Plugin that display custom message on player join
# Message displayed when the player first connect
FirstJoinMessage: "&8&l[&a+&8]&f {playername} &6Bienvenue sur le serveur, tu es le {counter}ème joueur"
# Message displayed when the player connect to the server
JoinMessage: "&8[&a+&8]&f {playername}"
# Message displayed when the playe disconnect from the server
QuitMessage: "&8[&c-&8]&f {playername}"
# Message number player connected on server from the begin
PlayerCounter: 25009
# Firework config
# Define if the launch of firework is enabled
ActivateOnJoin: true
# Type of firework. Available values : BALL, BALL_LARGE, BURST, CREEPER, STAR
# Color config
# Red color. Value from 0 to 255
R: 0
# Green color. Value from 0 to 255
G: 255
# Blue color. Value from 0 to 255
B: 255
# Color fade config
# Red color. Value from 0 to 255
R: 255
# Green color. Value from 0 to 255
G: 0
# Blue color. Value from 0 to 255
B: 0