Monday, I received my second knee replacement from Dr. David Fox. Yep, this has been my “seasons of surgery” year. If you recall, from previous posts, I was scheduled for knee replacement surgery on June 5th, 2017... but instead, Breast Cancer reared it’s ugly head... and I’ve said enough about that to last a lifetime!
Got up early Monday, and got to the hospital at 5:30! Surgery was promptly at 8am. I was #2 on Dr. Fox’s list of 7 patients, scheduled for either hip or the dreaded knee replacement. He has a method. He does all the knees first, left then right... then he does the hips.. all the left then the right! The man is legendary as a machine. Honestly, he has terrible bedside manner, unless you like docs that are snarky and arrogant. Fortunately for me, I love both! I did throw a pillow at him in my room this week though!? Whattttt???!!!???!!!?!?!
The first day was pretty bad... lots of pain narcotics, given through the i.v., while we figure out which pills are best for me! By Tuesday evening I was sleeping soundly in between hobbled walks to the restroom and the occasional “I need to get... blood... temp... oxygen count... blood pressure...”, you know the drill. To make things worse, I wore the pink band telling all personnel that the right arm was off limits due to recent breast cancer/ lymp node surgery.... my poor left arm is battered and bruised!
I’m home now... 5 short days post surgery." Hooked up to the OptiFlex machine for a min 6-hours per day... resting my foot in the “boot” for 6-8 hours per day... walking indoors 15-30 minutes per day... knee leg exercises (about 10 of them) 10 to20 Times each, twice a day... sigh... I’m tired... but hey...
2017 is almost gone, and 2018 is just around the corner.
I am ready for that too, are you....? So, how was your year?
Wishing you all the best in the upcoming year! That you will be blessed beyond measure, and that “Life will treat you good”. LOVE from Down Here in French Lique..
Create, Bake, Grow & Gather Party #666
1 day ago