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XNA 4.0 How to combine triangles vertices 3D

Preview for the problem: I'm making a similar game to Minecraft (a game that it's world is made by cubes), but the fps of the game is getting low only by rendering a little amount of cubes in the ...
Omer Eliyahu's user avatar
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Applying texture to a 3D object

I am trying to draw a 3D cube on the screen, using MonoGame. The cube was created in Blender and exported as an fbx file. The following is what the cube looks like in VS when opened in the editor: ...
Paul Michaels's user avatar
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Overlapping Vertex in DynamicVertexBuffer draw priority?

I am creating a voxel game, and I have recently run into an issue. My world is drawn by a DynamicVertexBuffer, which just consists of vertices for the blocks themselves. On top of that, I switch ...
Jon's user avatar
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5 votes
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Spritebatch Vertex shader world matrix change after each draw

I have a spritebatch where I draw some textures transformed in 3d space. The easy way was just Begin with the transformation matrix, draw, and end it right after. But that is silly, so I'm trying ...
Roger Martins's user avatar
2 votes
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XNA calculate normals for linesegment

I am quite new to 3D graphical programming and thus far only understand that normal somehow define the direction in which a vertex faces and therefore the direction in which light is reflected. I have ...
Gerharddc's user avatar
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MonoGame WP custom vertex decleration

How do I go about implementing and using a custom vertex deceleration in monogame for windows phone 8. I want to be able to store a position, a colour and a normal?
Gerharddc's user avatar
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Disappearring instances of VertexPositionColor using MonoGame

I am a complete beginner in graphics developing with XNA/Monogame. Started my own project using Monogame 3.0 for WinRT. I have this unexplainable issue that some of the vertices disappear while doing ...
Rosko's user avatar
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