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1 answer

How to create colorizable vegetation albedo textures similar to Horizon Zero Dawn?

In the talk "Between Tech and Art: the Vegetation of Horizon Zero Dawn", Gilbert Sanders says "we average out the color of our albedo textures to mid gray value". But the final ...
ryu's user avatar
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Is FFXV's LOD system similar to Unreal Nanite's LOD system?

I was reading this article and it seems the LOD system in FFXV is similar in that the texture is not swapped, but the number of polygons changes depending on the distance. Is Nanite the same, or is it ...
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Using GetRawTextureData<Color32>() in Unity with non RGBA32 textures?

I am trying to manipulate a Texture2D using GetRawTextureData<Color32>() as this does not require extra memory to be allocated like ...
mike's user avatar
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1 answer

Should I be worried about textures higher than 4K?

Upon developing a big project, it just happened that when stitching all the thousands of animations spriteframes of a single character together, the sprite sheet turned around to 2K by 13K texture!! (╯...
Skelly Astronaut's user avatar
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Does a texture mask need to be the same size as the base texture?

new to game development here. I am working with an experienced 3D modeler and following some tutorials on texture mapping. Apologies if this is not the appropriate question for this forum, but this is ...
aroooo's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Different textures inside and outside a cube in DirectX 11

I want different textures for the outside and inside of a box (cube). The image below shows what I want to achieve. It is kind of an open box, where we can see a different texture inside: I was ...
mfloriani's user avatar
1 vote
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Java - set resolution of game

Hi everybody I am making small game using pure Java 8 and rednering it by Java AWT Graphics2D method . My question is how to make that user can change the quality ...
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What are these three different texture types I found in Pokémon sun?

I am currently trying to extract the Pokémon models/textures/animations of the Pokémon Sun game so i can use them as placeholders in Godot. At the moment I have the model, the textures and the ...
Nimmi's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to apply a texture to a 2D-sprite in unity 2-d?

I want to take an (animated) 2-d sprite and apply a texture to it. Basically, I want every non-transparent pixel to be covered by the texture (color is disregarded). I understand I can probably ...
C_Z_'s user avatar
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0 answers

Find transformation to align two polygons at fixed points?

Problem I have a source image (arbitrary width and height c) shown here as a rectangle [X1,X2,X3,X4]. It contains two points C and D (both known coordinates within ...
SmartK8's user avatar
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2 answers

Difference between reflection mapping and raytracing

Both methods involve casting a ray unto the reflecting object. It will be reflected. In reflection mapping - the intersection of this reflected ray with the environment map (texture) will yield the ...
P. Lance's user avatar
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Running OpenGL app on Windows XP x86 produces incorrect texture colors

I'm working with the Cen64 emulator and I compiled from source a x86 version that operates fine on Windows 10 x64. As soon as I run it on a Windows XP x86 machine the colors are then all incorrect. ...
CalebHC's user avatar
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Texturing edges of a procedurally generated polygon

I'm generating a polygon from code to display unit ranges in my game. Here's how it looks so far: I would love to be able to now use my texture and only apply it to the edges of this polygon (imagine ...
waxx's user avatar
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2 answers

Sprite brighter than texture

I have imported a new texture into UE, and have created a new sprite. I have setup the material of the sprite as follows: I have also set my texture as texture-parameter. But my sprite renders ...
wcobalt's user avatar
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1 answer

Display dynamic texture image on inside of sphere

I'm displaying a ring wherever the camera 'looks'. When the camera faces the ground (green) the ring image always looks correct, see image: However, my scene is within a sphere (purple)... and when ...
BrianLegg's user avatar
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1 answer

UNITY - Huge amount of GRAPHICS in RTS Tiled game

after year of development and week of unsuccessful optimization I turn for a help from you, guys. So, my game is turn-based strategy with hexagon map. One hexagon consists of one texture for hexagon ...
Pepa Gazdoš's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Does a detailed texture take longer to render?

Let's say I want to render a square; its texture is "square.png." Is it easier for the computer to render it if the texture is just a plain color? And what about if it is a very noisy texture with ...
user3491043's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

OpenGL: How do I map a square texture onto a rectangular surface?

I'm not asking about how to map the texture itself. I'm just wondering how I could go about evenly mapping a texture to an object so that it repeats itself instead of stretching to the surface. For ...
K.K. Slider's user avatar
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images loaded onto texture appear completely white

I am applying a texture to a primitive plane using ARKit and Unity like so, ...
Pavan K's user avatar
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How to get the "(human) Face" position from Webcam Texture

I am searching a way to recalculate the current Position of the Face in "Virtual World Position" From a Webcam Texture. I was thinking about a way to solve this via taking the Average Pupillary ...
OC_RaizW's user avatar
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Textures drawn with visible missing lines of pixels

I am making a game in monogame and have encountered the following problem: The black arrows mark the places where the rendering is "off". As you can see the gray lines aren't "flush" or "smooth". ...
MasterXD's user avatar
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How does Unity's QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit work?

I'm trying to get to the bottom of how masterTextureLimit works, but my results have been inconsistent so far. I created a massive sprite (8192x8192), and I'd like to resize it at runtime to save ...
eternal's user avatar
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Why is the standard on displaying missing textures is via a black and purple checkerboard?

In many different games, such as Minecraft and TF2, the default texture is a black and purple checkerboard. Even games that don't use that exact texture incorporate elements of it. Borderlands 2 uses ...
Eric Parkinson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Any major perf (or otherwise) concerns with rendering to/from big partial texture rather than multiple?

I have a very low res mobile game I'm working on that takes multiple rendering passes followed by a pass the composes them. Currently, I have a tex for each pass- each of which gets given to the ...
Phildo's user avatar
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OpenGL cube map is always black

When creating and rendering a skybox with a cube map texture, the skybox is black. Here is how I create the cube map texture: ...
abc's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I make an object not appear grey regardless of distance? [closed]

My moon texture is on a plane 500m away and I would like to know if there is a way to keep displaying the texture: As opposed to it turning grey as pictured here: regardless of the distance it is ...
qazwerty104's user avatar
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Textures created with Photoshop show up with a white border

All of a sudden, I started having this problem. I've used libGDX + Photoshop before and never had this problem. One of my textures is showing up with a white border/glow around. The texture is the ...
Juan's user avatar
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Problem with transparent textures in SFML

I have been told that this is kind of a common problem with transparent textures, but didn't get any further information on how to solve it. In my code, I'm trying to render this texture (a square ...
user35443's user avatar
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Render Queue Sorting, HOW?

Recently I'm trying to implement a render queue sorting system, i.e., ordering my renderable objects in an array in such a way that the overhead of OpenGL state changes are minumum. After some ...
D01phiN's user avatar
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2 answers

Unity C#: strange texture/sprite problems

I've been making a gallery style shooting game, like something you'd find at a carnival, with ducks to shoot. I'd made the game and it was all working fine. However opening it today, it doesn't look ...
Jacob Morris's user avatar
3 votes
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Custom Coloring of Tileset Characters

Games like Dwarft Fortress and Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup are drawing their boards using tiles from a tileset image (I think?). I know you can do color keying and replace the background color with ...
jlhasson's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Is quadrilinear texture sampling hardware supported?

If you have a volume texture with mipmaps, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR texture sampling will perform quadrilinear texture sampling. Is that implemented in hardware like bilinear texture sampling is? Or ...
Alan Wolfe's user avatar
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Texture filtering: Is the minification or the magnification filter used when rendering at the exact texture size?

Suppose you have a texture where the minification filter is linear, but the magnification filter is nearest-neighbor (point filtering). If the texture is rendered at exactly 1:1 pixels, but at a non-...
Tim R.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Why not just create very high resolution graphics and use them on all screens?

I'm creating a game with pretty basic graphics (numbers, blocks, words, and a few nice design elements for the logo and such). My question is: can I create everything in a very high resolution- say ...
Stacey's user avatar
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DX 11 Specular Highlights in Deferred Renderer

I am currently implementing a deferred renderer in DX11.1. Right now I am having a problem that I can't seem to crack with specular highlights when I have multiple light sources. I keep a vector of ...
Patrick Purcell's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I use a Texture2D larger than 2048 x 2048?

I'm having issues working with a large image. I've read other threads on using images larger than a Texture2D supports, but found nothing that addresses my problem ...
user43550's user avatar
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How are Volumetric Effects made within games? (e.g. Smoke/Fire)

For computer generated volumetric elements such as clouds, fire, and whitewater. How are they made? Is it just a simple collection of particles [put to pixels] taken from Physics equations or are the ...
Sad CRUD Developer's user avatar
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Apply a texture on a Box - jMonkeyEngine

How can i wrap a texture (for ex a 4x4 pixels) on a box (1x1x1) in such a way that the texture is repeated and not enlarged to cover all the surface. ...
Fab's user avatar
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2 answers

How many rendering passes is "normal"?

I've been implementing John Chapman's method for SSAO (an excellent tutorial by the way), and I've completed it all minus the final part: blurring it. I believe this is what the entire process should ...
Fault's user avatar
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Versions of GL and its device that don't display or required powers of 2 for the sprites

From this question aside from identifying possibilities of displaying images that don't needed to require powers of 2, what are the versions of GL that can actually display images even if don't needed ...
David Dimalanta's user avatar
5 votes
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How to optimize SpriteBatch usage?

From what I understand, SpriteBatch's purpose is to batch as many draw operations to send to the GPU. Each batch can handle one texture at a time, and changing SpriteBatch context/texture is expensive,...
Yariv Livay's user avatar
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Implement Displacement Mapping: Gaps along seams

I am implementing Displacement mapping using DirectX 11 with its new tessellation stages. Diffuse map and displacement map are generated by xNormal. The result after I applied displacement mapping is ...
Vivacissimo's user avatar
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How to draw different textures on my cubes DrawUserIndexPrimitive with XNA?

I'm having some problem to draw textures with class "DrawUserIndexPrimitive" on Xna. I can draw my cubes / models without problem. But I want to draw different textures on my cubes. I loop on each "...
Mehdi Bugnard's user avatar
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Devices or Smartphones That Can Run and Displayed Images Properly While Power of 2 Code is Disabled [closed]

Before making game apps, I want to have any certain smartphone device brands that runs on OpenGL. I have to make a code for images that doesn't need to required power of 2 images so that I can resize ...
David Dimalanta's user avatar
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What causes polygonal twitching in older games?

I'd like this answer large part to curiosity and I'd like to recreate it with our modern computers somehow. By old games I'm referring to ps1 games. My specific example would be Megaman Legends I've ...
Kaliber64's user avatar
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Why use textures that are Power of Two? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why are textures always square powers of two? What if they aren’t? I am using C# and XNA (also MonoGame for other platforms than Windows) to create a game in 2D. Ususally for ...
ares_games's user avatar
4 votes
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How to use images/text/etc. in XNA without Content Pipeline?

I'm currently writing a program in C# with the XNA framework. It is absolutely necessary for the game's images and text assets to be visible by the end user in the form of PNG files, so I can't use ...
Joey Miller's user avatar
1 vote
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Making a 2D game with responsive resolution

I am making a 2D game, however I wish for it to be resolution agnostic. My target resolution i.e. where things look as intended is 1600 x 900. My ideas are: Make the HUD stay fixed to the sides no ...
alexandervrs's user avatar
8 votes
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How to flip a BC6/BC7 texture?

I have some code to load DDS image files into OpenGL textures, and I'd like to extend it to support the BC6 and BC7 compressed formats introduced in D3D11. Since DirectX and OpenGL disagree about ...
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How to handle dynamic unit color?

I'm working on a 3D real time tactics wargame and a primary feature is military customisation. As part of the customisation, I would like to have the player be able to change some of the colors of the ...
ahodder's user avatar
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