Y8 French 2020
Y8 French 2020
Y8 French 2020
Leisure and Media
TV Genres Film Genres
les dessins animés Cartoons les comédies Comedies
les documentaires Documentaries les films d’action Action films
les émissions de sport Sports shows les films d’amour Romantic films
les émissions de télé- Reality TV les films d’arts martiaux Martial arts films
réalité Programmes
les émissions musicales Music shows les films d’aventure Adventure films
les infos The news les films fantastiques Fantasy films
les jeux télévisés Games shows les films d’horreur Horror films
la météo The weather les films de science-fiction Sci-fi films
Adjectives Literature
je trouve ça … I find it… je lis … I read….
amusant Funny une BD a comic
assez bien Quite good un livre d’épouvante A thriller
barbant Boring un magazine sur les A celebrity/glossy magazine
chouette Great un manga A manga/animé
effrayant Scary un roman fantastique A fantasy novel
émouvant Moving un roman policier A crime novel
ennuyeux Boring un roman d’amour A love story
Revision: Learning objective: Students will be able to consolidate key grammar
which is essential for further study.
4-Read these blogs. Who makes the following statements? Put a tick in
the correct column.
5-Read this description of Abdoul and fill in the missing words. Choose
from those given.
généreux chips grand yeux cheveux portable violence Abdoul
J’ai les (2) ______________ bruns et longs. Je suis intelligent et (3) . J’aime
les jeux vidéo mais je n’aime pas la (4) , c’est nul. Dans mon sac, il y a
-Write two linked sentences about yourself (Use et/mais -and /but)
Lesson title : Les émissions de télé (8.1.1) Unit 1-Lesson :1
Learning objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to identify television
programs and some details relating to this context (time, what people watch or do not watch)
1-Do now: Vocabulary recall French to English
Moi j’aime beaucoup : _________________________
étudier l’histoire: _________________________
manger à la cantine : _________________________
Jouer au tennis : _________________________
mon emploi du temps : _________________________
arriver en classe à neuf heures : _________________________
bavarder en classe : _________________________
2-Match the
1-Do now: pictures torecall
Vocabulary the programs
French to English
Moi j’aime beaucoup : _________________________
une émission / policière 7/ dramatique --/ sur la nature --/ de sport-- / comique --/ de musique --
étudier l’histoire: _________________________
une série
manger / :de
à la cantine variétés --/ de cuisine--
Jouer au tennis : _________________________
Un documentaire-- / talk-show-- / jeu --- / dessin animé-- / feuilleton--
mon emploi du temps : _________________________
la publicité -- / la météo --/ les informations ---
arriver en classe à neuf heures : _________________________
3 4 6 8
1 2
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
4-Key Grammar:
Je=I Tu=You il=He Elle=She
What do these phrases mean in English
Je regarde : ------------ Tu regardes: ------------ Il regarde: --------------- Elle regarde: ------------
Ne …pas=not ne ….jamais :never
Je ne regarde pas : I do not watch Je ne regarde jamais: I never watch
5-Key activity: Reading Comprehension
Read the infomation about programs then write the time of the program each person will watch
Lesson title: Ma passion pour le cinéma (8.1.2) Unit 1 Lesson : 2
Learning objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to give opinions on tv programs
2-Reading Compréhension : Read the information then answer the questions in English
J’aime regarder les séries américaines tous les jours parce qu’elles
sont amusantes. Ma série préférée est Stranger Things. C’est genial!
Pourtant, je déteste les documentaires parce qu’ils sont trop
Moi, je regarde souvent les jeux télévisés et les infos parce qu’ils
sont éducatifs. J’aime aussi les émissions de télé-réalité parce
qu’elles sont passionnantes. Je regarde «The Apprentice» chaque
4-Using intensifiers: Read the grid and fill in the gaps with: (assez, =quite/
J’aime regarder les jeux télévisés parce que c’est assez amusant
6-Fill in the Identity Cards for each the two people
Quiz 1: Circle the correct answer for each question
6. What does “Mon émission préférée est Les Simpsons” mean in English?
a. I like The Simpsons
b. My favourite programme is The Simpsons
c. I prefer The Simpsons
7. Complete the sentence: “Je regarde les infos ________ c’est intéressant”
a. parce que
b. mais
c. et
Lesson title: Les sortes de films (8.2.1) Unit 2 Lesson 1
Learning objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to identify films and related
1-Do now :Translate the phrases using the correct endings of the present tense:
I watch = ___________
You watch = __________
We watch = ___________
They (masculine) watch = ____________
Stretch: State what you normally watch on TV.
un western a Western
2-Key Activity -Read the text ; Are the statements true or false
True or False
1- ______
2- ______
3- ______
4- ______
5- ______
6- ______
3-Rreading Comprehension: Tariq or Vincent?
5-Read the text and use the information to write sentences
1-Tiki adore____________________________________________
Lesson title: Mon opinion sur les films (8.2.2) Unit 2 Lesson 2
Learning objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to give opinions on films by
using idiomatic expressions with “avoir “ and “être”
2-Match the pronoun to the correct part of the verb avoir, Make full sentences:
4-Answer the questions in French in full sentences using the table above.
5-Writing : Tu écris un email a un ami français au sujet du cinéma.
Décris :
• quand tu vas au cinéma normalement
• avec qui tu vas au cinéma
• le genre de films que tu aimes/ que tu n’aimes pas
• ton film préféré
Instructions in English
Writing You write an email to a French friend about going to the cinema.
Quiz 2: Circle the correct answer for each question
3. Complete the sentence: “J’ai une _________ pour les films d’arts martiaux”
a. passion
b. aime
c. fan
6. What does “Mon film préféré est Harry Potter” mean in English?
a. I like Harry Potter
b. My favourite film is Harry Potter
c. I prefer Harry Potter
10) Translate into French: “I watch adventure films because they are exciting”
a. Je regarde les films d’aventure parce qu’ils sont passionnants
b. Je regarde les films d’aventure parce qu’ils sont marrants
c. Je regarde les films d’aventure parce qu’ils sont stupides
Lesson title : La lecture (8.3.1) Year 8 Unit 3 Lesson 1
Learning objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to give opinions about their
reading habits
Grammar: Today, we are learning the verb “To read” in the present tense. (To read= Lire)
Lire To read J’aime lire= I like to read/I
like reading
Je lis I read Je n’aime pas lire = I don’t
like to read/I don’t like
Tu lis You (singular) read
Il lit/Elle lit He reads/she reads
Nous lisons We read
Vous lisez You (plural) read
Ils lisent They (masculine) read
/elles lisent /They(feminine) read
3-Translate the following phrases into French
Opinions in French
Read the opinions above about reading
J’aime lire les romans d’amour, mais je n’aime pas lire les mangas. Miriam
Je lis souvent les romans fantastiques parce qu’ils sont passionnants. Éloise
Je préfère lire les livres traditionels. Je n’aime pas lire sur une tablette. Thomas
Je lis les BD une fois par semaine parce qu’elles sont amusantes. David
4-Who says what about reading? Write Miriam, Éloise, Thomas, David.
You can use the names more than once.
a. ____________doesn’t like reading mangas
b. ____________ prefers reading traditional books
c. ____________ reads comic books once a week
d. ____________ likes reading romance novels
e. ____________ doesn’t like reading on a tablet
Lesson title: Mon opinion sur les films (8.2.2) Unit 2 Lesson 2
Learning objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to formulate sentences about
reading habits.
2-Copy and replace the pictures with words or phrases to make sentences
about reading
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
5-Writing : Tu écris sur un forum au sujet du la lecture. Décris :
• Ce que tu lis normalement
• Ce que tu penses des romans fantastiques
• le genre de romans que tu aimes/ que tu n’aimes pas
• ton livre préféré
Instructions in English
Writing You write on a forum about about reading
Quiz 3: Circle the correct answer for each question
La Tour Eiffel
The Eiffel Tower - la Tour Eiffel - was designed by: architect Stephen
Sauvestre, engineers Maurice Koechlin and Emile Nouguier, and the con-
struction company of Gustave Eiffel after whom it is named.
It was constructed between 1887 and 1889.
It is a wrought iron tower standing 324 metres (1063 feet) high beside the River
Seine on an area of land called le Champ-de-Mars in Paris.
Until 1930, it was the tallest building in the world. Today, it is the tallest building in
Paris. It has a total weight of 10,100 tons and is nicknamed La Dame de Fer mean-
ing The Iron Lady.
Approximately seven million people visit the tower each year, making it one of the
most visited monuments in the world.
Its address is: 5, avenue Anatole-France, Paris. The post code is 75007
The tower was originally built as a 'temporary gateway' to L'Exposition Uni-
verselle: - an Expo fair which was held in Paris in the year 1889. The theme for the
fair was the centenary of the start of the French Revolution (1789).
A competition had been held to find the best design for the special event and, out of
107 submitted projects, it was la Tour Eiffel that was the winner! In fact, the tower
had permission to remain standing for no longer than twenty years, so it was de-
signed to be easily dismantled.
At first, many people considered it to be an ugly construction and complained that it
ruined Paris.
A large group of artists and writers wrote an open letter to the organiser of the fair to
protest against it. The letter was entitled Les Artistes Contre La Tour Eiffel -
Artists Against The Eiffel Tower. They really hated it!
The writer Guy de Maupassant was one of the many people who hated the tower
when it was first built. It is a famous fact that Guy regularly ate lunch in the restau-
rant of the Tower. When asked why he visited the restaurant so frequently if he
hated the tower so much, he replied:
- C'est le seul endroit de la ville où je ne la vois pas.
'It is the only place in town where I do not see it.'
When it was discovered that the tower makes an excellent radio antenna, the city of
Paris decided not to dismantle it. Nowadays, it is still used for radio transmission
and has an aerial mast at the very top.
At night, the tower is lit up.
If you aren't scared of the 324 metres height, there is an excellent view of the city of
Investigation: The Eiffel Tower