Papers by Ebru Kiliç-Çakmak
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
Contemporary Educational Technology, 2021
This study aims to reveal the investigating the distance education process according to the demog... more This study aims to reveal the investigating the distance education process according to the demographic characteristics for the staff of the notary and the notaries in Turkey. In this research survey method is used. The sample group consists of 317 notary and notary employees who responded voluntarily to the scale in the distance education platform. Demographic information form and distance education satisfaction scale were used as data collection tools. In the analysis, ANOVA, T-Test, Mann Whitney-U, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson Correlation were performed in accordance with sub-problems. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the satisfaction of the participants was between the sub-factors and the general satisfaction between the middle and high level. All factors were found to have a high positive and significant relationship between general satisfaction and each other. The satisfaction of the participants showed a significant difference according to age, but did not sho...
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
This study aims to identify the effects of different feedback strategies on students’ perceptions... more This study aims to identify the effects of different feedback strategies on students’ perceptions of social, cognitive and teaching presence and academic achievements in the online learning environments designed in consideration of strategies which can be put to work to build a community of inquiry and ensure its continuity. In this regard, explanatory design used in the study. All analyses were made on the data from 41 students. The feedback strategies practiced in the study failed to demonstrate significant differences in terms of the students’ final academic achievement scores. The feedback strategies practiced in the study failed to demonstrate significant differences in terms of the students’ perceptions of social, cognitive and teaching presence, and scores from the community of inquiry scale in general. Finally, majority of the students from both groups found the online environment they used and the educational activities satisfactory
The universities contribute to the national economy by accessing a wider audience through distanc... more The universities contribute to the national economy by accessing a wider audience through distance education programs, dissemination of information and provision of qualified workforce. Increasing demand for information, time and space flexibility, and low costs increase demand for distance education. For this reason, universities give importance to distance education and try to prepare more effective programs. The faculty is both the first user of the distance education environment and a stakeholder who has Fan important role in presenting it. Therefore, faculty has a central role in the delivery, development and planning of distance education. It is inevitable for faculty to affect the quality, outputs, perception of service, attitudes and perspectives of service. In this study, a survey developed in order to determine the dimensions of the distance education perceptions related to current functioning of the faculties involved in internet-based distance education programs. The mea...
Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2017
This study aimed to identify the attitudes of secondary school students towards AR applications a... more This study aimed to identify the attitudes of secondary school students towards AR applications and to investigate the change in these attitudes according to different variables. The study also aspired to determine the relationship between attitudes towards AR and achievement. General survey model was used in the study. The study group was composed of 54 7th graders attending there separate classes of a state school. In order to determine student attitudes towards AP applications in educational environments, students were first provided with the experience for 4 weeks (16 lessons). Research findings show that students have positive attitudes towards AR applications. Gender, ownership of personal computers and mobile devices were not found to change attitudes towards AR applications. While daily internet use was not found to affect AR attitudes, it was found that attitudes differed significantly according to frequency of playing computer games. Research findings show a meaningful rel...
In this study, data collecting tools which are used to determine the perceived social presence in... more In this study, data collecting tools which are used to determine the perceived social presence in e-learning environments are examined. After this, social presence scale which was developed by Kang, Choi and Park (2007) was selected. After examining and confirming equivalency between English and Turkish versions, the scale was examined by field specialist to verify content validity. In order to find out validity and reliability of the scale, confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach Alpha correlation coefficients, corrected item-total correlations and t-tests between items’ means of upper 27%-lover 27% points were used. Scale has 3 factors and 19 items. Results of these analyses show that scale is at an acceptable degree of goodness of fit and the Cronbach alpha values calculated for the 3 factors of the scale vary between 0.79 and 0.91.
The object of this study is to determine the variables which predict the intended use of Informat... more The object of this study is to determine the variables which predict the intended use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) of health managers. The health managers working in public, private and university hospitals in Ankara compose the population of the study. The survey named “Information and Communication Technologies Acceptance and Use Intention” was applied by Koca and Kocak Usluel (2007) with the purpose of obtaining the data for study. 303 managers participated into the survey. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is applied for the analysis of the collected data within the scope of study, where multiple regression analysis is applied for unrelated (independent) samples. According to the findings of the study, the age, educational background, study area, foreign language level, institution where they are on duty, the use purpose of technology, used technologies, the duration of the use of technology, the acceptance and the use intention in compliance with the u...
The research aims to determine the elements under the structural component in distance learning e... more The research aims to determine the elements under the structural component in distance learning environments. The research was conducted as a systematic literature review. The research was conducted on a total of 54 studies. The studies were accessed through the electronic databases accessible at Gazi University. A PRISMA flow chart was used to select the studies. The classification of the studies into categories and codes was done using content analysis, in terms of the structural component. A total of 78 codes were found in 5 categories under which 5409 codings were made. It was found that under the structural component, the Technology category was the most frequently used. This category is followed by flexibility-rigidity, assessment, guidance and curriculum. The most frequently used code in the studies is individual feedback, which falls under the flexibility-rigidity category. As a result of the study, some suggestions were made for designers of distance education media. They s...
journal of new results in science, 2008
Academic motivation and learning strategies are important factors to be successful in formal educ... more Academic motivation and learning strategies are important factors to be successful in formal education process. Students who are motivated and select and use appropriate learning strategies be able to be successful in formal education process and life long learning. For this reason, investigating the students’ motivation and learning strategies subscale scores according to course types and class levels are very important. The purpose of this study was to reveal primary and secondary school students’ positions relating to expectancy, value and affect as motivational factors and cognitive, metacognitive and resource management as learning strategies factors. Two subscales of expectancy components are students’ perceptions of self efficacy and control beliefs for learning. Three subscales measuring the value beliefs are intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation and task value. The third motivational construct is affect, and it is measured by scale of test anxiety. The scal...
Bu arastirmada, detayli bir alanyazin taramasi ve belge incelemesi ile elde edilen veriler temel ... more Bu arastirmada, detayli bir alanyazin taramasi ve belge incelemesi ile elde edilen veriler temel alinarak uzman gorusleri dogrultusunda Uzaktan Egitim Kalite Standartlarinin belirlenmesi, belirlenen standartlarin onemine ve kullanilabilirligine yonelik uzaktan egitim calisanlarinin goruslerinin ortaya konulmasi amaclanmistir. Bu calismada nitel yontemlerle baslayip nicel yontemlerle devam edilen kesfedici desen kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin nitel kisminda, uluslararasi uzaktan egitim kurumlarinin belirledigi uzaktan egitim standartlari uzerinde belge incelemesi yapilmistir. Secilen standart maddelerinin tamami iki tur (N=9, N=14) uzman gorusu alma asamasi ile degerlendirilip, Uzaktan Egitim Kalite Standartlari olarak belirlenmistir. Arastirmanin nicel kisminda ise Uzaktan Egitim Standartlari Belirleme Envanteri ile, belirlenen standartlarin onemine ve kullanilabilirligine iliskin uzaktan egitim calisanlarinin gorusleri alinmistir.
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2008
This study gives results of the first phase of the 12-18 year old Turkish students’ norm study of... more This study gives results of the first phase of the 12-18 year old Turkish students’ norm study of The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), which deveoped by Pintrich, Smith, Garcia & McKeachie (1993). The scale was administrated to 1114 students from 3 primary schools and 3 high schools in Ankara in Turkish language, science, mathematics and social science courses. After eliminating the questionnaires which have missing and extreme values, the analyses were done on 762 valid questionnaires for motivation subscale and 1100 valid questionnaires for learning strategies subscale. Results of the confirmatory factor analyses show that the first subscale, Motivation, has six factors, and the second subscale, Learning Strategies, has nine factors according to original scale’s factor structures. Depending on the results of the confirmatory factor analysis; 6 items from motivation subscale and 5 items from learning strategies subscale were removed due to their low factor lo...
The aim of this study is to determine distance education students’ attitude towards online exams.... more The aim of this study is to determine distance education students’ attitude towards online exams. The sample of study is 661 distance education students from different department in Distance Education College in a state university. A data collection instrument, personal information form and Online Exam Attitude Scale which was developed by researcher were used. In this study, level of distance education students’ attitude towards online exam is examined. Additionally attitude towards online exam levels were examined in terms of gender, internet usage time and skill of internet use. In data analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA were used. According to the results of the study, there were significant differences between students’ attitude towards online exam in terms of gender, frequency of internet usage and skill of internet use
In this study, it is aimed to develop the teacher form of Preschool Social Skills Assessment Scal... more In this study, it is aimed to develop the teacher form of Preschool Social Skills Assessment Scale (PSSAS). Teachers were sent forms for 450 children for the analysis aiming to examine factor structure and calculate reliability values of the scale and data from 409 children were used. PSSAS teacher form is described as 4 factors and 49 items. Fit indexes are seen to be high as a result of the confirmatory factor analysis. Structure validity indicators related to PSSAS teacher form were found to be at an adequate level. Alpha reliability coefficient for sub-dimensions were found to be between .88 - .92. Findings support that the scale is a valid and reliable assessment tool in assessing preschool children’s social skills
Bu calisma ile siber saglik cati kavrami kapsaminda ortaokul ogrencilerine yonelik internet bagim... more Bu calisma ile siber saglik cati kavrami kapsaminda ortaokul ogrencilerine yonelik internet bagimliligi, siber zorbalik, cevrimici nezaket, cevrimici mahremiyet, cevrimici uygunsuz icerik, telif hakki ve cevrimici guvenlik olceklerinin gelistirilmesi amaclanmistir. Arastirma, olcek gelistirme calismasi olup, iki asamadan olusmaktadir. Baslangicta 16 uzmanin gorusune sunularak kapsam gecerliligi incelenmis, sonrasinda 528 kisiden olusan 6-7-8. sinif ogrencilerinin katilimi ile elde edilen verilerden olceklerin yapi gecerliligi ve guvenirlikleri test edilmistir. Olcekler icin olusturulan soru havuzlari duzenlenerek 16 uzmanin gorusune sunulmustur. Uzmanlardan gelen donutlerin Lawshe teknigi ile analizleri yapilmis, uzmanlarin sozel donutleri de goz onune alinarak olcekler on uygulamaya hazirlanmistir. Sonrasinda Aksaray ilinde dort ortaokulda toplam 528 ogrencinin katilimi ile on uygulama gerceklestirilmistir. Elde edilen veriler ile olceklerin yapi gecerliliklerini test etmek icin ac...
OZET Ogrenme - ogretme sureclerinde yaygin olarak kullanilmaya baslanan coklu ortamlardan etkili ... more OZET Ogrenme - ogretme sureclerinde yaygin olarak kullanilmaya baslanan coklu ortamlardan etkili sekilde yararlanabilmek icin bu ortamlarda yasanan problemlerin basinda gelen asiri bilissel yuklenme kavramini anlamak ve bu problemi ortadan kaldirmak gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle, bu calismada oncelikle asiri bilissel yuk kavraminin ortaya cikmasina neden olan bilissel yuk kurami uzerinde durulmustur. Ardindan asiri bilissel yuklenme kavrami anlatilarak, ogrenme - ogretme sureclerindeki olumsuz etkileri tartisilmis ve bu probleme iliskin cozum onerileri yapilan arastirmalarla birlikte verilmistir. Son olarak da bu problemin belirlenmesine yonelik olcme araclari tanitilmistir. Anahtar sozcukler: Bilissel yuk, asiri bilissel yuk, coklu ortam, ogretim tasarimi ABSTRACT To utilize from multimedia effectively which is used widely in the learning-teaching process, cognitive overload which is one of the main problem in this process, must be comprehended and eliminated. For this reason, firstly ...
OZET Son yillarda gelisen teknolojilerle birlikte coklu ortamlarin arayuz tasarimlarinda yeni yak... more OZET Son yillarda gelisen teknolojilerle birlikte coklu ortamlarin arayuz tasarimlarinda yeni yaklasimlar dikkati cekmektedir. Bu calismada bu yeni yaklasimlar tartisilmadan once, arayuz tasarimlarindan bahsedilmis, ardindan coklu pencere kavrami tanitilmis, farkli kullanimlari aciklanmis ve son olarak da yeni bir yaklasim olarak karsimiza cikan paralel ogretim tasarimi ele alinarak tasarimin varsayimlari, ozellikleri ve avantajlari aciklanmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Paralel ogretim, cok pencereli sistemler, coklu pencere kullanimi, arayuz tasarimi, etkilesim. ABSTRACT New approaches in multi media interface designs attracted attention with developing technologies in the last decades. In this study, before discussing these approaches, interface design was mentioned, after then the concept of multi windowing was introduced and different usage of windows were explained and lastly parallel instruction design as an new approach was taken up and the design' assumptions, characteristic...
Bu arastirmada, bicimlendirmeye yonelik degerlendirme ve deger bicmeye yonelik degerlendirme tur... more Bu arastirmada, bicimlendirmeye yonelik degerlendirme ve deger bicmeye yonelik degerlendirme turleri birlikte ele alinarak bir ders suresi boyunca; odev, proje, kisa sinav ve sinav gibi farkli degerlendirme yontemlerinin tek bir ortamdan sunulmasi ve her ogrenciye bireysel donut saglanabilmesi amaciyla, alan yazindaki oneriler dikkate alinarak arastirmaci tarafindan bir edegerlendirme sistemi gelistirilmis ve uzman gorusleri dogrultusunda son seklini almistir. Arastirma kapsaminda gelistirilen zenginlestirilmis edegerlendirme sisteminin ders basarisi ve ogrenci memnuniyetine etkisi incelenmistir. Arastirmada Acimlayici Sirali Karma Yontem kullanilmistir. Nicel asamada, son-test kontrol gruplu yari deneysel desen kullanilarak deney ve kontrol grubu ogrencilerinin ders basarilari karsilastirilmistir. Ayrica deney grubunun e-degerlendirme sistemine yonelik memnuniyet duzeyi arastirilmistir. Nitel asamada ise deney ve kontrol grubu ogrencilerinin dahil oldugu degerlendirm...
Papers by Ebru Kiliç-Çakmak