Bu yazıda uzak ya da yakın ötekilerin Batılı toplumbilimlerinde nasıl düşünüldüğünü kısaca ele al... more Bu yazıda uzak ya da yakın ötekilerin Batılı toplumbilimlerinde nasıl düşünüldüğünü kısaca ele aldık. Bunu yaparken, Fransız basınında Japonya temsillerinin nasıl inşa edildiğini araştıran Jean-Paul Honore'nin sorduğu soruların özgüllüğüne dikkat çektikten sonra Tzvetan Todorov'un biz ve benin ötekiyle ilişkisini nasıl tasarladığını ele aldık. Ardından, ötekiliklerin, özellikle coğrafi anlamda uzak ötekilerin yok olduğu savunusunun, uzak ötekilikleri araştıran antropolojinin ölümünü ilan ettiğini gördük. Antropolojinin günümüzde bu iddiaya nasıl yanıt verdiğini görmek için, Fransız antropolog Marc Auge'yi dinleme gereksinimi duyduk. Auge'nin bu iddialara verdiği yanıtlar, antropoloji ile sosyoloji arasında bir yakınlaşma olup olmadığı sorusunu gündeme getirdi. Soru güncelliğini koruyor, biz sadece başlangıç olarak, Auge'nin kimliği ve tarihi üstünde yaşadığı mekanın kimliği ve tarihiyle özdeş olmayan kesimler olarak tanımladığı yabancılara, göçmenlere sosyolog olmasının yanı sıra Cezayir'de doğmuş bir piednoirolan Pierre Bourdieu'nün nasıl yaklaştığına yer verirken, P. Bourdieu'nün marjinalliklerini modern toplum tasarımına borçlu olan marjinallerih modern bilgi kuramı hakkında konuşan özneler olarak sosyolojiye kazandırmaya nasıl çaba gösterdiğine dikkati çekmeye çalıştık.
The Culture, the Tourism and the City: the Quest for a New Urban Image of Istanbul We will attemp... more The Culture, the Tourism and the City: the Quest for a New Urban Image of Istanbul We will attempt to describe how Istanbul tries to integrate the urban tourism world market. Fated to become a postindustrial city since the 80’s, Istanbul entered a process of renewal of its image and identity in order to become an attractive place on the market of cultural tourism, hence starting to challenge cities already well installed on the market of urban tourism. This global competition brings the cities to a process of organizing major cultural events, restoring cultural and historical heritage, and create new museums and cultural centers. in this context, we will try to show how, through a major event such as Istanbul European Capital of culture 2010 and the phenomenons linked to the creation of new culture centers, Istanbul reinvents its image as a city of culture for the European and global tourism markets. We will thus try to show how Istanbul, usually seen as a mix of Asia and Europe, in...
International journal of humanities and social science, 2013
Setting out from the concept of post-tourists, we have tried to determine whether the city of Ist... more Setting out from the concept of post-tourists, we have tried to determine whether the city of Istanbul is undergoing transformation owing to the considerable weight of tourism in the economy and the expectations of post-tourists. More specifically, we sought answer to the question whether the overflowing male and female sensuality, erotism and sexuality of Istanbul (needless to say, characteristics assigned to the city in the Orientalist imagination through an Orientalist or Neocolonialist discourse) are reproduced, experimented with and transformed by the practices of gay tourists. We carried out interviews with around fifteen gay tourists through semi-structured questionnaires in order to collect information on their touristic experiences of Istanbul. Thereby it has become possible to observe that it is not only stereotypical “Oriental” images of Istanbul which are reproduced, but that there are also other images formed to bestow meaning upon the touristic experience of gays in Is...
Cette etude propose d’analyser la construction de l’identite religieuse dans les series televisee... more Cette etude propose d’analyser la construction de l’identite religieuse dans les series televisees produites ou coproduites en Turquie, puis diffusees dans ce pays et exportees. Nous avons tout d’abord determine, en fonction de la problematique de notre recherche, les series televisees ayant des contenus religieux, puis les caracteristiques economico-politiques des chaines de television qui les diffusent. Nous avons retenu dans notre corpus les series a fort contenu religieux les plus regardees: Entre deux mondes ( Iki Dunya Arasinda ), diffusee sur la chaine de television Samanyolu-STV, de tendance islamique mais recemment passee dans l’opposition au gouvernement islamo-conservateur (le Parti de la justice et du developpement, AKP, au pouvoir depuis novembre 2002) ; et La Rue de la serenite ( Huzur Sokagi ) , serie televisee la plus regardee en Turquie entre 2012 et 2014, diffusee sur ATV, une chaine grand public sans coloration religieuse particuliere mais qui soutient le parti au pouvoir. Ces deux series televisees sont analysees selon la methode du carre semiotique de Greimas, basee sur les binomes de termes opposes. En nous appuyant sur cette analyse, nous avons cherche a repondre a la question suivante: comment l'identite musulmane est-elle (re)construite dans la Turquie contemporaine a partir des valeurs modernes et traditionnelles, exprimees comme des binomes de termes opposes, par les series televisees islamiques diffusees sur STV et ATV?
Rethinking Social Media Through the Conceptualizationof the Attention Economy The accelerated ren... more Rethinking Social Media Through the Conceptualizationof the Attention Economy The accelerated renewal and widespread use of new communication technologies have brought up the question of attention, which focuses on the time spent with the media and the content produced or consumed in the media, as an important issue in the field of communication studies. The attention of those, who use new media or social media platforms to consume content or actually produce an "advantage" with the content they consume, has become the most important economic value of the postmodern or digital age. This article, in the light of theoretical debates, will discuss what the new structuring of the means of communication has transformed the attention of media users into, and will lay out, based on the intellectual sources of the discussions in question, what types of intellectual expansions it has provided for the phenomenon of new media and attention.
Cette étude propose d’analyser la construction de l’identité religieuse dans les séries télévisée... more Cette étude propose d’analyser la construction de l’identité religieuse dans les séries télévisées produites ou coproduites en Turquie, puis diffusées dans ce pays et exportées. Nous avons tout d’abord déterminé, en fonction de la problématique de notre recherche, les séries télévisées ayant des contenus religieux, puis les caractéristiques économico-politiques des chaînes de télévision qui les diffusent. Nous avons retenu dans notre corpus les séries à fort contenu religieux les plus regardées: Entre deux mondes (İki Dünya Arasında), diffusée sur la chaîne de télévision Samanyolu-STV, de tendance islamique mais récemment passée dans l’opposition au gouvernement islamo-conservateur (le Parti de la justice et du développement, AKP, au pouvoir depuis novembre 2002) ; et La Rue de la sérénité (Huzur Sokağı), série télévisée la plus regardée en Turquie entre 2012 et 2014, diffusée sur ATV, une chaîne grand public sans coloration religieuse particulière mais qui soutient le parti au pouvoir. Ces deux séries télévisées sont analysées selon la méthode du carré sémiotique de Greimas, basée sur les binômes de termes opposés. En nous appuyant sur cette analyse, nous avons cherché à répondre à la question suivante: comment l'identité musulmane est-elle (re)construite dans la Turquie contemporaine à partir des valeurs modernes et traditionnelles, exprimées comme des binômes de termes opposés, par les séries télévisées islamiques diffusées sur STV et ATV?
The Construction of Religious Identity in Islamic TV Series Between Two Worlds and Peace Street: This paper offers an analysis of the construction of religious identity in TV series produced or coproduced in Turkey, broadcast in this country or exported. In accordance with the subject matter, first of all, TV series with a religious content are determined. Later, economical and political characteristics of the broadcasters are studied. The most popular TV series with a strong religious content are added into the corpus of this study: Between Two Worlds ( İki Dünya Arasında), broadcast by Samanyolu-STV, a channel with Islamic tendency yet recently taken side with the opposition against the Islamic-conservative government (Justice and Development Party, AKP, governing since 2002); and The Peace Street (Huzur Sokağı), the most popular TV series in Turkey between 2012 and 2014, broadcast by ATV, a popular channel without a particular religious tendency yet supporting AKP. These two series are analyzed following Greimas’ methodology of semiotic square, built on the binary oppositions of concepts. Based on this analysis, the following question is scrutinized: How the Muslim identity is being (re)constructed in today’s Turkey by Islamic TV series, broadcast by STV and ATV, via modern and traditional values perceived as binary oppositions?
Bu yazıda uzak ya da yakın ötekilerin Batılı toplumbilimlerinde nasıl düşünüldüğünü kısaca ele al... more Bu yazıda uzak ya da yakın ötekilerin Batılı toplumbilimlerinde nasıl düşünüldüğünü kısaca ele aldık. Bunu yaparken, Fransız basınında Japonya temsillerinin nasıl inşa edildiğini araştıran Jean-Paul Honore'nin sorduğu soruların özgüllüğüne dikkat çektikten sonra Tzvetan Todorov'un biz ve benin ötekiyle ilişkisini nasıl tasarladığını ele aldık. Ardından, ötekiliklerin, özellikle coğrafi anlamda uzak ötekilerin yok olduğu savunusunun, uzak ötekilikleri araştıran antropolojinin ölümünü ilan ettiğini gördük. Antropolojinin günümüzde bu iddiaya nasıl yanıt verdiğini görmek için, Fransız antropolog Marc Auge'yi dinleme gereksinimi duyduk. Auge'nin bu iddialara verdiği yanıtlar, antropoloji ile sosyoloji arasında bir yakınlaşma olup olmadığı sorusunu gündeme getirdi. Soru güncelliğini koruyor, biz sadece başlangıç olarak, Auge'nin kimliği ve tarihi üstünde yaşadığı mekanın kimliği ve tarihiyle özdeş olmayan kesimler olarak tanımladığı yabancılara, göçmenlere sosyolog olmasının yanı sıra Cezayir'de doğmuş bir piednoirolan Pierre Bourdieu'nün nasıl yaklaştığına yer verirken, P. Bourdieu'nün marjinalliklerini modern toplum tasarımına borçlu olan marjinallerih modern bilgi kuramı hakkında konuşan özneler olarak sosyolojiye kazandırmaya nasıl çaba gösterdiğine dikkati çekmeye çalıştık.
The Culture, the Tourism and the City: the Quest for a New Urban Image of Istanbul We will attemp... more The Culture, the Tourism and the City: the Quest for a New Urban Image of Istanbul We will attempt to describe how Istanbul tries to integrate the urban tourism world market. Fated to become a postindustrial city since the 80’s, Istanbul entered a process of renewal of its image and identity in order to become an attractive place on the market of cultural tourism, hence starting to challenge cities already well installed on the market of urban tourism. This global competition brings the cities to a process of organizing major cultural events, restoring cultural and historical heritage, and create new museums and cultural centers. in this context, we will try to show how, through a major event such as Istanbul European Capital of culture 2010 and the phenomenons linked to the creation of new culture centers, Istanbul reinvents its image as a city of culture for the European and global tourism markets. We will thus try to show how Istanbul, usually seen as a mix of Asia and Europe, in...
International journal of humanities and social science, 2013
Setting out from the concept of post-tourists, we have tried to determine whether the city of Ist... more Setting out from the concept of post-tourists, we have tried to determine whether the city of Istanbul is undergoing transformation owing to the considerable weight of tourism in the economy and the expectations of post-tourists. More specifically, we sought answer to the question whether the overflowing male and female sensuality, erotism and sexuality of Istanbul (needless to say, characteristics assigned to the city in the Orientalist imagination through an Orientalist or Neocolonialist discourse) are reproduced, experimented with and transformed by the practices of gay tourists. We carried out interviews with around fifteen gay tourists through semi-structured questionnaires in order to collect information on their touristic experiences of Istanbul. Thereby it has become possible to observe that it is not only stereotypical “Oriental” images of Istanbul which are reproduced, but that there are also other images formed to bestow meaning upon the touristic experience of gays in Is...
Cette etude propose d’analyser la construction de l’identite religieuse dans les series televisee... more Cette etude propose d’analyser la construction de l’identite religieuse dans les series televisees produites ou coproduites en Turquie, puis diffusees dans ce pays et exportees. Nous avons tout d’abord determine, en fonction de la problematique de notre recherche, les series televisees ayant des contenus religieux, puis les caracteristiques economico-politiques des chaines de television qui les diffusent. Nous avons retenu dans notre corpus les series a fort contenu religieux les plus regardees: Entre deux mondes ( Iki Dunya Arasinda ), diffusee sur la chaine de television Samanyolu-STV, de tendance islamique mais recemment passee dans l’opposition au gouvernement islamo-conservateur (le Parti de la justice et du developpement, AKP, au pouvoir depuis novembre 2002) ; et La Rue de la serenite ( Huzur Sokagi ) , serie televisee la plus regardee en Turquie entre 2012 et 2014, diffusee sur ATV, une chaine grand public sans coloration religieuse particuliere mais qui soutient le parti au pouvoir. Ces deux series televisees sont analysees selon la methode du carre semiotique de Greimas, basee sur les binomes de termes opposes. En nous appuyant sur cette analyse, nous avons cherche a repondre a la question suivante: comment l'identite musulmane est-elle (re)construite dans la Turquie contemporaine a partir des valeurs modernes et traditionnelles, exprimees comme des binomes de termes opposes, par les series televisees islamiques diffusees sur STV et ATV?
Rethinking Social Media Through the Conceptualizationof the Attention Economy The accelerated ren... more Rethinking Social Media Through the Conceptualizationof the Attention Economy The accelerated renewal and widespread use of new communication technologies have brought up the question of attention, which focuses on the time spent with the media and the content produced or consumed in the media, as an important issue in the field of communication studies. The attention of those, who use new media or social media platforms to consume content or actually produce an "advantage" with the content they consume, has become the most important economic value of the postmodern or digital age. This article, in the light of theoretical debates, will discuss what the new structuring of the means of communication has transformed the attention of media users into, and will lay out, based on the intellectual sources of the discussions in question, what types of intellectual expansions it has provided for the phenomenon of new media and attention.
Cette étude propose d’analyser la construction de l’identité religieuse dans les séries télévisée... more Cette étude propose d’analyser la construction de l’identité religieuse dans les séries télévisées produites ou coproduites en Turquie, puis diffusées dans ce pays et exportées. Nous avons tout d’abord déterminé, en fonction de la problématique de notre recherche, les séries télévisées ayant des contenus religieux, puis les caractéristiques économico-politiques des chaînes de télévision qui les diffusent. Nous avons retenu dans notre corpus les séries à fort contenu religieux les plus regardées: Entre deux mondes (İki Dünya Arasında), diffusée sur la chaîne de télévision Samanyolu-STV, de tendance islamique mais récemment passée dans l’opposition au gouvernement islamo-conservateur (le Parti de la justice et du développement, AKP, au pouvoir depuis novembre 2002) ; et La Rue de la sérénité (Huzur Sokağı), série télévisée la plus regardée en Turquie entre 2012 et 2014, diffusée sur ATV, une chaîne grand public sans coloration religieuse particulière mais qui soutient le parti au pouvoir. Ces deux séries télévisées sont analysées selon la méthode du carré sémiotique de Greimas, basée sur les binômes de termes opposés. En nous appuyant sur cette analyse, nous avons cherché à répondre à la question suivante: comment l'identité musulmane est-elle (re)construite dans la Turquie contemporaine à partir des valeurs modernes et traditionnelles, exprimées comme des binômes de termes opposés, par les séries télévisées islamiques diffusées sur STV et ATV?
The Construction of Religious Identity in Islamic TV Series Between Two Worlds and Peace Street: This paper offers an analysis of the construction of religious identity in TV series produced or coproduced in Turkey, broadcast in this country or exported. In accordance with the subject matter, first of all, TV series with a religious content are determined. Later, economical and political characteristics of the broadcasters are studied. The most popular TV series with a strong religious content are added into the corpus of this study: Between Two Worlds ( İki Dünya Arasında), broadcast by Samanyolu-STV, a channel with Islamic tendency yet recently taken side with the opposition against the Islamic-conservative government (Justice and Development Party, AKP, governing since 2002); and The Peace Street (Huzur Sokağı), the most popular TV series in Turkey between 2012 and 2014, broadcast by ATV, a popular channel without a particular religious tendency yet supporting AKP. These two series are analyzed following Greimas’ methodology of semiotic square, built on the binary oppositions of concepts. Based on this analysis, the following question is scrutinized: How the Muslim identity is being (re)constructed in today’s Turkey by Islamic TV series, broadcast by STV and ATV, via modern and traditional values perceived as binary oppositions?
Papers by Nilgun Tutal
The Construction of Religious Identity in Islamic TV Series Between Two Worlds and Peace Street: This paper offers an analysis of the construction of religious identity in TV series produced or coproduced in Turkey, broadcast in this country or exported. In accordance with the subject matter, first of all, TV series with a religious content are determined. Later, economical and political characteristics of the broadcasters are studied. The most popular TV series with a strong religious content are added into the corpus of this study: Between Two Worlds ( İki Dünya Arasında), broadcast by Samanyolu-STV, a channel with Islamic tendency yet recently taken side with the opposition against the Islamic-conservative government (Justice and Development Party, AKP, governing since 2002); and The Peace Street (Huzur Sokağı), the most popular TV series in Turkey between 2012 and 2014, broadcast by ATV, a popular channel without a particular religious tendency yet supporting AKP. These two series are analyzed following Greimas’ methodology of semiotic square, built on the binary oppositions of concepts. Based on this analysis, the following question is scrutinized: How the Muslim identity is being (re)constructed in today’s Turkey by Islamic TV series, broadcast by STV and ATV, via modern and traditional values perceived as binary oppositions?
The Construction of Religious Identity in Islamic TV Series Between Two Worlds and Peace Street: This paper offers an analysis of the construction of religious identity in TV series produced or coproduced in Turkey, broadcast in this country or exported. In accordance with the subject matter, first of all, TV series with a religious content are determined. Later, economical and political characteristics of the broadcasters are studied. The most popular TV series with a strong religious content are added into the corpus of this study: Between Two Worlds ( İki Dünya Arasında), broadcast by Samanyolu-STV, a channel with Islamic tendency yet recently taken side with the opposition against the Islamic-conservative government (Justice and Development Party, AKP, governing since 2002); and The Peace Street (Huzur Sokağı), the most popular TV series in Turkey between 2012 and 2014, broadcast by ATV, a popular channel without a particular religious tendency yet supporting AKP. These two series are analyzed following Greimas’ methodology of semiotic square, built on the binary oppositions of concepts. Based on this analysis, the following question is scrutinized: How the Muslim identity is being (re)constructed in today’s Turkey by Islamic TV series, broadcast by STV and ATV, via modern and traditional values perceived as binary oppositions?