- #5601 [bugfix] fix moment.months() for PL locale
- #5574 [bugfix] More complete type definitions for strict formatless parsing #4611
- #5637 [bugfix] expose deprecation handler in typings
- #5647 [bugfix] allow calendar with falsy input
- #5724 [locale] add relativeTime week translation for many languages
- #5609 [locale] (ar-ma) adjust dow, doy to match fr
- #5666 [locale] tg-TJ: Improve months and date formats
- #4742 [locale] sr-cyrl: Improve L* formats
- #4925 [locale] hu: add dot after short months
- #5661 [locale] (pt-br) add invalid date translation
- #5611 [misc] update bug report template
- #5717 [misc] add 'ww' key to RelativeTimeSpec Interface
- #5716 [misc] check monthsParse configs on lint
- #5715 [misc] Bump
to v2.1
- #5614 [tests] add tests for isLeapYear and daysInMonth
- #5719 Update README.md