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A small prototype ACAP that exports events from AXIS Object Analytics (AOA) over Modbus using libmodbus.


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Modbus ACAP

Build ACAP packages GitHub Super-Linter

This repository contains the source code to build a small prototype ACAP version 4 (native) application that exports events from AXIS Object Analytics (AOA) over Modbus using libmodbus. The application can be run in either server or client mode, meaning two Axis devices can be used to showcase it.

Architectural overview


The purpose of this repo is to serve as boilerplate code and keep things simple, hence it uses basic Modbus/TCP without TLS and such.


The build step creates eap (embedded application package) packages that can then be deployed on the target Axis device e.g. via the device's web UI.

For more information about the eap files, their content, and other ways to deploy, please see the documentation on how to Develop ACAP applications.

The build process uses the ACAP SDK build container and Docker or Podman.

The Docker and Podman commands are integrated in the Makefile, so if you have Docker or Podman and make on your computer all you need to do is:

make dockerbuild


make podmanbuild

or perhaps build in parallel:

make -j dockerbuild


make -j podmanbuild

If you do have Docker but no make on your system:

# 32-bit ARM, e.g. ARTPEC-6- and ARTPEC-7-based devices
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --build-arg ARCH=armv7hf -o type=local,dest=. .
# 64-bit ARM, e.g. ARTPEC-8 and ARTPEC-9-based devices
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --build-arg ARCH=aarch64 -o type=local,dest=. .

If you do have Podman but no make on your system:

# 32-bit ARM, e.g. ARTPEC-6- and ARTPEC-7-based devices
podman build --build-arg ARCH=armv7hf -o type=local,dest=. .
# 64-bit ARM, e.g. ARTPEC-8 and ARTPEC-9-based devices
podman build --build-arg ARCH=aarch64 -o type=local,dest=. .


Manual installation and configuration

Upload the ACAP application file (the file with the .eap extension for the camera's architecture) through the camera's web UI: Apps->Add app

The parameter settings are found in the three vertical dots menu:

Web UI Screenshot

Web UI Screenshot

Select if the application should run in Server or Client mode and what AOA scenario's events it should subscribe to (default: Scenario 1). If you run in Client mode, also make sure you have set the right hostname/IP address for the Modbus server you want to send the events to.

Use the Modbus address parameter to select what Modbus bit to use for state if the event is active or inactive.

Scripted installation and configuration

Use the camera's applications/upload.cgi to upload the ACAP application file (the file with the .eap extension for the camera's architecture):

curl -k --anyauth -u root:<password> \
    -F packfil=@Modbus_Prototype_<version>_<architecture>.eap \
    https://<camera hostname/ip>/axis-cgi/applications/upload.cgi

To start (or stop/restart/remove) the ACAP application, you can make a call like this:

curl -k --anyauth -u root:<password> \
    'https://<camera hostname/ip>/axis-cgi/applications/control.cgi?package=modbusacap&action=start'

Use the camera's param.cgi to list and set the application's parameters:

The call

curl -k --anyauth -u root:<password> \
    'https://<camera hostname/ip>/axis-cgi/param.cgi?action=list&group=modbusacap'

will list the current settings:


If you want to set the server to e.g.

curl -k --anyauth -u root:<password> \
    'https://<camera hostname/ip>/axis-cgi/param.cgi?action=update&root.Modbusacap.Server='



The default Modbus/TCP port 502 requires running as a privileged user. In order to run as a non-privileged user, this ACAP application only allows ports in the non-privileged range 1024–65535.


The Modbus address parameter must be set to the same value for both the client and the receiving server.

The application can be run in either client mode (default) or server mode, configured with the application parameter Mode:

Client mode (default)

Camera to modbus device

The application subscribes to AXIS Object Analytics (AOA) events for the specified scenario (default: Scenario 1) and sends trigger status (active/inactive) over Modbus (TCP) to the server specified in the application configuration. This the typical use case where the Axis device pushes AOA events to a receiving Modbus device.

Server mode

Camera to other camera

In server mode, the application listens for incoming TCP requests and logs AOA status updates from a connected device running in client mode. This mode is useful for testing and debugging without a separate Modbus device. In server mode, the application also subscribes to AOA events from its host device, but does not send them anywhere. That is solely for easy debugging and testing the application's subscription mechanism.


Apache 2.0


A small prototype ACAP that exports events from AXIS Object Analytics (AOA) over Modbus using libmodbus.




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