Gifts for Birds

Be a Climate Hero

The science is settled: Audubon’s researchers have confirmed that climate change is the single greatest threat to North American birds. Solutions are plentiful, but to protect more than 300 species at risk, we must act now. Support our climate research, education, and advocacy across the country from the local level on up, and become birds’ best hope in the fight to halt global warming.

Mountain Bluebird. Photo: Jim Chagares/Audubon Photography Awards


Birds have never faced so many challenges to their survival. But there is hope…and that hope is you. Choose a symbolic gift from among these three Audubon priority issues. You’ll help protect birds from the serious threats that confront them today—and become a vital part of Audubon’s 110-year conservation legacy.

Piping Plovers. Photo: Melissa Groo/Audubon Photography Awards

A Place to Call Home
Baltimore Oriole
Back from the Brink
Be a Climate Hero