Avinox BE61 Inch

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Avinox® BE61

For installation information please refer to the tooling overview and manuals on our website www.avdel-global.com.
Pour les conditions de pose, merci de vous référer à la description de l’outil et aux manuels disponibles sur notre site Web.
Angaben zur Verarbeitung entnehmen Sie bitte der Geräteübersicht und den Betriebsanleitungen auf unserer Website.
Per informazioni sull‘installazione preghiamo consultare i manuali e la panoramica degli attrezzi sul nostro sito web.
Para ver información sobre máquinas de colocación, consulte nuestra página web, apartados visión general de máquinas y manuales.

English Français Deutsch Italiano Español

Dome head Tête plate Flachrundkopf Testa tonda Cabeza alomada
Body: Stainless steel* Corps: Inox* Hülse: Edelstahl* Corpo: Acciaio inox* Cuerpo: Acero inoxidable*
Polished Poli Blank Lucido Pulido
Stem: Stainless steel** Tige: Inox** Dorn: Edelstahl** Gambo: Acciaio inox** Vástago: Acero inoxidable**
Natural Brut Unbehandelt Nessuna finitura Natural
*: BS 3111 394S17, Werkstoff 1.4567
**: BS 3111 321S31, AISI 321, Werkstoff 1.4541 / AISI 304, Werkstoff 1.4301

ø M B D E Part No/ref

nom. min. max. min. max. max. max. max. max. lbf1) 2) lbf1)
.039 .118 .360 360 0BE61-00408
.118 .197 .130 .134 .460 .260 .043 .083 382 450 0BE61-00411
(3.2 mm)
.197 .276 .560 719 0BE61-00414
.039 .118 .410 629 0BE61-00509
.118 .197 .161 .169 .510 .315 .059 .102 1169 899 0BE61-00512
(4.0 mm)
.197 .276 .620 1169 0BE61-00516
.059 .138 .510 0BE61-00611
3/16" .138 .236 .610 0BE61-00614
.193 .201 .378 .059 .126 1236 1124
(4.8 mm) .236 .335 .730 0BE61-00618
.276 .394 .780 0BE61-00619
all dimensions in inches / en pouces / alle Maße in Zoll / in pollici / en pulgadas
1) typical values / valeurs moyennes / typische Werte / Valori tipici / resistencias máximas recomendadas
2) includes stem in shear plane, where applicable / Avec présence de la tige dans le plan de cisaillement / mit Restdorn in Scherebene, wo
zutreffend / Include il gambo nel taglio piano, dove applicabile / Cuando esté incluido el vástago en la zona de cortadura

www.avdel-global.com © 2010 Infastech, Rev. 02.2012

Avinox® is a trademark of Avdel UK Limited
Data shown is subject to change without prior notice as a result of continuous product development and improvement policy.
Your local Avdel representative is at your disposal should you need to confirm latest information.

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