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SALVE REGINA (Simple Tone)

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CMAA 2012
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Source: Parish Book of Chant

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CMAA 2012

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V ENI C REATOR S PIRITUS , in Honor of the Holy Spirit

Vv zb db z b z f v b v zb v e s b zv b db v z r d v z b v z h
à v
E-ni Cre- á-tor Spí- ri-tus, Mentes tu- ó-rum ví- si-
b j b v b v hb v
. z b { z v h v b v d
Ý v z b v f v zb hb v z u h v z b v z j
á zb v z b k b b ÷
Vbbvjb.v ]zbvhvbv vzIJ vbzvygb vbrdbzvHUvzb vzbÝdbvzbfv hb.vzb {bzvYG v zbfvbz bzesvbz fb vbzfgfzb vÝdz b vsb bvdbmvb}zó
ta: Imple su-pérna grá-ti- a Quæ tu cre- ásti pécto-ra.

Vzzbvzbdb zb zfvzbvesb zvbdbvzbvz rdvzb àhz vbjbvbvhb.vzb {z vhvbvÝdv bfvbz bhbz vz uhvbvzájzbv vz bz kb bz jb.v vb]bzö
Qui dí-ce- ris Pa- rácli-tus, Altíssimi do-num De- i,

Vbvhv zbv vIJ vbzvygbz bvbrdzb vHUvzb vzbdÝ bvzb fvbvhb.vzb {bz bYG v z bvzbfvzb esvbz fbvbzfgfzb vÝdzvz bz bsb b dbmvz}zbó
Fons vi-vus, i-gnis, cá-ri- tas, Et spi-ri- tá-lis úncti- o.

Vzbvzbdb zb zfvzbvesb zvbdbvbvz rdvz bz àhzb vbjbvbvhb.vzb {z vhvbz bvÝdv bz z bfbvbzbhbz vz uhvb vzájzb vbkb b zjb.vz b]zö
Tu septi- fórmis múne-re, Dígitus pa-térnæ déxte-ræ,

Vbbvhv vIJ vbvygbz bvbrdzb vHUvb zbÝdbv vz bz bfz bvhb.vzb {b zb YG vbz bvzbfvb zesvb zbfbvbzfgfzb zb vÝdzvzb sb b bdbmvzb}zbó
Tu ri-te pro-míssum Patris, Sermóne di-tans gúttu-ra.

Vzbzdb zb z fzbvzbvesb z bdb vz rdvz bz àhzb vbjb bvhb.vzb {zb zhbvzb zÝdv bz vbz bfbvb z bhbvbz uhvzb vzájzb vbkb bzjb.vz ]zö
Accénde lumen sénsibus, Infúnde amó-rem córdibus,

Vbbvbhv vIJ vbvzbygbz bvbrdzb vHUvb bz Ýdbvzb bfbz bvhb.vzb {b zb YG vb zbfvb zesvb zbfbvz bzfgfzb z b vÝdzvz b sb b dbmvzb}zbó
Infírma nostri córpo-ris Virtú-te firmans pérpe-ti.

Vbzb db b zfz bz vzb esb z bdb z zrdvzbz àhzb zvbjb bvhb.vzb {zb zhbvbz Ýdv v zb bfb vb zhvbz uhvbz b vzájzb vbkb b z jb.vz b]zö
Hostem re-péllas lóngi- us, Pa-cémque dones pró-ti-nus:

Vbvbhv vIJ vb z bygb bvbrdzb vHUvb bz bz Ýdbvzb fbz bvbhb.vzb {b zb YG vb zbfvb zbesvb zbfbz bvz bzfgfzb vÝdzvzbsb b dbmvz }z b ó
Ductó-re sic te prǽ-vi- o Vi-témus omne nó-xi- um.
Vzbzdb b zfz bz bz esb z bdb zb zrdb z bz àhzb zvbjb bvhb.vzb vb{z b z hbvbz Ýdv vfb bz bhv zb z uhbvb vzájzb vbkb bz jb.vz b ]zö
Per te sci- ámus da Patrem, Noscámus atque Fí- li- um,

Vvbhv vjz b kvbz ygbvbrdz b zbvHUvb z bz bÝdb zbfb vbhb.vzb z b{b bz bYG vb zfvb zbesvb bfbz z b zfgfzb bÝdz zbvz bsb b dbm b}zó
Teque utri- úsque Spí-ri-tum Credámus omni témpo-re.

Vbvzbdbz bzfbv zbvesb zvbdbvbz rdbzv z àhv bjbvbzhb.vzb {bz vhvbvb vÝdvz bfvzb hbvz v zbjvbz hvbz bvzájzbvzbkb b jb.vb ]bö
De- o Pa-tri sit gló-ri- a, Et Fí-li- o, qui a mórtu- is

VbvhvbvzIJ vb zygb b rdbz bz vHUvbzÝdb vzbfvbvhb.vzb{bzvYG v z bzfvb zesvb fb vbzfgfzb bvÝdz bvsb bz dbmz b}zvbdfdv zSEbNM }
Surré-xit, ac Pa-rácli-to, In sæcu-ló-rum sǽcu-la. A-men.
Come Creator Spirit, visit the souls of Thy people, fill with grace from on high
the hearts which Thou hast created. 2. Thou Who art called the Comforter, gift
of the most high God, living fountain, fire, love and unction of souls.
3. Sevenfold in Thy gifts, finger of the Father’s right hand, Thou promised truly
by the Father, giving speech to tongues. 4. Inflame our senses with Thy light,
pour Thy love into our hearts, strengthen our weak bodies with lasting power.
5. Drive far away the enemy, grant peace at all times: so under Thy guidance
may we avoid all evil. 6. Grant us by Thee to know the Father and to know the
Son, and Thee, Spirit of both, may we always believe. 7. To God the Father be
glory, to the Son Who rose from the dead and to the Comforter, for all ages.
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REGINA CAELI (Simple Tone)

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W$% Source: Parish!"%$
Book of Chant

$ CMAA 2012
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Kyrie XII, “Pater cuncta”
Gregorian Missal p 116


Literal Translation
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.

antoinedaniel.org - St Antoine Daniel Gregorian Chant Ordinaries

Gloria XII, “Pater cuncta”
Gregorian Missal p 117

Literal Translation
Glory in the highest to God. And
on earth peace to men of good
will. We praise you. We bless
you. We worship you. We give you
glory. We thank you on account
of the greatness of your glory.
Lord God, King of Heaven, God
the Father all-powerful. Lord
only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of
the Father, Who takes away the
sin of the world, have mercy on
us. Who takes away the sin of the
world, receive our supplications.
Who sits at the right hand of the
Father, have mercy on us. For you
alone are holy. You alone are the
Lord. You alone are most high,
Jesus Christ. With the Holy
Spirit, in the glory of God the
Father. Amen.

antoinedaniel.org - St Antoine Daniel Gregorian Chant Ordinaries

Sanctus XII, “Pater cuncta”
Gregorian Missal p 118


Literal Translation
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts. Full are heaven and earth of your Glory.
Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

antoinedaniel.org - St Antoine Daniel Gregorian Chant Ordinaries

Agnus Dei XII, “Pater cuncta”
Gregorian Missal p 118


Literal Translation
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of
God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, who
takes away the sin of the world, grant us peace.

antoinedaniel.org - St Antoine Daniel Gregorian Chant Ordinaries

Kyrie IX, “Cum jubilo”, on solemnities & feasts of Our Lady
Gregorian Missal p 106


Literal Translation
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.

antoinedaniel.org - St Antoine Daniel Gregorian Chant Ordinaries

Gloria IX, “Cum jubilo” on solemnities & feasts of Our Lady
Gregorian Missal p 1037

Literal Translation
Glory in the highest to God. And
on earth peace to men of good
will. We praise you. We bless
you. We worship you. We give you
glory. We thank you on account
of the greatness of your glory.
Lord God, King of Heaven, God
the Father all-powerful. Lord
only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of
the Father, Who takes away the
sin of the world, have mercy on
us. Who takes away the sin of the
world, receive our supplications.
Who sits at the right hand of the
Father, have mercy on us. For you
alone are holy. You alone are the
Lord. You alone are most high,
Jesus Christ. With the Holy
Spirit, in the glory of God the
Father. Amen.

antoinedaniel.org - St Antoine Daniel Gregorian Chant Ordinaries

Sanctus IX, “Cum jubilo” on solemnities & feasts of Our Lady
Gregorian Missal p 107


Literal Translation
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts. Full are heaven and earth of your Glory.
Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

antoinedaniel.org - St Antoine Daniel Gregorian Chant Ordinaries

Agnus Dei IX, “Cum jubilo” on solemnities & feasts of Our Lady
Gregorian Missal p 109


Literal Translation
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of
God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, who
takes away the sin of the world, grant us peace.

antoinedaniel.org - St Antoine Daniel Gregorian Chant Ordinaries

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