----------------------------------------------- FarHaD(); -------------------------------------------
------------------------------------- 🇸🇪 STOCKHOLM SWEDEN 🇸🇪 ------------------------------------
- 👨💻 My name is Farhad Roshan and I'm from Stockholm Sweden 🌅
- 🔭 I’m currently studying my master in computer and system science 💻 at Stockholm university.
- ⚱ I solve at least two programming challenges from Codeforces every day!
- 🧨 The languages that I daily use is Python
- 💬 Ask me anything about the technology world 💻 📱🔆!
- ⚡ Specifically ask me about:
- I studied game development at high school (Gymnasiet) (3 years) and developed many games, mostly 2D games!
- Between 2019 and 2023, I had been teaching and developing studio material for an organisation called HelloWorld!. It’s a non-profit that focused on introducing coding and computer science to young students.
- Nowadays I go back to game development and working on a project as soon as I find free time!
- I studied computer science at Stockholm university (bachelor level / kandidatnivå) and learned how to develop a system 💻!
- Most specifically I learned how to write readable, reliable and maintainable code through my years of studying for my bachelor’s degree!
- In my free time, I'm working on a full-stack web application!
- I'm currently studying my master in data and computer science!
- For some of my projects I've implemented, and optimized ETL/ELT pipelines to streamline data processing and ensure efficient data flow for insightful analysis.
- I'm currently studying my master in data and computer science!
- The repositories show some of my side projects!