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Questions tagged [tags]

Questions about the behaviour or usage of tags, which are keywords or labels that categorize and group your question with other, similar questions.

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1 answer

Brauchen wir [clauses]?

Das Tag clauses scheint mir ziemlich chaotisch genutzt zu werden. Ich vermute, dass das die Nutzung hauptsächlich dadurch motiviert ist, ob ein Analogon in der englischen Grammatik als clause ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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Vorschlag: Einstampfung von [standard-german] und [rules]

standard-german und rules sind als Tags praktisch nutzlos, da sie über die Jahre praktisch beliebig genutzt wurden – ohne einen großen Zusammenhang zur Frage. Es gibt nur sehr wenige Fragen gemäß des ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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Löschung von "überflüssigen" Tags

Es gibt in "German Language" zurzeit die enorme Anzahl von 424 tags. Von diesen wurden 152 (also 36 %) noch keiner einzigen Frage zugeordnet. Eine ganze Reihe weiterer tags sind außerdem nur ...
Paul Frost's user avatar
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prepositions tag has an explanation restricting its use to a non-obvious subset

The explanation text currently states, that the tag prepositions should only be used for spatial or temporal prepositions. Given the amount of questions related to prepositions (requiring certain ...
guidot's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Language-Golf Proposal

Da wir es hier nicht mit so vielen Fragen zu tun haben, möchte ich unsere spanische Schwesternseite als Vorbild nehmen und Translation-Golf vorschlagen: Ursprüngliche Regeln hier Laut sind ...
infinitezero's user avatar
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Zweisprachige Tags oder zweisprachig angezeigte Tags - bilingual tags or bilingually displayed tags

Das Problem Auf German Language Meta SE wurde schon verschiedentlich über die Sprache der Tag-Namen auf der "German Language SE"-Haupt-Site diskutiert. Dabei gibt es ein Dilemma: Nicht alle Benutzer ...
das-g's user avatar
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new tags [listening] and [incomprehensibility] should be deleted or become synonymes of [listening-comprehension]

I've found these two questions tagged with listening and incomprehensibility and I think, both questions should be re-tagged as [listening-comprehension] (which I've just done, but kept the other tags ...
Arsak's user avatar
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How does one create a new tag

I’m now allowed to create tags, and I have a new one I’d like to create. But I don’t know what procedure to follow in order to create a tag. The tag I’d like to create would be for “computer-related”...
К. Келлогг Смиф's user avatar
4 votes
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Which tag shall be used for questions concerning plattdeutsch

Welchen Tag sollen wir verwenden, um Fragen zu verschlagworten, die sich mit plattdeutsch beschäftigen? Wir haben gegenwärtig 7 Fragen, die mit dem Tag "northern-german" verschlagwortet sind. Ist es ...
Jonathan Herrera's user avatar
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What English tag could be used as a synonym for "Satzteilkonjunktion"?

For a few days we have a new tag satzteilkonjunktion used on 3 questions with the following information fields: Questions on conjunctions that connect constituents of sentences (in constrast to ...
Takkat's user avatar
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Tag discipline and convention

Today I stumbled upon the tag food-and-drink. Since there are no special language rules for words around that theme, I edited 10 questions, marked with it, and replaced the tag or just deleted it. ...
user unknown's user avatar
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7 votes
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Slowly killing the grammar tag

In this question, the majority of voters opted for getting rid of the grammar tag, however there was nobody in favour of a retagging event. Instead, it was suggested that we retag slowly. So let’s do ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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Do we want to hold a major retagging event? / Das große Retaggen: ja oder nein?

Let’s face it: Many of our questions are poorly tagged. One possibility to deal with this would be a major retagging event where we coordinate our efforts for one week or similar (e.g., along the ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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On the grammar tag // Über den grammar-Tag

I have been observing people using the grammar tag for all sorts of questions, many of which have absolutely nothing to do with grammar. grammar is not the only very broad tag on the site, we also ...
Jan's user avatar
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How broad is the tag [old-german] meant to be?

The tag old-german has been used for questions relating to periods as late as the 1920s to 1940s. However, there are several stages in the history of the German language that have more specific ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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The meta tag "close reason"

It looks like close-reasons has no tag information. In what respect does it differ from on-topic? Is the latter supposed to be used in general discussions and the former in accessing specific posts?
Ludi's user avatar
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Tag proposal for formalistic/bureaucratic/legaleze: officialese?

When encountering this question I searched for a tag to mark words, which are never spoken by a living person, but live only in official documents. It would a a kind of counterpart to colloquial. ...
guidot's user avatar
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Proposal: "Trivia" tag

There is a category of questions, which will never bother a learner of German, but is more about curiosities. Within two minutes I collected these examples: Verben mit den meisten Vokalwechseln ...
guidot's user avatar
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Hoppla, wir haben ja ein Meta-Tag

Eine Frage, über die ich heute gestölpert bin, war beginners getagged. Nun, sowohl im Hilfezentrum wie auch im SO-Blog von Jeff Atwood wird vor der Verwendung dieses Meta-Tags strengstens gewarnt. ...
Jan's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Should we tag questions by proficiency?

There are two Stack Exchange sites for the English language, one for proficient or native speakers (EL&U) and one for foreign learners (ELL). Although the latter is now paralleled somewhat by ...
Crissov's user avatar
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Die Tags Rechtschreibung und Orthographie // The tags spelling and orthography

Zurzeit existieren hier sowohl die Tags rechtschreibung wie auch orthographie. Der eine ist offiziell für Fragen zur Rechtschreibung bestimmter Wörter gedacht (rechtschreibung), während der andere ...
Jan's user avatar
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When to use the "meaning" tag

I am bit puzzled about the usage of the meaning tag, because we also have word-meaning and meaning-in-context. The definitions of the two latter seem to describe subsets of what the meaning tag ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Do we need the "origin" tag?

origin has 13 posts and a tag-wiki excerpt explaining when to use it. etymology tag has 280 posts and a tag-wiki excerpt explaining when to use it. Do we need the origin tag?
Mawg's user avatar
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TagOverflow – interactive exploration of Stack Exchange tags

(Taken from here and adapted to German Language Stack Exchange) Nodes represent the most popular tags. The area is proportional to the number of questions. Edges represent relation between tags. The ...
user avatar
1 vote
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Synonymise tags such that [numerals] and [zahlen] are both mapped to [numbers]

I just noted that we have a numbers as well as a numerals tag, which should be synonymised somehow since their coverage is almost identical. Now, numbers has a slightly broader scope than numerals, e....
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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Why do we have a “german” tag?

I just noticed that for some reason there is a german tag. It seems rather pointless to me and thus I would suggest to remove it.
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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deutschsprachige Etiketten (Tags in german language) [duplicate]

scroll down for english translation Die Seite »« behandelt Fragen rund um die deutsche Sprache. Soweit ich das erkennen kann, besteht ihre Aufgabe NICHT darin ausschließlich ...
Hubert Schölnast's user avatar
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Tags: grammatical-case versus case

When I was tagging one of my posts about case in time expressions I realized that when you try to tag a post with case, you have to choose between grammatical-case and just case. The former has 35 ...
thekeyofgb's user avatar
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Why a tag "deutsch-als-fremdsprache"?

Some questions were tagged with: deutsch-als-fremdsprache Do we really need this tag to further classify a question? What additional value would be added from this tag? In case we decide we need ...
Takkat's user avatar
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In tag wiki editing: Is there a markup to show and link to other tags? (Or any convention regarding this?)

I thought it would be helpful to be able to place a clickable link to another tag that might be related or confused with the current one...
TehMacDawg's user avatar
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Are Questions on the History of German Language on Topic?

In reference to this question and this second question: Is it On-topic to ask questions on the history of German language? The list of history questions is quite long already. But are these ...
Vogel612's user avatar
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The Tag german-to-english

As of this question: I can clearly see, why the question was closed as off-topic, but looking at ...
Vogel612's user avatar
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Stop the mass retagging

We have 1,540 questions and some users started to retag them in big numbers. Therefor fresh questions get hidden and disappear from the front site, where old, answered questions pop up, and also ...
user unknown's user avatar
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Let’s create or improve tag wikis – but how?

We already have quite a few nice tags for classifying questions to make them better searchable. But not all of them have a tag wiki, and some existing tag wikis are not really good. There is still ...
Takkat's user avatar
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7 answers

Do we need to edit tags to add German tag synonyms? [duplicate]

From recent tag edits Is "to make one sigh" properly translated as "seufzen machen" or as "machen seufzen?" How are we polite without using "bitte"? Woher ...
Takkat's user avatar
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tag synonym annoyance

Eine neue Frage meinerseits verzierte ich mit dem Schlüsselwort (i.f.: Tag) "Redensart", welches von einem aufmerksamen Geist rasch entsorgt wurde, weil sich eine fehlgeleitete Mehrheit hier ...
user unknown's user avatar
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How can we delete a useless tag?

I found some tags which are really useless and have one or two questions tagged, should we remove those tags? If yes, how to do it?
user avatar
7 votes
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Should we remove the "nuance" tag?

nuance seems to be used to indicate that a question is subtle or difficult. I'm not sure if it's a meta tag or not. On the other hand, it's used like hard, and the other connotations that it brings ...
Tim's user avatar
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Should tags be pluralised?

I noticed just now from the answer by RegDwight to this question that the tags are pluralised. However we have meaning and not meanings, word-choice instead of word-choices and so on. (Even the '...
Glen Wheeler's user avatar
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What to do about the tags phrase/phrases/expressions/idioms/proverbs?

These tags are all used similarly: phrase/phrases expressions idioms proverbs What should be done about them?
Tim's user avatar
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12 votes
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Don't edit German tags to English tags

In the question Gibt es einen Grund, warum das Antwortwort zu „wie“, nämlich „so“, nicht mit D beginnt? I used the tag "Fragewörter" which is rendered "frageworter". Among other several useful ...
Phira's user avatar
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Use of tags based on errors that are part of the question

The following question: Is this a pun? "Der wird sie einmal heiraten -- so sogt er" asked if something is a pun which happens not to be a pun. Is it useful to leave the pun-tag on? Is it ...
Phira's user avatar
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Should the "nouns/verbs/adjectives" tags only be used for general discussions?

Currently, we use verbs, nouns and adjectives for questions on specific verbs, nouns and adjectives, e.g: Was ist das Präteritum von "darben"? -- verbs Grammatisch oder grammatikalisch? -- ...
Tim's user avatar
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Either big-list or high-quality; either community wiki or accepted answer

The case of What are good online dictionaries for translation between German and English? is either not clearly asked or tagged wrong: The question itself asks for good online dictionaries but has ...
Samuel Herzog's user avatar
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Regional tags should be used where appropriate?

This excellent book has a list of tags for the different regions (from a dialect perspective) should we also create tags and encourage their use where appropriate?
adolf garlic 's user avatar
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Präteritum or preterite tag?

We currently have one question in praeteritum and one in prateritum. Would the English tag preterite be an adequate translation?
Tim's user avatar
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Tag synonym requests

Related: Which language to use in tags? If the consensus is to use english-language tags, I suggest the following tag synonyms be created by whoever can create them (Mods? Community managers?) for ...
Pekka's user avatar
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Which language to use in tags? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Which language should tags be in? I just skimmed through our current tag list and found, that all but falle currently are in English. I propose to use English tags in the ...
bernd_k's user avatar
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How to deal with diacritics in tags?

According to the "Which language should tags be in?" question - most tags should be written in English. But what about tags that are very specific to German? How do you deal with diacritics in those ...
Karol J. Piczak's user avatar
14 votes
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Which language should tags be in?

While questions could vary in language, the tags have to be in one language for obvious reasons. Tag synonyms would work fine, but we'd have to decide whether German tags should point to English tags ...
Tim's user avatar
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