Gazi University
Chemical Engineering
In this study, Bertrand de Jouvenel’s political theory has been focused upon. Firstly, Jouvenellian concepts that constitute a basis for his theory, liberty, authority, sovereignty, and central power (Power), have been investigated. It... more
Hans-Hermann Hoppe (1949-), one of the leading libertarian theorists, is arguably best known for his “argumentation ethics” for the justification of libertarian ethics and his concept of “private law society”. This study first analyzes... more
The influence of ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid (EDTA), potassium ferrocyanide and zeolite X on ethanol production from sugar beet molasses by Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. For all of the three substances used, the effect was... more
The kinetics of dilute acid catalyzed hemicellulose hydrolysis in corn cob and sunflower seed hull was investigated with sulfuric acid concentrations of between 0·2 and 1 N at temperatures of 98–130°C. Batch hydrolysis data for two... more
In this work, a statistical model which can be used to describe the rate of ethanol production from sugar beet molasses by Saccharomyces cerevisiae was developed. Total sugar concentration, pH, and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (NH4H2PO4)... more
Fındık tohum kabukları pentozan içeriklerinin % 25-30 arasında olması nedeniyle furfural üretimine uygun bir tarım artığıdır. Bu çalışmada iki basamaklı tepkime ile fındık tohum kabuklarından o-nitrotoluen özütlemeli yöntemle furfural... more
Bu çalışmada tavuk dışkılarının anaerobik arıtımında kimyasal oksijen ihtiyacı (KOİ) giderim hızını ifade eden istatistiki bir model geliştirilmiştir. Sıcaklık, pH ve toplam katı yüzdesi 2 3 -faktöriyel deneysel tasarıma göre seçilerek,... more
Two series of laboratory experiments were performed in batch tank reactors at mesofilic conditions. Experiments were designed by using Box-Wilson design method. In the first set of experiments, effect of pH and amount of biological... more
In this study, the kinetics of acid catalyzed hydrolysis of corn cob hemicellulose was investigated at 98 ° C. To verify the kinetics of hemicellulose hydrolysis, batch experiments were conducted with 1-3 % (w/v) H 2 SO 4 concentrations.... more
In this work different chemical pretreatments were tested in order to increase the enzymatic conversion yield of sunflower stems to sugars with using the Trichoderma reesei RUT-C30 fungus' cellulase enzyme filtrate and 2 hours 5% NaOCl... more
"""""Bu kitap öncelikle Kimya Mühendisliği lisans dersleri alan öğrenciler için yazılmış ve onların tasarım projeleri için özel bir öneme sahiptir. Aynı zamanda sanayide çalışan yeni mezunların temel işlemler ve tasarım konusundaki... more
Kimya Mühendisliğinde Temel İlkeler ve Hesaplamalar, Sekizinci Basım çağdaş kimya, petrol ve çevre mühendisliğinin tüm kapsamını yansıtan uygulamaları sunarak, geleneksel kimya mühendisliğine giriş niteliğinin ötesine geçer. Alanın en... more
In this work different chemical pretreatments was tested in order to increase the enzymatic conversion yield of sunflower stems to sugars with using the Trichoderma reesei RUT-C30 fungus' cellulose and 2 hours 5% NaOCl pretreatment... more