Mojo::Leds - Leds aka Light Environment (emi) for Development System based on Mojolicious
version 1.18
Mojo::Leds is a Mojolicious app to use a filesystem similiar to classical web site
Mojolicious applications use a filesystem structure closer to a CPAN distribution which is not (IMHO) intuitive.
This is a classical Mojolicios applications
myapp # Application directory
|- script # Script directory
| +- my_app # Application script
|- lib # Library directory
| |- # Application class
| +- MyApp # Application namespace
| +- Controller # Controller namespace
| +- # Controller class
|- public # Static file directory (served automatically)
| |- index.html # Static HTML file
| +- css # Static CSS file
| +- example # Static CSS for "Example" controller
| +- welcome.css # Static CSS for "welcome" action
| |- js # Static JS file
| +- example # Static js for "Example" controller
| +- welcome.js # Static js for "welcome" action
+- templates # Template directory
|- layouts # Template directory for layouts
| +- default.html.ep # Layout template
+- example # Template directory for "Example" controller
+- welcome.html.ep # Template for "welcome" action
And, as you can see, the "page" welcome has its controller in lib/MyApp/Controller/
, the html code in templates/example/welcome.html.ep
, the CSS code in public/css/example/welcome.css
and its JS code in public/js/example/welcome.js
In Mojo::Leds this structure is quite different
myapp # Application directory
|- cfg # Config directory
+- app.cfg # App config file
|- script # Script directory
| +- my_app # Application script
|- lib # Library directory
| +- # Application class
|- www # DocumentRoot :-)
|- public # Static files directory (served automatically)
| |- index.html # Static Home page HTML
| |- css # Static CSS file
| + app.css # Global Static CSS file
| +- js # Static JS file
| + app.js # Global Static JS file
|- layouts
| +- default.html.ep # Layout template
+- welcome # Welcome page: directory
|- # Welcome page: controller
|- index.html.ep # Welcome page: template
|- index.css # Welcome page: CSS file
+- index.js # Welcome page: JS file
and here, controller, html code, css and js are all inside www/example/
Please report any bugs through the web interface at
If you want to contribute changes or otherwise involve yourself in development, feel free to fork the Git repository from
You can find this documentation with the perldoc command too.
perldoc Mojo::Leds
Emiliano Bruni <[email protected]>
This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Emiliano Bruni.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.