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Daniel Fox Franke dfoxfranke

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dfoxfranke /
Created March 17, 2023 19:39
5-year predictions about the future of artificial intelligence

5-year predictions about the future of artificial intelligence

Written in March 2023, predicting the state of the world in March 2028. Percentages denote confidence levels.


AI will be an enormous contributor to economic growth over the next five years, as important as the Internet was to the '00s. However, it will continue to be the case that AI's ability profile is spikey and

dfoxfranke /
Last active March 2, 2025 23:53
NTPv5 Design Sketch



This is a sketch of a proposed NTPv5 design (by no means a complete spec, but hopefully good enough to make the concepts clear). It's a fairly ambitious step forward from previous versions, almost but not quite a green field design. I say "almost" because it retains a couple limited backward-compatibility constraints: