person A cannot negotiate or select different service fees.
- Binding Commitments for Delivery Partners: These commitments limit the flexibility of delivery partners in managing their work schedules.
- Inability to Choose Orders: Delivery partners lack the freedom to select orders based on their preferences or convenience.
- Data Security Concerns: Possibility of data breaches and misuse of personal information.
We propose a blockchain-based solution with an auction system for service requests to address these issues.
- Service Request Creation: The shipper (Person A) creates a service request to transfer a parcel to the recipient (Person B), specifying the service fee they are willing to pay.
- Auction System: Delivery partners can see the service request and participate in a Dutch auction, with bids hidden from each other.
- Driverless NFT: Delivery partners need a Driverless NFT, created from a government-issued ID, to participate.
- Bidding Process: Delivery partners place their bids and stake an insured cargo value equivalent to the item's value.
- Selection and Allocation: The delivery partner with the lowest bid wins and is assigned the service request.
- Delivery and Payment: Upon successful delivery, the delivery partner receives their bid amount, and any unspent portion of the service fee is refunded to the shipper.
- Dispute Resolution: Any disputes are resolved through a voting system involving DAO members.
- Flexibility in Service Fees: Shippers can set their preferred service fees.
- Autonomy for Delivery Partners: They can bid for jobs based on convenience and preferred fees.
- Transparency and Security: Blockchain technology ensures secure and transparent transactions.
- Data Privacy: Reduces the risk of data breaches.
- Verification and Trust: Driverless NFTs ensure that only verified individuals can participate in the delivery process.
- Dispute Resolution: A fair and transparent system is in place for resolving disputes.
- Additional Incentives: Delivery partners earn tokens for successful deliveries, offering additional income opportunities.
- Metamask Wallet: Users need a Metamask wallet to interact with the contract.
- User Roles: Roles include Admin, Shipper, Driver, and Receiver.
- Driving License NFT: Required to apply for the Driver role.
- Blockchain Network: We use the Sepolia network for our contracts.
- User Interface: We have created a webpage with React and Redux for user interactions.
- Role Management: Users can request and approve different roles.
- Service Request Management: Shippers can create and manage service requests.
- Auction System: Drivers can bid on service requests.
- Dispute Resolution: Disputes are handled through DAO voting.
- Reward Mechanism: Drivers receive tokens for completed deliveries.
- We assume users provide accurate location data and timestamps.
- Service fees and cargo insurance values are in ETH.
enum Role {
enum RequestStatus {
enum Status {
DRAFT, // Created by Shipper
READY_FOR_AUCTION, // Updated by Shipper
DRIVER_ASSIGNED, // Updated by System
READY_FOR_PICKUP, // Updated by Shipper
PARCEL_PICKED_UP, // Updated by Driver
IN_TRANSIT, // Updated by Driver
DELIVERED, // Updated by Driver
CONDITIONALLY_ACCEPTED, // Updated by Receiver
CANCELLED, // Updated by Shipper (Only in DRAFT status)
DISPUTE, // Updated by Receiver
DISPUTE_RESOLVED // Updated by System
enum WhomToVote {
enum Acceptance {
struct RoleRequest {
uint256 requestId;
address applicantUID;
Role requestedRole;
RequestStatus requestStatus;
address approverUID; // Person who approves or rejects the request
struct User {
string name;
address uid;
string phoneNumberWithISO;
string serviceGeoHash;
uint ratingStarsInt;
string ratingStarsString;
Role[] role;
* @dev For finding out role request info and it's index for updation in User Role Request contract
struct RoleRequestWithIndexDto {
RoleRequest roleRequest;
uint index;
struct DrivingLicenseInfo {
string name;
string id;
string image;
struct DriverInfo {
address driverUID;
uint256 serviceFee;
uint256 cargoInsuranceValue;
bool cargoValueRefunded;
bool serviceFeeRefunded;
struct BidInfo {
address uid;
uint256 serviceFee;
* @dev For Maintaining vote count for Driver & Receiver in case of dispute
struct VoteCount {
uint256 driver;
uint256 receiver;
uint256 total;
struct SRInfo {
uint256 requestId;
string description;
address shipperUID;
address receiverUID;
string originGeoHash; // Origin geo hash from where parcel has to be picked up
string destGeoHash; // Destination geo hash from where parcel has to dropped
uint256 cargoInsurableValue; // Product Value
uint256 serviceFee; // Delivery charges that shipper is willing to pay
uint256 requestedPickupTime; // Time at which parcel has to be picket up (In timestamp - seconds)
uint256 requestedDeliveryTime; // Time at which parcel has to be dropped (In timestamp - seconds)
uint256 auctionEndTime; // After how many minutes auction should end (Number - minutes)
address driverUID; // System will update this after auction ends
Status status;
string disputeWinner; // empty or DRAW or DRIVER or RECEIVER
BidInfo bidInfo;
bool disputeVoteGiven;
* @dev For finding out SR info and it's index for updation in Dispute Service Request contract
struct SRResult {
Types.SRInfo sr;
uint256 index;
DrivingLicenseNFT Functions
Function Name | Input Params | Return value | Description |
publicMint() | string _driverName, string _driverLicenseNumber, string _ipfsHash |
- | Mints a new token to the sender and stores the driver's information. |
validateNFT() | address _addr | bool | Validates if the address owns a valid NFT. |
getDriverLicenseInfoByTokenId() | uint256 _tokenId | DrivingLicenseInfo | Retrieves the driver's information by token ID. |
burn() | uint256 _tokenId | - | Burns the token. |
User Functions
Function Name | Input Params | Return value | Description |
createUser() | string _name, string _geoHash |
- | Creates a new user. |
createRoleRequest() | Role _requestedRole | - | Creates a new role request. |
approveOrRejectRoleRequest() | uint256 _roleRequestId, bool _approve |
- | Approves or rejects a role request. |
getAllRoleRequests() | - | RoleRequest[] | Retrieves all role requests. |
getMyRoleRequests() | - | RoleRequest[] | Retrieves role requests for the caller. |
getRoleRequestsInMyRegion() | - | RoleRequest[] | Retrieves role requests in the caller's region. |
getUserGeoHash() | address _uid | string | Retrieves serviceGeoHash for a user. |
isUserRegistered() | address _userAddr | - | Checks if a user is registered. |
createSRRoleCheck() | address _shipper, address _receiverUID, string _receiverName, string _receiverGeoHash, string _phoneNumberWithISO |
- | Checks if the shipper and receiver exist and assigns the Receiver role if not already assigned; also checks if the Shipper has the required role. |
hasRoleShipper() | address _addr | - | Checks if a user is a Shipper. |
hasRoleDriver() | address _addr | - | Checks if a user is a Driver. |
hasRoleReceiver() | address _addr | - | Checks if a user is a Receiver. |
isAdmin() | address _addr | - | Checks if a user is an Admin. |
deductStars() | address _addr | - | Deducts stars from a Driver's rating. |
getUserInfo() | address _addr | "User" object | Returns user details for the provided UID |
updateUserInfo() | string _name, string _geoHash, string _phoneNumberWithISO |
"User" object | Update the basic user details & returns back the updated object |
Dispute Functions
Function Name | Input Params | Return value | Description |
vote() | uint256 _srId, WhomToVote _whomToVote |
- | Allows a user to vote on a disputed service request |
getAllDisputedSRInDriverArea() | - | SRInfo[] | Retrieves all disputed service requests in the driver's service area |
Service Request Functions
Function Name | Input Params | Return value | Description |
createNewSR() | SRInfo _srInfo, string _receiverPhoneNoWithISO |
- | Creates a new service request and adds it to the state variable srInfos |
editDraftSR() | string _requestId, Status _newStatus, uint256 _requestedPickupTime, uint256 _requestedDeliveryTime, uint256 _auctionEndTime |
- | Edits an existing draft service request |
cancelSR() | string _requestId | - | Cancels a service request if it is in draft mode |
dutchBid() | string _requestId, uint256 _serviceFee |
- | Places a dutch bid on a service request |
declareWinner() | string _requestId | - | Declares the winner of an auction for a service request |
updateSRStatus() | string _requestId, Status _newStatus |
- | Updates the status of a service request |
getAuctionSRListinDriverRegion() | - | SRInfo[] | Retrieves all service requests in the driver's region that are ready for auction |
getAllSRs() | - | SRInfo[] | Retrieves all service requests, Admin can only call this method |
getMySRs() | - | SRInfo[] | Retrieves all service requests that are specific to requestor |
decideWinnerForDispute() | string _requestId | - | Decides the winner of a dispute for a service request |
Event Name | Params | Description |
TransferedTokens | address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokens |
Triggers when tokens are transferred |
NewUserAdded | string _name, address _uid, string _serviceGeoHash |
Triggers when a new user is added |
NewRoleRequestAdded | uint256 _requestId, address _applicantUID, Role _requestedRole |
Triggers when a new role request is added |
NewSRInDisputeSystem | address _from, uint256 _srId, SRInfo _srInfo |
Triggers when a new service request is added to the dispute system |
NewVoteAdded | uint256 _srId, string message |
Triggers when a new vote is added to a disputed service request |
NewSRAdded | SRInfo _srInfo, address _creator, string message |
Triggers when a new service request is added |
SRUpdated | SRInfo _srInfo, address _creator, string message |
Triggers when a service request is updated |
SRCancelled | string _requestId, address _canceller, string message |
Triggers when a service request is cancelled |
NewBidEntry | string _requestId, address _bidder, uint256 _serviceFee |
Triggers when a new bid is placed on a service request |
AuctionResults | string _requestId, address _winner, string message |
Triggers when the auction for a service request has a winner |
DisputedSRResult | string _requestId, string message |
Triggers when a dispute resolution result is declared |
Error Name | Params | Description |
AccessDenied | address from, string message | Triggers when access is denied |
NotAuthorized | address uid, string message | Triggers when a user is not authorized to perform an action |
InvalidInput | address uid, string message | Triggers when the input is invalid |
NotSufficientFunds | address account, string message | Triggers when the account does not have sufficient funds |
OnlyDisputedSRCanBeAdded | address from, Types.SRInfo srInfo | Triggers when a service request is not in dispute |
AlreadyVoted | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when a user has already |
VotingEndedAlready | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when voting has already ended |
SelfVoteNotAllowed | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when a user tries to vote for themselves |
VotingInProgress | address from, uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when voting is in progress |
InvalidDLInput | string name, string value, string message | Triggers when the input for a driving license is invalid |
PublicMintError | string name, string id, string image, string message | Triggers when there is an error in minting a public token |
InternalMintError | address from, address to, string message | Triggers when there is an internal error in minting a token |
DLInfoNotFound | uint256 tokenId, string message | Triggers when the driving license information is not found |
OwnerUnauthorized | uint256 tokenId, string message | Triggers when the owner is unauthorized to perform an action |
NFTNotFound | address uid, string message | Triggers when an NFT is not found |
UserNotRegistered | address uid, string message | Triggers when a user is not registered |
UserAlreadyExists | address uid, string message | Triggers when a user already exists |
RequestAlreadyProcessed | address uid, string message, uint256 requestId | Triggers when a role request has already been processed |
InvalidSRStatus | Types.Status status, string message | Triggers when the status of a service request is invalid |
InvalidValue | string value, string message | Triggers when the value is invalid |
InvalidGeoHash | string geoHash, string message | Triggers when the geo hash is invalid |
InvalidProductValue | uint256 value, string message | Triggers when the product value is invalid |
InvalidAuctionTime | uint256 timestamp, string message | Triggers when the auction time is invalid |
SRDoesNotExists | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when a service request does not exist |
SRCannotBeUpdated | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when a service request cannot be updated |
SRAccessDenied | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when access is denied for a service request |
SRCannotBeCancelled | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when a service request cannot be cancelled |
AuctionNotStarted | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when the auction has not started for a service request |
AuctionEnded | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when the auction has ended for a service request |
SROutOfRegion | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when a service request is out of the driver's region |
AlreadyBidded | address bidder, string message | Triggers when a user has already placed a bid |
AuctionInProgress | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when the auction is in progress for a service request |
SRDisputeAlreadyResolved | uint256 srId, string message | Triggers when a dispute for a service request has already been resolved |
- Compiler:
solc: v0.8.24+commit.e11b9ed9
- Truffle:
- Hardhat:
- Node:
v18.16.1 (or above)
Navigate inside the project
cd logistics-project/blockchain
Install the dependencies
npm install
Update the Metamask Pass phrase in
file athardhat.accounts.mnemonic
Start the hardhat Node
npm start
Open new Terminal at same path & Compile the contracts
npm run compile
Deploy to localhost/hardhat
_Note depending on hardhat node port number, you need to change in hardhat config file
npm run deploy:reset
Add Hardhat as a network in the Metamask by following this link, You can Navigate to Step-5 in the guide directly.
Meet the amazing team who developed this project.
Suresh Konakanchi 💻 📖 🚧 |
Anuj Singh 💻 📖 🚧 |
Pallab Singha 💻 📖 🚧 |
Arpit Kumar 💻 📖 🚧 |
Mohamed Farhan S 💻 📖 🚧 |