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Forked from CGuichard/
Created September 13, 2022 04:27
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Bulma extensions list. Don't waste time searching.

Bulma extensions


Choosing a CSS framework can be a hassle. Some people choose to stick to Bootstrap, but sometimes changing is good. One of the alternatives that I love is Bulma.

Bulma is 100% CSS only, no Javascript, light-weight and beautiful. The lack of Javascript is frustrating in some cases, like the tabs. To overcome this problem, you can check BulmaJS. It is an unofficial extension, but it's great.

But one of its weakness is its simplicity. Some fabulous Bootstrap components like the Carousel are missing. To add such features, you can use one or more extension for Bulma.





  • bulma-checkradio: make classic checkbox and radio sexier with different colors, sizes, and states.
  • bulma-iconpicker: display an input as an Icon Picker to ease the user icon selection.
  • bulma-slider: display a classic slider with different colors, sizes, and states.
  • bulma-switch: display the classic checkbox as a switch button with different colors, sizes, and states.
  • @creativebulma/bulma-tagsinput: modernize an add interaction on input of tags type .




All of these extensions can be add to Bulma. That means you'll need to install Bulma first, or using an extension would be pointless.

npm install bulma
# OR
yarn add bulma

Quick & simple

I've listed the extensions by their package name, so you can use the name given with npm install or yarn add.


npm install bulma-calendar
# OR
yarn add bulma-calendar

Well, that's it. I hope this small gist could help.

Note: Don't forget to hit the link on the extension name to check the docs and learn how to use the extension!

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