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3 votes

Why are there 2 dative elements in this sentence?

You came across a typo, it has to be "trennbare Verben".
wonderbear's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is it "keinen" instead of "keine" here in this dialogue?

The difference here is what is slightly referred to, or what you want to emphasize: Ich kenne keine Wissenschaftler, die an Außerirdische glauben You look at the overall ensemble of scientists, and ...
planetmaker's user avatar
  • 11.9k
0 votes

Regarding verb/preposition cases

If you are not looking for perfection but just some first general guidelines, I would suggest the following "tricks" (see below) with prepositions. They are not 100% bulletproof but they ...
Sylvain Gadenne's user avatar

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