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16 votes
1 answer

PS3 doesn't boot with original hard drive after hard drive swap

I've messed up: I reformatted a new SSD for my PS3, but after that, when I try to swap to the original drive to get the backup data, it won't boot and asks me to reformat the whole drive. The older ...
Mateo Rodriguez's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

PS3 - CECHK01 - doesn’t turn on

I turn the back power switch on, the light up front turns on and red. When I hit the power button, light turn green then immediately turns off and nothing happens. I have: Put new thermal paste on. ...
Nicole Miller's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to fix PS3 error 80010514 (An error occured during start operation) in 2023?

I have here a fat PS3, 60GB, A-model that has worked reliably until recently. I didn't buy/play many PS3 games back in the day. Since second-hand copies of PS3 games are dirt cheap these days, I've ...
GhostRavenstorm's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Problem with green screen on PS3 after freeze

I have a backwards compatible PS3, and I know they're finicky as all heck. But I was playing on it just fine when the screen froze (nothing I'm not used to). Restarted the PlayStation like normal. No ...
Danielle Sell's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I use a PS4 controller for a PS3?

A friend gave me his old PS3 with a broken hard drive, I changed it and when tried to install the firmware, I realize I don't own or could borrow a PS3 controller. Since PS4 controllers won't work via ...
Mapache's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

My PS3 Slim won't connect to any controller wirelessly!

So, I don't know if my problem is unique, but I need an answer to it. My PS3 Slim is not connecting to any of my DualShock 3 controllers wirelessly. And, no, they are not out of battery. I can use ...
Joshua Martinez's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Didn’t transfer previous PS3 account’s saved data to new account before deleting it. Is there any way to get that data back?

I created a new user account, but I did not transfer the saved data to the new account before deleting the original. Due to this machine being used before I purchased it, the account was one the ...
Sean Yeoh's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What does "You did not earn a trophy" on the PS3 mean?

So the other day I was playing Cars 2 on the PS3 and we got the in-game badge "Tokyo Vandal" and soon after at the top of the screen where it usually would have shown "You have earned a ...
CiurkitboyN's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

PlayStation store error?

On the ps3 when I go to install a game I already bought it just tells me a error code and I don’t get to install my game and now I’m sitting here looking stuff up but I’m not finding a good answer to ...
John's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
2 answers

Why does my PS3 shut down trying to boot more complex games?

I haven't used my PS3 fat for a couple of years. Now to start it I have to try five or six times to enter safe mode, then select any option and it will start. I can play blue ray movies and some ...
GuzziBert's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Strange Behavior 2013 PS3 Game: Black, Horizontal "Bar-Code" Lines...Mixed Signals? Old Game and HDTV?

Does anyone know why this behavior occurs? On starting this PS3 game ("Tomb Raider", released 2013), there are screen flashes and black, horizontal "bar code"-like lines that ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I replace a broken ribbon circuit board in a Dualshock 3?

I have a Dualshock 3 and apparently, its ribbon circuit board (code SA1Q147A) is broken. I cannot find this particular model anywhere, either in my country, on the web, or on overseas sale sites. ...
Efe's user avatar
  • 31
1 vote
0 answers

8002f310 error does not go to safe mode

PS3 gives error 8002f310 and no matter what you do does not go to safe mode. Was doing a system update, gave me this error. Running to 99%,says previous install was canceled. The system is attempting ...
Tracey Grobbelaar's user avatar
0 votes
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Black Ops 1 and Modern Warfare 2 aren't saving multiplayer progress?

I was playing Black Ops on the PS3 and it didn't save my multiplayer progress. I had earned got a few levels, left the game, and went back in, and there was nothing. This also happened on mw2. Does ...
Tardis1015's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I fix Error 8002F2F0 after formatting my PS3?

I have a Sony PS3 Slim, CECH-2004A, and after formatting the hard drive I got the error 8002F2F0. I can enter on Safe Mode and re-format (Restore PS system, Restore File System, Etc ) the hard drive ...
h2odev's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

PS3 needs long warm-up before it can read game disks

My PS3 always needs a long warm-up (i.e. several hours) before it can read game disks. Before that delay, when I insert a game disk, it repeatedly tries to read the disk, but cannot. After some hours ...
Erik Schotter's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

PS3 | Updated to version 4.85 issue

My PS3 is Super Slim. So I just updated my PS3 to 4.85 which was working well before I updated it. I ticked the box "Turn off PS3 after software installation" and I let the PS3 update do its thing. ...
lloydknight's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Why won't my PS3 connect to my Sony monitor?

I have a old sony monitor and I want to connect my ps3 by hdmi and it says that the only resolution the monitor supports is 1280x1024, but there is not resolution on the ps3 that works. Here's the ...
Alex z's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

My PS3 Super Slim appears to be bricked, what can I do?

My PS3 Super Slim is bricked. When I turn it on, it's fan works for 3 seconds then it's completely turned down, and there is no light. I tried to change the power cable put its still not working. Can ...
Jack's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Help my ps3 is not working

My Ps3 comes on. I have tried 2 different HDMI cables. I have done the reset to restore video settings. Neither of these worked I have even done a factory reset and still nothing. Sometimes it will ...
Dad's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do I provide update data to my Playstation 3?

I bought a new PS3 Slim and when I powered it up it said "System cannot run correctly" and that I need to connect to a storage media that contains update data of version 4.81 or later. I don't know ...
user96442's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

PS3 wont boot to Safe Mode, runs for 5 seconds and powers off.

My PS3 won't turn on. I attempt to start it up in Safe Mode but it wont stay "on" long enough to boot. The unit emits two beeps and then turns off. What alternative methods can I use to boot to Safe ...
adrian's user avatar
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0 votes
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Backing Up the save data on the PS3.

My hard Drive is dying and I want to back up my save data on the PS3, but I just want to back up the save data and I have soo many games and data I want to save, so, it's really boring and time ...
Zarathustrax's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Playing with the PS3 without Hard Drive.

Is it possible to play with the PS3 without the Hard Drive? I mean, like having and usb drive with the OS and some saves from the games? My Hard Drive is dying, I think, and I want to know if this is ...
Zarathustrax's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Will an SSD kill a PS3?

A while ago I bought a PS3 super slim 12Gb, and I intended to put a 120Gb SSD (a Samsung 840 EVO) inside it. I purchased the mounting bracket etc and as all the guides I read said just slapped it in ...
David's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why can't I connect to PSN?

I have a PS3 that connects fine when using wired Ethernet, but when I connect to the same Router via Wifi, the PS3 obtains an IP address correctly, but fails to connect to the PSN. How do I get the ...
Nigel Thorne's user avatar
2 votes
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PS3 Hard drive corrupted file system. Stuck in safe mode "preparing" message

Netflix caused the PS3 (slim, latest firmware) to hang during playback. It wouldn't turn off so I had to cut power. As expected when it started again I had the file system corrupted message but this ...
Harel's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

My PS3's picture is too big on an older TV?

I decided to set up my PS3 again, and then I go to turn it on. I get into a game and I noticed that the screen is too big for my TV. I have an old TV so I don't know if that's what's causing it, but ...
Angelia's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

What is the main cause of First-model PS3s dying?

I'm seeing lots of broken (first model) PS3s on Craigslist. So much that there are more broken/not working ones then that are working ones! The price for a broken one isn't that much less than a ...
gcb's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to set up a new hard drive for a PS3?

I got my grandson a new sata HDD for his PS3, as it as corrupted. I can see where to download the PS3 stuff online, which needs to go to a 1GB flash stick (which I don't have). Can the download be ...
rick H's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Ultimate Vault Hunter mode pack 2 not working

I purchased Borderlands 2: Game of the Year Edition on PlayStation 3, and I have downloaded and installed all the included DLC's. Everything works fine. When I reached level 61, I purchased and ...
Elderzin's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

My PS3 controllers have died and are not charging

It has been some months since I've turned on my Playstation 3. Today, when I turned it on with my controllers, it didn't work. I thought "Hey, the battery surely ran out", so I tried to charge them ...
Joao Victor's user avatar
2 votes
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Troubleshooting my PS3

My PS3 Slim CECH-2501a was having some trouble, I think with overheating, so I popped it open with the help of ifixit's tutorial and cleaned it. After putting it back together however, I started ...
Selonianth's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

My PS3 wont connect to the T.V. or the controller?

Last night my PS3 was working fine, and now it won't connect with the controller or the HDMI port, but it turns on. When I turn it on, I have to hold the power button just for it to turn off. Also ...
Kevin yang's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

PS3 Controller is not staying connected [duplicate]

My dad has a PS3, he has not played any games on it with the actual controllers. When the controller is connected to the usb charger it works perfectly, but when I unplug the remote from the sub ...
Amanda's user avatar
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PS3 power problem

My PS3 cut out while playing black ops 2. The system clicked and turned off, instantly, no red standby light, no response to the power button. I flipped off the power switch in the back, unplugged ...
user90655's user avatar
3 votes
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I can't load my game on GTA V

I wanted to replay a mission - but in the middle of it I changed my mind and loaded my saved game. But instead of loading my game it loaded the first mission. I restarted the game and the ...
frencheepants's user avatar
0 votes
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Can i use another Playstation disc drive in my PS3?

I have an older PS3 that has been giving me problems. It has recently stopped reading my game discs, so I decided to take it apart to clean the eye. Now can't get the disc drive back together! Can I ...
bill mcwatters's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does my screen go completely blank when I try to use my AV cords?

I am usually playing in HD with the HDMI cords on my Playstation 3 but right now I am at my friends house and he does not have any HD television, so I am trying to use my AV jacks but when I plug it ...
MTAanddrop2299's user avatar
3 votes
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My PS3 won't stay turned on

I just tried to turn on my PS3 and for some reason when I turned it on, it automatically turns back off, I have tried to turn it on 4 times now and it is doing the same thing. Note: while I was ...
MTAanddrop2299's user avatar
3 votes
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No sound on Duke Nukem Forver for PS3

I've started to play DNF on PS3 and installed Patch 1.03. Unfortunatley I don't have any sound on it. It appears to be a common problem on the internet, but I didn't find a solution. The sound on ...
frlan's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

why won't my ps3 go online?

How do you fix getting online for ps3? When I try to go online it says error you have been logged out of psn What does this mean? How can I fix it? Any answer or comments would be nice -- ...
user69492's user avatar
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3 answers

PS3 HDMI issue "Resolution not supported"

I have my PS3 which connected it to my Samsung TV via HDMI cable that came with it. Everything worked fine for a couple of months until recently I started getting a message on the TV saying "Mode not ...
Saif Asif's user avatar
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-4 votes
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What could cause the 'L1' button to stop working, and is it possible to fix? [duplicate]

I accidentally let the controller fall from my hand and now the L1 button isn't working. (which is terrible, because I love FIFA). What can I do? is it possible to fix?
user61349's user avatar
1 vote
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Updating Injustice crashes my PS3

My 1.08 version of Injustice won't install on my PS3. It just beeps and reboots the console. There's plenty of memory and it wouldn't install after the latest system update which it made me do before ...
David's user avatar
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"80710a06" Error when attempting to visit Tumblr from my PS3

I tried to visit Tumblr but instead I got this error "80710a06". When I searched I came up with three or four articles/discussions about when PSN went down three years ago. But PSN is not down and I ...
Selonianth's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why doesn't my PS3 backup restore game saves & data on a new system?

I had an old 80Gb PS3 from 2009 which suddenly had a hard disk error a few weeks back, saying: Could not start, The appropriate storage system was not found. I had backed it up a week prior this ...
patrick's user avatar
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2 votes
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No sound in Call of Duty over HDMI when used with an Asus monitor

I connected a PS3 to an Asus 24" Monitor (Asus PB248Q) via HDMI. The monitor does not have internal speakers but has a jack for headphones. If I connect a headset to the headphones jack I can hear ...
Pep's user avatar
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2 answers

No video output on PS3, and cannot 'reset' output

When I plug in the Component or Composite video cables and turn on my PS3, I can hear the startup sound but there's no video output. I've tried to do the video reset multiple times (Put the system in ...
Nick's user avatar
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PS3 lost network whilst patching Injustice: Gods Among Us, and now won't re-download patch

Recently I've encountered a problem. Well, it wasn't a problem at the beginning, but now my PS3 can't even start downloading a patch. What happened step-by-step: I booted my PS3 Started the game (...
Novarg's user avatar
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