To obtain an accurate understanding of player experience (PE) in serious games that simulate orga... more To obtain an accurate understanding of player experience (PE) in serious games that simulate organizational environments, many factors must be considered and intertwined, psychological, physiological and related to the game performance itself. Such elements can be analyzed using experimental techniques such as recording attentional aspects or monitoring brain waves and subjective methods such as questionnaires. The objective of this work was to analyze the possible benefits of using a business simulation game (BSG) as a resource to stimulate learning based on the measurement of engagement in its different dimensions, using a hemoencephalogram (HEG) device to monitor cortical activation and the eye tracking (ET), for measuring pupillary dilation, both used concomitantly, in addition to pre- and posttest questionnaires, to record participants’ expectations and perceptions of the game experience. Data collection was carried out with 10 students and professors in the computer engineerin...
This paper proposes to join two different approaches: Software Engineering and Semantic Web. The ... more This paper proposes to join two different approaches: Software Engineering and Semantic Web. The first one cames from Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and the second one, from the Ontology Engineering area, more specifically Ontology Learning. The main idea of this work is to accelerate the initial construction of ontologies from knowledge already represented in several different models such as CASE repository or database dictionaries and text, based on standards of MDA for interoperability. In this way, a framework was developed to join these concepts, where the steps sequence to apply it were defined until an initial representations of ontology was obtained.
Pert-urban catchments are characterized by their complexity (hydrological, sociological and geogr... more Pert-urban catchments are characterized by their complexity (hydrological, sociological and geographical processes) as well as their dynamics. Their dynamics depend on the multiplicity of stakeholders, with differing and often conflicting land use representations and strategies. In order to simulate these, it is necessary both innovative methods and computer tools to support their coordination and mediation processes, aiming at an improved, more decentralized and integrated natural resources management. Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and Role-Playing Games (RPG) are methods that have been used for some years to represent this dynamics. Computer tools are implemented using MAS and RPG to integrate the conceptual modelling, allowing to represent and to explore functioning and dynamics through testing of different scenarios. The pert-urban interface provides specific hydrological functions of a city and supports groundwater recharge zones and absorbs rainwater. An example of pert-urban catchment is the Metropolitan Region of Sáo Paulo, that is studied in the Negowat Project (Negotiation of Land and Water Conflicts in Latin America). We have developed a prototype of a computer tool to integrate water management and the actions of the stakeholders. This prototype, called "JogoMan", links MAS and RPG, and its implementation is based on Corms [7], a Multi-Agent Simulator developed at CIRAD (Agricultural Research Developing Countries of France). JogoMan is a simplification of the real phenomena of interaction between the several actors, and it is used as a means of learning and analysis. The goal of Negowat Project is to define a complete conceptual model of the area and its implementation in two levels: local and catchment. In first level, the focus is in the negotiation and interaction of stakeholders, and in the second level, the focus is in multi-agent simulations and its effect in the quality of the water. For both levels, the project researchers will need to have strong linking with the local communities, who can supply many information about the real situation, and therefore being crucial for model construction. One of the project objectives is to use representative groups of people to better understand the functioning of the social and politics processes, and as consequence research will need a direct interaction with local communities. Some interesting questions related with this modelling and its implementation arises, like how one should model social processes in such an approach. K e y w o r d s Agent Based Modelling; Role Playing Games; Simulation 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n Multi-Agent Systems (M AS) is characterized by the study, design and implementation of societies of artificial agents. Logic-based and cognitive science approaches have contributed considerably to its development [6]. Another approach the study of social interaction are the Role-Playing Games (RPG). They have their constitution in social sciences and intend to reveal some aspects of social relationships, allowing the direct observation of interactions among players. By combining together both MAS and RPG, one can join the dynamic capacity of MAS to the capacity of generating discussions by RPG techniques [3]. MAS has been tested in natural resources management [3]. Traditional tools for teaching and training purposes, as RPG, have been successfully used in certain phases of negotiation over water and land-use planning and they have proved to be efficient in facilitating communication on complex real scenarios.
This paper presents a systematic review of the use of Serious Games and Neurofeedback as a suppor... more This paper presents a systematic review of the use of Serious Games and Neurofeedback as a support mechanism for the treatment of individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The review aims to present the methodologically strongest results in this area and to verify whether this alternative is accessible, applicable and effective. This way, the proposed solutions are described and analyzed, pointing out the significant characteristics and limitations of these studies. Results demonstrate the great potential that this technology has as an instrument for monitoring and engagement, as well as providing a reliable and accessible method for cognitive improvement, being a great approach for the social and academic development of individuals with ADHD.
In a fire situation it is known that one of the main causes of deaths is the inhalation of smoke.... more In a fire situation it is known that one of the main causes of deaths is the inhalation of smoke. Therefore, it is essential that at the start of emergency situations people leave quickly to avoid possible injuries. We have investigated the dispersion of smoke in closed places and simulate the crowds' behavior in these situations. This paper aims to present a new proposal to model the smoke dispersion in closed environments using the concept of potential fields joined to cellular automata. To validate the work, a behavioral model for the simulation of people evacuation using the multiagent approach was implemented.
OCC Theory of Emotions is an appraisal cognitive theory in which emotions are seen like a system.... more OCC Theory of Emotions is an appraisal cognitive theory in which emotions are seen like a system. It is to say, this theory explains a possible way about how human emotions are created. If emotions are seen like a system then it is possible to apply a mathematical model. The current state of the art does not provide a mathematical model of OCC Theory of Emotions using category theory. This paper introduces a possible way for a mathematical model of the OCC Theory of Emotions using category theory. The advantage of this mathematical model of emotions is the possibility to have a computational model of it. There are a few of computational models of emotions, but there is no a computational model with a mathematical basis in category theory. One advantage of applying category theory is the presence of optimization techniques. This lies in the conception of category theory itself, as it studies the relation between objects. In this way each emotion is observed like a category and with the concepts of category theory a mathematical structure of the theory of emotions is established.
This paper discusses the construction and the application of ontologies to educational systems in... more This paper discusses the construction and the application of ontologies to educational systems in the Web. The Web in our days, with a huge number of sites, must have a significant change in the search models and the content understanding. For that, it is necessary to develop structured sites, where they use interactive and automatic tools (the idea of a machine-machine interaction). In many domains, it can be an important tool, as educational systems. This "new" web is called Semantic Web, and it uses ontologies to have a formal, explicit and sharing specification of concepts.
Advances in computational intelligence and robotics book series, 2017
The phytoplanktons are organisms that have limited locomotion about the current being drift in aq... more The phytoplanktons are organisms that have limited locomotion about the current being drift in aquatic environment. Another characteristic of phytoplankton their growth and energy are result about photosynthetic process. It is important to emphasize that the phytoplankton is the main primary producer of aquatic environment, it means that, it is the base the aquatic food chain. The organic material produced by phytoplankton is responsible in provide the material and energy which sustains the growth of fish, crustaceans and mollusks, in marine ecosystems. Because of this, it is important to know the factors that interfere with their accumulation in environments mainly in fishing regions. In this way, this study tries to demonstrate the importance of retention time, often caused by hydrological issues, in the variation of phytoplankton biomass in the estuary of the Patos Lagoon (ELP), in Rio Grande/RS. To do that, we created one model that simulates this environment, using techniques of multi-agent-based simulation and its implementation was done with the NetLogo tool.
This paper presents a qualitative study about programming logic teaching in high school, based on... more This paper presents a qualitative study about programming logic teaching in high school, based on the Discourse of Collective Subject. The project where this study is embedded aims to encourage a greater number of students in the areas of engineering and natural sciences, primarily girls. The main goal is to present how the high school students participating in this project understand issues related to computing learning and women inclusion in this area.
Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada, Jul 10, 2022
Resumo O mercado de jogos movimenta bilhões de dólares por ano e está crescendo exponencialmente.... more Resumo O mercado de jogos movimenta bilhões de dólares por ano e está crescendo exponencialmente. O aprendizado por reforço é uma técnica de tentativa e erro que está diretamente relacionada a esse mercado. Assim, o estudo dessas técnicas em jogos populares torna-se relevante, como o estudo de caso deste projeto, o jogo Pac-man. Este trabalho tem como objetivo utilizar métricas para validar os resultados obtidos na simulação de algoritmos de aprendizado por reforço e sua validação baseada em algumas métricas, como recompensadas ganhas pelo agente, a exploração do ambiente, sua completude e o tempo de cada simulação. Vários testes foram realizados com cada algoritmo testado e os resultados demonstram que para ambientes com comportamentos com imprevisibilidade, o aprendizado por reforço tende a demorar muito a convergir.
Este artigo apresenta a proposta de treinamento da habilidade lógica em estudantes de ensino médi... more Este artigo apresenta a proposta de treinamento da habilidade lógica em estudantes de ensino médio e sua análise baseada na neurociências. O foco da pesquisa está em verificar diferenças de gênero, ou seja, se as habilidades para as áreas de ciências exatas e engenharias podem ser ampliadas em meninas, e como essas atividades podem ser validadas a nível fisiológico, segundo a plasticidade cerebral. Palavras-chave: Computação, Lógica, Neurociência This paper presents a proposal for training of logical skill in high school students and its analysis based on neuroscience. The focus of the research is to ascertain gender differences, i.e., if the skills in the areas of engineering and sciences can be increased in girls, and how these activities can be validated at the physiological level, according to brain plasticity.
Scientific Journal of Applied Social and Clinical Science, Dec 1, 2022
All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attributio... more All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
The great number of researches about local features extraction algorithms in the last years, alli... more The great number of researches about local features extraction algorithms in the last years, allied to the popularization of mobile devices, makes desirable efficient and accurate algorithms suitable to run on such devices. Despite this, there are few approaches adequate to run efficiently on the complexity-, cost-and power-constrained mobile environments. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of the recently proposed BRISK algorithm on mobile devices. In this way, a mobile implementation, named M-BRISK, is proposed. Some implementation strategies are considered and successful applied to execute the algorithm in a real-world mobile device. As evaluation criterion repeatability, recall, precision and running time metrics are used, as well as the comparison with the classical well established algorithm SURF and also with the more recently proposed ORB. The results confirm that proposed mobile implementation of BRISK (M-BRISK) performs well and it is adequate to mobile devices.
Advances in computational intelligence and robotics book series, 2017
The objective of this paper is to reflect on our experience in a serious game research project, n... more The objective of this paper is to reflect on our experience in a serious game research project, named SimParc, about multi-agent support for participatory management of protected areas for biodiversity conservation and social inclusion. Our project has a clear filiation with the MAS-RPG methodology developed by the ComMod action-research community, where multi-agent simulation (MAS) computes the dynamics of the resources and role-playing game (RPG) represents the actions and dialogue between stakeholders about the resources. We have explored some specific directions, such as: dialogue support for negotiation; argumentation-based decision making and its explanation; technical assistance to the players based on viability modeling. In our project, multi-agent based simulation focuses on the negotiation process itself, performed by human players and some artificial participants/agents, rather than on the simulation of the resources dynamics. Meanwhile, we have also reintroduced the modeling of the socioecosystem dynamics, but as a local technical assistance/analysis tool for the players.
A minha mãe Maria, minha irmã Luciana e minha madrinha Ires pelo apoio em todos os momentos de mi... more A minha mãe Maria, minha irmã Luciana e minha madrinha Ires pelo apoio em todos os momentos de minha vida, desde o início e sempre. Com certeza, sem estas maravilhosas mulheres, eu nunca teria chegado ao final de mais esta etapa. Aos meus grandes amigos do LTI (melhor dizendo "LTIanos"): Valguima, Valdinei,
The growing use of chemicals in plantations and high use of car/trucks are being a problem to be ... more The growing use of chemicals in plantations and high use of car/trucks are being a problem to be fought all over the globe. In this paper, we present the theoretical basis and the creation of a game that is going to be used with the Committee of the Mirim Lagoon and of the Sao Goncalo River (Brazil), where each member are going to play the role of others members to better understand their actions and to make better decisions to the regional resources. In this way, the game was created physically, where, after every stage, the actions were transferred to be calculated by a JAVA software (methodologically defined each role as an agent) on a computer, returning the results to the players in printed papers. Further, a graphical interface will be implemented in the calculation program and, starting from that, a computational version of the game will be created. Besides that, random roles are going to be played with intelligent agents.
This work presents a study of Multi-agents Systems, Computational Simulation and Emotions. From t... more This work presents a study of Multi-agents Systems, Computational Simulation and Emotions. From the study of these three areas, a prototype of a framework for simulation of agents with emotions was developed.
To obtain an accurate understanding of player experience (PE) in serious games that simulate orga... more To obtain an accurate understanding of player experience (PE) in serious games that simulate organizational environments, many factors must be considered and intertwined, psychological, physiological and related to the game performance itself. Such elements can be analyzed using experimental techniques such as recording attentional aspects or monitoring brain waves and subjective methods such as questionnaires. The objective of this work was to analyze the possible benefits of using a business simulation game (BSG) as a resource to stimulate learning based on the measurement of engagement in its different dimensions, using a hemoencephalogram (HEG) device to monitor cortical activation and the eye tracking (ET), for measuring pupillary dilation, both used concomitantly, in addition to pre- and posttest questionnaires, to record participants’ expectations and perceptions of the game experience. Data collection was carried out with 10 students and professors in the computer engineerin...
This paper proposes to join two different approaches: Software Engineering and Semantic Web. The ... more This paper proposes to join two different approaches: Software Engineering and Semantic Web. The first one cames from Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and the second one, from the Ontology Engineering area, more specifically Ontology Learning. The main idea of this work is to accelerate the initial construction of ontologies from knowledge already represented in several different models such as CASE repository or database dictionaries and text, based on standards of MDA for interoperability. In this way, a framework was developed to join these concepts, where the steps sequence to apply it were defined until an initial representations of ontology was obtained.
Pert-urban catchments are characterized by their complexity (hydrological, sociological and geogr... more Pert-urban catchments are characterized by their complexity (hydrological, sociological and geographical processes) as well as their dynamics. Their dynamics depend on the multiplicity of stakeholders, with differing and often conflicting land use representations and strategies. In order to simulate these, it is necessary both innovative methods and computer tools to support their coordination and mediation processes, aiming at an improved, more decentralized and integrated natural resources management. Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and Role-Playing Games (RPG) are methods that have been used for some years to represent this dynamics. Computer tools are implemented using MAS and RPG to integrate the conceptual modelling, allowing to represent and to explore functioning and dynamics through testing of different scenarios. The pert-urban interface provides specific hydrological functions of a city and supports groundwater recharge zones and absorbs rainwater. An example of pert-urban catchment is the Metropolitan Region of Sáo Paulo, that is studied in the Negowat Project (Negotiation of Land and Water Conflicts in Latin America). We have developed a prototype of a computer tool to integrate water management and the actions of the stakeholders. This prototype, called "JogoMan", links MAS and RPG, and its implementation is based on Corms [7], a Multi-Agent Simulator developed at CIRAD (Agricultural Research Developing Countries of France). JogoMan is a simplification of the real phenomena of interaction between the several actors, and it is used as a means of learning and analysis. The goal of Negowat Project is to define a complete conceptual model of the area and its implementation in two levels: local and catchment. In first level, the focus is in the negotiation and interaction of stakeholders, and in the second level, the focus is in multi-agent simulations and its effect in the quality of the water. For both levels, the project researchers will need to have strong linking with the local communities, who can supply many information about the real situation, and therefore being crucial for model construction. One of the project objectives is to use representative groups of people to better understand the functioning of the social and politics processes, and as consequence research will need a direct interaction with local communities. Some interesting questions related with this modelling and its implementation arises, like how one should model social processes in such an approach. K e y w o r d s Agent Based Modelling; Role Playing Games; Simulation 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n Multi-Agent Systems (M AS) is characterized by the study, design and implementation of societies of artificial agents. Logic-based and cognitive science approaches have contributed considerably to its development [6]. Another approach the study of social interaction are the Role-Playing Games (RPG). They have their constitution in social sciences and intend to reveal some aspects of social relationships, allowing the direct observation of interactions among players. By combining together both MAS and RPG, one can join the dynamic capacity of MAS to the capacity of generating discussions by RPG techniques [3]. MAS has been tested in natural resources management [3]. Traditional tools for teaching and training purposes, as RPG, have been successfully used in certain phases of negotiation over water and land-use planning and they have proved to be efficient in facilitating communication on complex real scenarios.
This paper presents a systematic review of the use of Serious Games and Neurofeedback as a suppor... more This paper presents a systematic review of the use of Serious Games and Neurofeedback as a support mechanism for the treatment of individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The review aims to present the methodologically strongest results in this area and to verify whether this alternative is accessible, applicable and effective. This way, the proposed solutions are described and analyzed, pointing out the significant characteristics and limitations of these studies. Results demonstrate the great potential that this technology has as an instrument for monitoring and engagement, as well as providing a reliable and accessible method for cognitive improvement, being a great approach for the social and academic development of individuals with ADHD.
In a fire situation it is known that one of the main causes of deaths is the inhalation of smoke.... more In a fire situation it is known that one of the main causes of deaths is the inhalation of smoke. Therefore, it is essential that at the start of emergency situations people leave quickly to avoid possible injuries. We have investigated the dispersion of smoke in closed places and simulate the crowds' behavior in these situations. This paper aims to present a new proposal to model the smoke dispersion in closed environments using the concept of potential fields joined to cellular automata. To validate the work, a behavioral model for the simulation of people evacuation using the multiagent approach was implemented.
OCC Theory of Emotions is an appraisal cognitive theory in which emotions are seen like a system.... more OCC Theory of Emotions is an appraisal cognitive theory in which emotions are seen like a system. It is to say, this theory explains a possible way about how human emotions are created. If emotions are seen like a system then it is possible to apply a mathematical model. The current state of the art does not provide a mathematical model of OCC Theory of Emotions using category theory. This paper introduces a possible way for a mathematical model of the OCC Theory of Emotions using category theory. The advantage of this mathematical model of emotions is the possibility to have a computational model of it. There are a few of computational models of emotions, but there is no a computational model with a mathematical basis in category theory. One advantage of applying category theory is the presence of optimization techniques. This lies in the conception of category theory itself, as it studies the relation between objects. In this way each emotion is observed like a category and with the concepts of category theory a mathematical structure of the theory of emotions is established.
This paper discusses the construction and the application of ontologies to educational systems in... more This paper discusses the construction and the application of ontologies to educational systems in the Web. The Web in our days, with a huge number of sites, must have a significant change in the search models and the content understanding. For that, it is necessary to develop structured sites, where they use interactive and automatic tools (the idea of a machine-machine interaction). In many domains, it can be an important tool, as educational systems. This "new" web is called Semantic Web, and it uses ontologies to have a formal, explicit and sharing specification of concepts.
Advances in computational intelligence and robotics book series, 2017
The phytoplanktons are organisms that have limited locomotion about the current being drift in aq... more The phytoplanktons are organisms that have limited locomotion about the current being drift in aquatic environment. Another characteristic of phytoplankton their growth and energy are result about photosynthetic process. It is important to emphasize that the phytoplankton is the main primary producer of aquatic environment, it means that, it is the base the aquatic food chain. The organic material produced by phytoplankton is responsible in provide the material and energy which sustains the growth of fish, crustaceans and mollusks, in marine ecosystems. Because of this, it is important to know the factors that interfere with their accumulation in environments mainly in fishing regions. In this way, this study tries to demonstrate the importance of retention time, often caused by hydrological issues, in the variation of phytoplankton biomass in the estuary of the Patos Lagoon (ELP), in Rio Grande/RS. To do that, we created one model that simulates this environment, using techniques of multi-agent-based simulation and its implementation was done with the NetLogo tool.
This paper presents a qualitative study about programming logic teaching in high school, based on... more This paper presents a qualitative study about programming logic teaching in high school, based on the Discourse of Collective Subject. The project where this study is embedded aims to encourage a greater number of students in the areas of engineering and natural sciences, primarily girls. The main goal is to present how the high school students participating in this project understand issues related to computing learning and women inclusion in this area.
Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada, Jul 10, 2022
Resumo O mercado de jogos movimenta bilhões de dólares por ano e está crescendo exponencialmente.... more Resumo O mercado de jogos movimenta bilhões de dólares por ano e está crescendo exponencialmente. O aprendizado por reforço é uma técnica de tentativa e erro que está diretamente relacionada a esse mercado. Assim, o estudo dessas técnicas em jogos populares torna-se relevante, como o estudo de caso deste projeto, o jogo Pac-man. Este trabalho tem como objetivo utilizar métricas para validar os resultados obtidos na simulação de algoritmos de aprendizado por reforço e sua validação baseada em algumas métricas, como recompensadas ganhas pelo agente, a exploração do ambiente, sua completude e o tempo de cada simulação. Vários testes foram realizados com cada algoritmo testado e os resultados demonstram que para ambientes com comportamentos com imprevisibilidade, o aprendizado por reforço tende a demorar muito a convergir.
Este artigo apresenta a proposta de treinamento da habilidade lógica em estudantes de ensino médi... more Este artigo apresenta a proposta de treinamento da habilidade lógica em estudantes de ensino médio e sua análise baseada na neurociências. O foco da pesquisa está em verificar diferenças de gênero, ou seja, se as habilidades para as áreas de ciências exatas e engenharias podem ser ampliadas em meninas, e como essas atividades podem ser validadas a nível fisiológico, segundo a plasticidade cerebral. Palavras-chave: Computação, Lógica, Neurociência This paper presents a proposal for training of logical skill in high school students and its analysis based on neuroscience. The focus of the research is to ascertain gender differences, i.e., if the skills in the areas of engineering and sciences can be increased in girls, and how these activities can be validated at the physiological level, according to brain plasticity.
Scientific Journal of Applied Social and Clinical Science, Dec 1, 2022
All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attributio... more All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
The great number of researches about local features extraction algorithms in the last years, alli... more The great number of researches about local features extraction algorithms in the last years, allied to the popularization of mobile devices, makes desirable efficient and accurate algorithms suitable to run on such devices. Despite this, there are few approaches adequate to run efficiently on the complexity-, cost-and power-constrained mobile environments. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of the recently proposed BRISK algorithm on mobile devices. In this way, a mobile implementation, named M-BRISK, is proposed. Some implementation strategies are considered and successful applied to execute the algorithm in a real-world mobile device. As evaluation criterion repeatability, recall, precision and running time metrics are used, as well as the comparison with the classical well established algorithm SURF and also with the more recently proposed ORB. The results confirm that proposed mobile implementation of BRISK (M-BRISK) performs well and it is adequate to mobile devices.
Advances in computational intelligence and robotics book series, 2017
The objective of this paper is to reflect on our experience in a serious game research project, n... more The objective of this paper is to reflect on our experience in a serious game research project, named SimParc, about multi-agent support for participatory management of protected areas for biodiversity conservation and social inclusion. Our project has a clear filiation with the MAS-RPG methodology developed by the ComMod action-research community, where multi-agent simulation (MAS) computes the dynamics of the resources and role-playing game (RPG) represents the actions and dialogue between stakeholders about the resources. We have explored some specific directions, such as: dialogue support for negotiation; argumentation-based decision making and its explanation; technical assistance to the players based on viability modeling. In our project, multi-agent based simulation focuses on the negotiation process itself, performed by human players and some artificial participants/agents, rather than on the simulation of the resources dynamics. Meanwhile, we have also reintroduced the modeling of the socioecosystem dynamics, but as a local technical assistance/analysis tool for the players.
A minha mãe Maria, minha irmã Luciana e minha madrinha Ires pelo apoio em todos os momentos de mi... more A minha mãe Maria, minha irmã Luciana e minha madrinha Ires pelo apoio em todos os momentos de minha vida, desde o início e sempre. Com certeza, sem estas maravilhosas mulheres, eu nunca teria chegado ao final de mais esta etapa. Aos meus grandes amigos do LTI (melhor dizendo "LTIanos"): Valguima, Valdinei,
The growing use of chemicals in plantations and high use of car/trucks are being a problem to be ... more The growing use of chemicals in plantations and high use of car/trucks are being a problem to be fought all over the globe. In this paper, we present the theoretical basis and the creation of a game that is going to be used with the Committee of the Mirim Lagoon and of the Sao Goncalo River (Brazil), where each member are going to play the role of others members to better understand their actions and to make better decisions to the regional resources. In this way, the game was created physically, where, after every stage, the actions were transferred to be calculated by a JAVA software (methodologically defined each role as an agent) on a computer, returning the results to the players in printed papers. Further, a graphical interface will be implemented in the calculation program and, starting from that, a computational version of the game will be created. Besides that, random roles are going to be played with intelligent agents.
This work presents a study of Multi-agents Systems, Computational Simulation and Emotions. From t... more This work presents a study of Multi-agents Systems, Computational Simulation and Emotions. From the study of these three areas, a prototype of a framework for simulation of agents with emotions was developed.
Papers by Diana Adamatti