This is the new version of the Current unanswered computing questions chapter from the original Gist.
This section was last updated on September 24th 2020 (09.24.2020)
03 - Current unanswered computing questions
This section was last updated on September 24th 2020 (09.24.2020)
This is a list of current technial questions I have. You can help me answer them if you want. Anybody who has a valid answer will get mentioned, answer attempts will also get mentioned.
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
- How was the first bit/byte of data put onto the first digital computer if there was no operating system, and no system for keeping/taking inputs? How was data inputted and stored in the first computer (such as the ENIAC {1945})?
- These days, processors with a set integer max out at the set integer (eg: 64 bit maxes out at 9,223,372,036,854,775,807) but the pattern seemed to start with 24 bit computers, how come 8 bit (256) and 16 bit (65536) computers had such low integer limits, but in some cases could use a lot more (since the score for NES tetris greatly exceeds 256) I am not entirely sure what the reason behind this is
- No other
early computing
questions listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
- How do I test AJAX functions in Firefox 77.0.1 through a local file without the request being blocked and receiving an error based on content security?
- No other
web development
questions listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
- How was the first bit/byte of data put onto the first digital computer if there was no operating system, and no system for keeping/taking inputs? How was data inputted and stored in the first computer (such as the ENIAC {1945})?
- If I were to buy a laptop and take its SSD out and replace it with another drive, would it be as simple as plug and play to get it to boot? Would I have to modify the MBR (Master Boot Record) or something else to get it to boot into Linux?
- If I were to get a mechanical keyboard for a computer, would it be more durable than a modern plastic keyboard? I am looking for a good keyboard that can handle my millions of yearly keystrokes without failing in the first 2 years.
- No other
hardware questions
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
- I do not trust the Canonical snap store. I don't want to use a package manager, I just want to use local files. Is there an easier way to find stable .deb, .flatpak, or .appimage files?
- How do you extract a tar.xz file and compile it into a functional program?
- I recently downloaded TOR, the UNIX Epoch is January 1st 1970, but this file seemed to have overflown to December 31st 1999. Is there a reason for this?
- Can Windows executables run and harm my system through WINE by default? I haven't modified any of WINE's settings yet (I can't even find WINE)
- No other
UNIX questions
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
- Why do my programs, operating systems, and services fail overtime?
I am constantly switching from program to program, platform to platform, sometimes having to abandon them, as they slowly start to lose functionality overtime. I have gone through 2 different cloud storages in the past year, and it is only getting more frequent. Is this on their end? Is it data loss? I am tired of this issue, I want a platform that can stand the test of time. Is it a null pointer or some type of other pointer error?
- No other `Miscellaneous questions listed
This section was last updated on September 24th 2020 (09.24.2020)
File version: 3 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at 8:48 pm)
- Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56
File type: Markdown (*.md)
Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 206
Word count: 1,124
This section was last updated on September 24th 2020 (09.24.2020)
Version 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at 3:48 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56
- Started the new Gist
- Imported all data from the source Gist
- Added a title section
- Added an index
- Added a Gist info section
- Added a Gist version history section
- Added a footer
This section was last updated on September 24th 2020 (09.24.2020)
Version 2 (August 1st 2020)
- Renamed on
- No other changes in version 2
This section was last updated on September 24th 2020 (09.24.2020)
Version 3 (Thursday, September 24th 2020 at 8:48 pm)
- Updated the title section
- Updated the index
- Added the miscellaneous questions section and added 1 question to it
- Updated the Gist info section
- Updated the Gist version history section
- Updated the footer
- No other changes in version 3
This section was last updated on September 24th 2020 (09.24.2020)
Version 4 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 4
This section was last updated on September 24th 2020 (09.24.2020)
Version 5 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 4
This section was last updated on September 24th 2020 (09.24.2020)
Version 6 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 4
This section was last updated on September 24th 2020 (09.24.2020)
You have reached the bottom of this Gist.
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This section was last updated on September 24th 2020 (09.24.2020)